HA backup strategy

we use Rose to do HA with cache2016.2, the database is placed on the hard disk array, which is essentially an instance, and the same array disk is mounted by rose switch, another mirror machine is made.

Is there any problem with this structure for disaster recovery and backup, I hope to give some advice. Thanks!

0 8
0 311

I want do to a "simple thing". Show a dynamic log of actions in the browser as we can see on Terminal. For that, I guess to make a simple CSP Page that show a new line every WRITE command is the thing I need.

But how I refresh after each WRITE?

How I can refresh the content automatically?

I made a simple CSP Page and in method OnPage I do this test:

write "Start..",!
for i=1:1:10{
hang 1
write "Doing "_i,!
0 4
0 433


I'm quite new at InterSystems. I have a business process that's pointing two different business operations, but one of them I don't want it to point to.

I went through the FileSystem settings, data transformations, classes, and code to see what it could be, but I don't see why its connecting to this second operation.

What other inner-system mechanics would I need to consider? What have might I have missed?

0 6
0 142
· Jan 23, 2017
FieldTest for Ubuntu


Is there a install kit available for ubuntu. I have tried the Suse Install kit .

Got: The installer can't find a platform in this distribution supported by your system



0 5
0 513


I have a DR member and in this cache server the database "cachetemp" start to getting bigger without any reason (50GB that was all the free disk space we have)

In the members of the mirrors the cachetemp its ok and the size is 31MB.

I restarted the server because I read that the cachetemp database purge when restarting, but didnt happend.

Any recommendation to clean this database? can I just deleate the CACHE.DAT from this database?


0 4
0 835

Is it just me or is the sync mechanism way too slow and too trigger happy to be used for large projects? It keeps "Caching for server connection" which takes a good five minutes!

Has it been tested with a large number of classes and CPSs? I have about 2000 of each.

0 2
0 503

I am getting the following error when trying to fect data from DeepSee:

"Error":"ERROR #5002: Cache error: <PROTECT>%Construct+3^%DeepSee.ResultSet.1 ^DeepSee.Cache.LocalResults(\"session\"),e:\\hs-db\\tfoms\\"

However, I cannot find the place this error points me to.

Specifically, it says 'Label %Construct + 3 lines, in the %DeepSee.ResultSet.1', but there does not seem to be such a place. I could only find the %DeepSee.ResultSet class and it does not have a lable named %Construct.

0 4
0 379

For reasons that I won't go into here, I need to run Cache Terminal in Linux using Wine.

It starts up ok, but when I try to establish a connection to a remote server I get the following error:

Ctermsecure Read Error
Could not obtain terminal server client name.
Reason: (10035, 0x2733) unknown error

If I launch CTerm.exe from a command line then I get the following:

0 3
0 854
· Jun 21, 2021

Hello developer community, I'm looking for Ensemble production sftp examples. I need to copy hl7 files hourly from several servers to a central server. The local documentation is no longer as good as it used to be. I remember several years ago, the documentation would take you step by step doing this. Any information would be appreciated.


Rob S

0 2
0 240


Consider I have a class Package.Data with Property UniqueStringValue as %String.

I introduced the Index for this property:

 Index ValueIndex on UniqueStringValue [Unique];

It works well. But if I try to check if there is an object with the certain value in code like this:

if ##class(Package.Data).ValueIndexExists(value)  

this expression fails, if value="value", even if there is an instance with instance.UniqueStingValue="Value"

How can I set the index to prevent saving case sensitive values in this class?

0 6
0 555


I am running InterSystems iris 2021.1 from the container and I have version 2020.1.1 is installed locally. While running studio locally I am getting below error message:

"Version mismatch. Studio version 2020.1.1 unable to connect to server version 2021.1
Upgrade to a later version of the client to resolve this error"

Looking Forward


0 4
0 427
· Jul 15, 2021
Parsing error

After calling an API with

Do request.Get("/api/address/listing")

Set data = {}.%FromJSON(request.HttpResponse.Data)

I get this error:

<THROW>%FromJSON+37^%Library.DynamicAbstractObject.1 *%Exception.General Premature end of data 12 Line 1 Offset 0

any clue what might be causing this?

0 9
0 566
· Mar 20, 2017
AWS API calls

This question is about calling AWS REST APIs. Based on:


AWS requires REST clients to call their APIs using Signature Version 4 which in case you don't know what I am talking about is a pain in the neck. Here comes the question:

Has anybody, by any chance implemented the v4 signing alg. in COS? If yes, would she or he have the kind heart to share?



0 13
1 1.3K
· Jul 20, 2021
Zen Report page number variable

I have a report that requires a different header block for the first page and another for subsequent pages.

Is there a way to direct a header page to another header page based on what the current page number is?

0 5
0 174
· Jul 28, 2021
%XML.Reader Limitations

Hi all,

Are there limitations to the size of a file or stream that %XML.Reader will parse?

I am trying to parse a large, 573MB, XML file using either the 'OpenFile' or 'OpenStream' methods, but both return errors.

When I try to use the 'OpenStream' method I get a 'ERROR #6301: SAX XML Parser Error: input ended before all started tags were ended' error',

and when I try the 'OpenFile' method I get a 'ERROR #6301: SAX XML Parser Error: <STORE>'.

0 2
0 414

I am trying to delete a field based on a value in one of the subfields. I would like to remove the below Field with the Field value "Field8". I know how to find the number of fields and iterate. If I just use "" I still get a tilde at the end.

Ex .


0 3
0 279

I have an EMR sending double quotes "" as the value. How do I write criteria to find this match in a DTL?


source.{PV1:DischargeDateTime()}="""" didn't work

0 2
0 679

After setting AllowedIPAddresses with a valid IP address

i get the following errors.

ERROR <Ens>ErrException: <READ>zOnTask+44 ^EnsLib.TCP.InboundAdapter.1 -- logged as '-'
number - @''

what am i doing wrong?

and question:

where in the message viewer can i see the source IP of the message?


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0 132