· Jun 17, 2020

PDF Display from DeepSee UserPortal doesn't work

Hello Community,

I hope you are well.
I encounter a problem on IRIS for Unix 2020.1  when I try to create a PDF from a simple Dashboard on Deepsee : 

When I click on this widget , a tab appear and is loading for ~30 seconds, then shows 'error loading the PDF File ' :



I am also using DeepSee Web, and i encounter a problem if I try to Export the graph as a PDF : 


Is there a link between both problem ? ( If I fix the print widget, the PDF Export will also be fixed ? ) 

I found someone having the same problem but she fixed it :
I checked in the mgr/Temp file , and i have the "widget.xsl" file generated, but no "widget.pdf"  .

I also tried to execute the following command on  my  docker container : 
 /usr/irissys/fop/fop -fo test.xsl -pdf test.pdf -c /usr/irissys/fop/conf/fop.xconf 

But it results as an error : 
Caused by: org.w3c.dom.DOMException: The current document is unable to create an element of the requested type (namespace:, name: svg:link).   

Do you have any suggestion on how to debugg the PDF generation ? 

Thank you in advance.
I wish you a good day 


Lucas Bourré

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Hi Lucas,

This looks to me like a bug in InterSystems FO generation.  You should contact the InterSystems WRC.

I see the following code in the FO:

<svg:link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" id="dark-mode-general-link"  />
<svg:link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" id="dark-mode-custom-link"  />
<!--  SVGStyle: %ZEN.SVGComponent.svgPage  -->
<!--  SVGStyle:  -->
<!--  SVGStyle: %DeepSee.UserPortal.standardPage  -->
<!--  SVGStyle: %DeepSee.UserPortal.DashboardViewer  -->
<!--  SVGDef: %ZEN.SVGComponent.svgPage  -->

While the comments are fine, the svg:link element should not be there.  Something else should be there instead.

HTML has a link elment and it looks like svg:link is supposed to be an HTML element, or maybe the generation for HTML intruded into the generation for PDF.

I fixed the problem with the support.
The XSL file was containing 'svg:link' because it was generated from my browser, which contain a 'Dark Mode' plug-in .
Then the FOP was unable to convert the SVG into a PDF, because the SVG il build from the HTML content of my browser.

After disabling the Dark Mode Plug-in , my PDF is now printing properly.
Best regards,

Lucas Bourré

Hello Evgeny, 
I still have some problem with DSW export but this is not related to this problem.

I have some error with the ##class(%Net.Remote.Utility).RunCommandViaZF()  command from the ReportGenerator, this one use the following line : 
Set pRetCode = $ZF(-100,cmdFlags,pCmd,.pCmdArgs)

This line returns a <NOTOPEN> Error.
A temporary file is created, but empty.

The $system.OS.ProcessError() returned  <2> No such file or directory.

I tried to manually create the file and launch in the Terminal the following command, but it didn't work : $ZF(-100,"/STDOUT=""/tmp/fichier.txt""/STDERR=""/tmp/fichier.txt""","echo toto")  

I'm still investigating the problem, I keep you informed !