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· Mar 12, 2019
String to date

I am trying to convert a string to date but can not get it to work I have function that I would like to take in a date string and covert it to date object

here is the ezample so far can not get it to work any help appreciated

set p="12/03/2019"
w $System.SQL.TODATE(p,"YYYY-MM-DD")
<ILLEGAL VALUE>todate+32^%qarfunc

if I try this still get the wrong value returned

set p="12/03/2019" 
w $ZDATE(p,3)
0 6
0 3.1K

I have an imported WSDL from SalesForce and I am trying to send a login-request to the SalesForce-servers via InterSystems. The login requires a username and a password in the body, and an organizationId in the header. I am having trouble filling the organizationId in the header.

Via SoapUI I can send a successfull message to the SalesForce-servers. The message should look like this:

0 4
0 3K
· Jul 17, 2017
Connecting to a web service


I am new to coding web services and trying to connect to an API that returns its format in xml or json.

I have a class as follows.. when I run I get back a 6059 in my status - Unable to open TCP/IP socket to server

Can someone help me identify what I am missing? Thanks

0 12
0 3K

Hi, Is there a way to count the number of segments in a HL7 Mesage? I tried the examples from the other answers but nothing works for me.

I am writing a function to get the last OBX segment field value 5. Below is a sample screenshot of what I want.

The number of obx segments can change, so I want to count the last obx segment and then get the field 5 value.

Would appreciate some guidance on this.

0 10
0 2.9K


I want to access a Stored Procedure in a remote SQL Server Database. I am quite new to Object script.

The stored procedure has 3 parameters: 2 datetime parameters and 1 integer.

Which is the best way to do that? I'm wondering if I can use the link stored procedure feature inside object script or some SQL statement in Object Script.

This SP returns a set of rows which I want to read, transform and save in a persistent class.

Thanks in advance,

0 18
0 2.9K
· Aug 16, 2017

I try to run below two statements

Set tRS = ##class(%ResultSet).%New("%Dictionary.ClassDefinition:SubclassOf")
​set tSC = tRS.Execute("%Persistent")

and I always get <PROTECT>check+5^%Dictionary.ClassDefinitionQuery.1

The login user is _SYSTEM and should have all the permissions.

I cannot run queries in the $SYSTEM.SQL.Shell(). I would get <PROTECT>%GenerateMetadata+16^%SQL.StatementMetadata.1

However, when I run the query through SMP, everything is fine.

Any idea where could I start to investigate ?


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0 2.8K
· Oct 30, 2016
ISCAgent debug

Good day!
Is there an opportunity to debug the ISCAgent behaviour (in Linux)? ISCAgent uses /etc/iscagent/iscagent.conf as configuration file, but in docs I've found a description only for two parameters (port number and interface - Other parameters I can see by running /usr/local/etc/cachesys/ISCAgentCtrl status:

1 8
0 2.8K
· Dec 17, 2018
Adding fault to a wsdl


The fault message definition is missing from my service WSDL. I would like to add these bold styled text to my WSDL. How can I do that? The aim is when I get the WSDL of MyService with ?wsdl URL the response contains the bold styled text.

For example:

0 3
0 2.8K