This morning on the old Caché Google Group, someone posed the following question, which I've decided to answer here, because it's interesting!

Is there a way to iterate ClassMethod's params, and get param's names and values?

The first answer I can come up with is: it's not easy! In any method, you could try to write code like this (where methodName is the name of your method):

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Most of projects on Caché, obviously, written not only in Cache ObjectScript, and should contain sources in other languages. Such as js or css for web-projects or any others. And it would be pretty good, if I could see all of files in one project, and possible to edit all of them. How to be in this case ?

And I think it is not a good idea, to place all project's sources in one root folder. Our project contains over 3 thousands classes and routines, and it is too difficult to find anything in such folder. Is not a good for it to use Java-way, and place every package in subfolder ?

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0 339
· Sep 8, 2016
Cache for Raspberry Pi?

Some may think it's a strange / daft idea, but just today the Raspberry Pi folks have announced that they've now sold more than 10 million of them..and counting. That's a huge potential marketplace, and a great platform for getting people to hear about Cache and try it out. Given its focus on the education sector, another great way of getting heard about.

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在Aix7.1上安装使用root用户安装cache2016.1.1.107,且在安装过程中创建cacheusr用户;更改操作系统上的cacheusr的umask后,通过数据库修改编译后的文件(如,js,csp等)在小机上查看权限不变(-rwxrw-r-- cacheusr cacheusr test.js)。


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· May 23, 2016
REST and IO redirection

Problem: I have a REST broker, and if I hit a code block, which does IO redirection, the REST reply becomes broken in one of the following ways:

  • Binary output
  • No output
  • First 4096 characters of the reply are missing

Consider the following REST broker:

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1 1.1K

I just used Help\Check for Updates and updated my Atelier from 1.0.158 to 1.0.165. Is there any information published about what's new/fixed in this compared to previous public builds? Having that information might help us target our testing and so increase the value of our feedback to you.

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0 275

In Atelier is there a way to configure automatic indent when typing open/close braces? From what I've found this is usually left to the language (e.g. Java > Editors) but I couldn't find a setting under the Atelier preferences.

For reference, this is what Studio does:

And here is Atelier:

Notice the return after the open-brace doesn't indent and the close-brace doesn't unindent.

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0 545
· May 4, 2016
Atelier and overriding

I'm used to using Class/Refactor/Override in Studio to override methods, properties, xData blocks, etc regularly.

I can't see how to replicate that in Atelier at the m moment. Is this possible ?

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0 389
· Feb 28, 2016
Mocking tools for Unit Testing

Hello everyone!

Does anyone know of a library that can be used to create Mock objects for Objectscript classes?

Right now, my team has been building mock objects by hand to help circumvent dependencies when writing and executing unit tests, but I always wondered if someone had ever created a Mock library like Mockito to help quicken the process.


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How suitable is Docker for standalone deployment of an Ensemble version and Ensemble application together?

The context is deployment by an application partner of an integration application and the supporting Ensemble version as a single package (single file ideally), to multiple environments and to multiple customer sites.

I don't have experience with Ensemble on Docker so I'm wondering what gaps and pitfalls may exist.

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Just curious how many companies use in their work Docker containers, I mean not only with InterSystems products. And if such companies exist, which of them uses docker and doesn't use it for InterSystems products by some reasons. What are the reasons? For companies which already uses InterSystems in containers, how do you use it? Development environment, testing or even in production ?

And if you don't use but thought about it, what are the reasons which stop you.

As for me, I've been using InterSystems Caché inside a Docker container in some different cases:

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I'm curious to know what InterSystems clients are using for csp based web development methodology.

Are you doing tag based development, or class based development?

If you are using tag based development, what tools are you using to create the look and feel of your web pages? Are you using tools like Adobe Dreamweaver, or do your developers sit down and code HTML using plain editors like Notepad and Notepad++

Are you doing prototyping of web pages and then adding CSP tags, or are you just developing the finished csp page with no prototype?

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During some consultant activity I did at a client's I have discovered something very interesting. It seems like the current processing cycle as written in ObjectScript has trouble utilizing an SSD-based storage machine with five-digit IOPS.

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· Aug 30, 2016
Get to know the format

I know that Cache files can be stored as XML and UDL based files. Is there any way to determine in which format the file(class, routine, dfi and so on) is stored? Because you can easily name your XML based file as class.cls and it will be perfectly valid.

I know that one way to check whether this file is in XML format is just try to parse it like

Set st = ##class(%XML.TextReader).ParseStream(contentStream)

if $$$ISERR(st) return $$$NO

else return $$$YES

However, is there a better way?

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