· Jul 28, 2023
Code Golf: Parenthesis

Our previous code golf ended with an overwhelming win, so now it's time for another one.
Parenthesis Hell is a Lisp-like esoteric programming language(esolang).
As a Lisp-like language, the code consists only of nested matched pairs of opened and closed parenthesis.
Your task is to write a method that receives a string of parenthesis and returns 1 if the order of the parenthesis is valid. For example, the string of parenthesis (())() is valid because it contains a matched pair of opened and closed parenthesis at each position. The string ()((()))) is not valid because it contains one unmatched parenthesis.

5 37
0 662

For all docker versions we have direct download links.

Like on our repository or on docker hub :

However, there is no direct link to download the installable (non docker) versions.

I propose you these two scripts to solve this need, the first one is with the wget command, the other one in curl.

5 1
4 385

Hi everybody!

Many developers prefer a dark version of applications. Not surprisingly, @Guillaume Rongier posted an idea of making a dark version for the Developer Community.

So we look forward to hearing from you.

Please send us your feedback by using this Poll on the Ideas Portal, and by voting and commenting on the relevant idea.

Thank you in advance for your votes and have a good day!

5 6
0 262

Hi everyone!

The other day I was reflecting on the possibilities that FHIR brings us in the world of interoperability and electronic medical records and it gave me mixed feelings, let me explain, first a small introduction.


As you well know, FHIR is based on parameterizing a series of concepts that it calls resources in JSON or XML format with the intention of covering the most common cases within the healthcare environment, relying on HTTP communications to cover CRUD and query functionalities.

5 15
1 667

Hi Developers!

Thank you for using ZPM Package Manager and contributing more and more useful packages to the public registry!

But as you already aware ZPM packages are always deployed with source code.

Do you think we need to add the option to deploy without source code - e.g. if you want to deploy a commercial package?

Will you develop commercial modules if there will be an option and deploy it with ZPM?

How do you deploy commercial applications today?

4 10
0 266
· Jul 31, 2019
CodeGolf: FizzBuzz

Let's have a round of CodeGolf!

As usual the goal is to write the shortest solution for a specified problem.

Today we have one of the classics: FizzBuzz.

Write a program that prints the numbers from 1 to 100.

But for multiples of three print “Fizz” instead of the number and for the multiples of five print “Buzz”.

For numbers which are multiples of both three and five print “FizzBuzz”

4 22
1 656

The goal is to construct a comma separated string, using a loop but the same way $listtostring(var,",") would do (i.e. "a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h" without starting or ending comma).

What is the best way to do it, concerning the readability of the code and its performances?

To do so, there are more than 5 methods, but in this example we will test 4 :

1) using a "if" in the loop

4 9
1 454
· Feb 2, 2022
Code Golf: Paired Opposites

You will receive a string of comma-separated integers whose elements have both a negative and a positive value, except for one integer that is either only negative or only positive, our challenge will be to find that integer.
As usual shortest solution wins.





3 has no matching negative appearance

4 34
0 723

I usually receive complains from our customers about the BPL and DTL web pages automatic refreshes, it's a common problem among newbies users but for veteran developers too, they forget to save the changes regularly and automatically the web page is reloaded, losing all the work done.

Maybe an autosave would fix this problem that produces a deep feeling of hate and resentment against InterSystems technology among our customers. I've added an idea in our portal, so feel free to vote it!

4 12
0 264

Hello, InterSystems community!

Lately, you have probably heard of the new InterSystems Package Manager - ZPM. If you're familiar with it or with such package managers as NPM, Dep, pip/PyPI, etc. or just know what is it all about -- this question is for you! The question I want to arise is actually a system design question, or, in other words, "how should ZPM implement it".

4 14
0 361

Hello community! I'm working on an internal innovation effort at InterSystems considering our documentation/resources around upgrades. As part of this, I'd love to have your answers to any/all of the following questions, either via comment or (if you prefer your answers to be more private) direct message.

Thanks in advance!

What InterSystems products + versions are you running? ($zv is ideal.)

What makes you decide to upgrade?

What are your blockers to upgrading?

What is your process for evaluating and planning a possible upgrade?

4 12
0 487

This is a lesson learned, which I would like to share with community.

Recently I ran into an issue, where I was using %ConstructClone and it kept cloning extra records, which were not needed. The record for which I was trying to run a clone had many-to-one relationships.

The solution to this issue was using param -1. If you run %ConstructClone(-1) it will not clone relationships, but rather just clone single oref as desired in this case.

I hope this information helps someone who is working with similar records.

4 0
0 418
· Nov 17, 2021
Code Golf - Encoder

We need to send some coordinates to a spaceship through a laser beam.
To do that we have to encode it, and beam it out into space.
Your mission is to implement the encoder with a compression standard.
As usual shortest solution wins.


You will receive a string of comma-separated integers and you will return a new string of comma-separated integers and sequence descriptors.





4 8
2 590
· Mar 2, 2023
Code Golf: Isogram

It's time for a Code Golf round!


A word or phrase that has no repeating letters, consecutive or non-consecutive.

Implement a method that checks if the received string is an isogram or not.
Assume the empty string is an isogram.
Ignore the letter case.

Allowed inputs: A-Z, a-z.

As usual, the shortest solution wins!

4 11
0 338

Hi Community!

Sometimes I meet a method which accepts 10+ parameters.

And often I need only the 8th parameter to pass. And I call the method something like:

do ##class(Some.Feature).Method(,,,,,,,"flag")

And I don't like this method when I call it like this cause, you know, often I just miss the number of commas and raise some other flag I wanted.

How do you avoid this situations?

If you meet such a code, how do you call it and sure that you didn't miss the number of ","?

What is a good number of parameters in a method and f you need to pass more parameters in a method what do you do?

3 27
1 1.6K

Hi everyone!

If you are working with IRIS 2021+ and you remove all of the built in entries for External Language Servers, there is an unexpected consequence that may prevent you from running an installer to upgrade your version of IRIS. This does appear to be a bug which has been raised with WRC, however there are some people that may have recently removed these settings and then will soon be upgrading their environment and could face this same issue.

3 1
0 264