Hi community members!

I'm trying to deploy a container based on IRIS Community for Health ML image available from this url but when I start the container the memory consumption skyrockets to 99% making impossible to work with the instance (it never goes below the 95% of the memory). When I do the same with the IRIS Community for Health image it never goes over 80% of memory.

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Hey Intersystems-Developer,

I have already used that and know its possible, but can't find it anymore :(

I need dynamic access on proxy objects. For example:

set key = "lastName"

set name = obj.name

set lastName = obj.key <- Not possible

set lastName = obj.GetAt(key) <- Not possible

How can I get access to that object with my dynamic variable "key" ?

Best regards.

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Good morning, I have a ZEN application being served up through a CSPGateWay. That ZEN application is made up of two ZEN pages. One ZEN page uses a zenLink to call the other ZEN page(see below #1). The ZEN page that is called contains a tab group with one tab. That tab contains a tif image. I have components on the called ZEN page that execute JavaScript to perform simple image manipulations - zoom and rotate(see below #2). Those simple image manipulations have stopped working.

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In Atelier when resolving conflicts with the server the screen shows the Local copy and Server copy and the differences, but depending on where the difference is you cannot tell what what the document is, you need to scroll to the top to see what it is before deciding what to do. It should indicate the class or routine name beside "Conflicting Server documents"

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I am using the %Net.HttpRequest class to download a file from the internet .using the following code. When a file is returned in the DOM I am able to read the file content and save it to the desired location but when my response is a download dialog nothing is returned in the HttpResponse. Am I doing something wrong here is where I have gotten to so far any help appreciated.

current code

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I would like to know if an encrypted caché database can run significantly slower than a normal "unencrypted" database, in a way that is noticeable to the end user (e.g. slower response time for most pages, especially the ones that rely on read/writing to globals).

I searched in Intersystems knowledge base and couldn't find anything related. I'm looking for possible before/after benchmarks.

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When manually coding REST services and using GET /api/mgmnt/v1/:namespace/spec/:application/ to return an OpenAPI spec, how do you specify supported properties (OpenAPI Properties in Use | Creating REST Services | InterSystems IRIS Data Platform 2021.1) like responses, definitions, and information in paths like summary and description?

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Does any one could tell me how can I access the target properties from inside SQL in DTL Subtransform? For example, if I use the following statement:

SELECT ID INTO :target.SetIDPID FROM firstlook.person WHERE FirstName = 'Paul' - as said in documentation :

  SELECT Name INTO :target.Name FROM MainFrame.EmployeeRecord WHERE SSN = :source.SSN AND City = :source.Home.City

I get an Error: ERROR <Ens>ErrException: <PROPERTY DOES NOT EXIST>

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How to understand what's wrong with compilation if the compilator just hides errors?

Compilation started on 05/15/2023 15:58:11 with qualifiers 'cuk'

Detected 1 errors during compilation in 0.003s.

Compilation started on 05/15/2023 15:58:32 with qualifiers 'cuk'

Detected 1 errors during compilation in 0.002s.

Compilation started on 05/15/2023 15:58:51 with qualifiers 'cuk'

Detected 40 errors during compilation in 0.089s.

40 errors, and what do I have to do with this so valuable information?

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