· Jan 12, 2021

How could we get the name, port and type of all services in a namespace‽


First of all thanks for your help,

We would need to get the list of all names, ports and types from the services listed in a namespace

We have read the following documentation:

In addition, we have read the following topics:


We have found that we could get the list of all components inside an instance as follows:

ID, AlertGroups, Category, ClassName, Comment, DisableErrorTraps, Enabled, Foreground, LogTraceEvents, Name, PoolSize, Production, Schedule, Settings
FROM Ens_Config.Item


Also, we have read 's last comment in this topic:

We have imported the class

And we have tried to use it, however we are not using it properly:

Besides, we have seen that the following classes and methods could be helpful, but we do not know how to use them:

Ens.Director getProductionItems

ClassMethod getProductionItems(tProduction As Ens.Config.Production, pDefinition As %String, pAutoAdd As %String) As %Status
Set $ZT="Trap",tSC=$$$OK
Do {
#; Set definitions for all ConfigItems in the configured Production
For i=1:1:tProduction.Items.Count() {
Set tItem = tProduction.Items.GetAt(i)
Set tConfigName=tItem.Name, tBusinessType=tItem.BusinessType()
#; To understand the following logic, do it the "complement" way, think "set pDefinition" as the reverse of the "continue" command,
#; then the logic becomes:
#; if tItem.Enabled, then set pDefinition
#; if pDefinition is not defined, then set pDefinition
#; if it is auto-add, then set pDefinition.
#; In the end:
#; 1) the last Enabled version with the same ConfigName is the one that gets defined at runtime
#; 2) any defined item, enabled or disabled, will override the auto-add.
#; this means, if you have a disabled Ens.Alarm, it will override the system default one and you will end up with a disabled Ens.Alarm.
#; overwrite registration of AutoAdd items with user settings if any
Set pAutoAdd(tConfigName)=0 ; clear this so behavior will be the same for multiply-defined normal and AutoAdd items Set tSC = tItem.PopulateModifiedSettings()
Kill pDefinition(tConfigName)
Set pDefinition(tConfigName,"IsEnabled")=tItem.Enabled
Set pDefinition(tConfigName,"ClassName")=tItem.ClassName
Set pDefinition(tConfigName,"OnTaskClassName")=tItem.ClassName
Set pDefinition(tConfigName,"QueueName")=tItem.QueueName()
Set pDefinition(tConfigName,"PoolSize")=tItem.PoolSize
Set pDefinition(tConfigName,"Foreground")=tItem.Foreground
Set pDefinition(tConfigName,"DisableErrorTraps")=tItem.DisableErrorTraps
Set pDefinition(tConfigName,"BusinessType")=tBusinessType
Set pDefinition(tConfigName,"InactivityTimeout")=tItem.InactivityTimeout
Set pDefinition(tConfigName,"Checksum")=tItem.Checksum() ; depends on PopulateModifiedSettings()
Set pDefinition(tConfigName,"%Id")=tItem.%Id()
Set pDefinition(tConfigName,"Schedule")=tItem.Schedule
Set pDefinition(tConfigName,"Register")=1
Set pDefinition(tConfigName,"RunAsJob")=1
Set pDefinition(tConfigName,"Trace")=tItem.LogTraceEvents Set tIndex="" For { Set tIndex = tItem.ModifiedSettings.Next(tIndex) Quit:tIndex=""
Set tSetting = tItem.ModifiedSettings.GetAt(tIndex)
Set pDefinition(tConfigName,"Setting",tSetting.Target,tSetting.Name)=tSetting.Value
} If ('tItem.Enabled)||($classmethod(tItem.ClassName,"%GetParameter","INVOCATION")'="Queue") {
Set pDefinition(tConfigName,"RunAsJob")=0
} Elseif tItem.Schedule'="" {
Set tSC=##class(Ens.ScheduleHandler).ParseScheduleSpec(tItem.Schedule,.tCurrentState)
If $$$ISERR(tSC)||(tCurrentState="DISABLED") {
$$$LOGWARNING("ConfigItem '"_tItem.Name_"' is disabled because its schedule string is invalid.")
Set pDefinition(tConfigName,"IsEnabled")=0
Set pDefinition(tConfigName,"RunAsJob")=0
} Elseif (tCurrentState="STOP") {
Set pDefinition(tConfigName,"RunAsJob")=0
If tBusinessType=$$$eHostTypeProcess {
Set pDefinition(tConfigName,"OnTaskClassName")="Ens.Actor"
If tItem.PoolSize=0 Set pDefinition(tConfigName,"QueueName")="Ens.Actor"
#; No RunAsJob for Services with no Adapter
#; No RunAsJob for items with PoolSize=0
#; RunAsJob=-1 if Adapter.#SINGLEPOOLJOB to run only 1 job regardless of PoolSize, e.g. for TCP.InboundAdapter
#; Otherwise no change
Set tRunAsJob=pDefinition(tConfigName,"RunAsJob"), pDefinition(tConfigName,"RunAsJob")=$S(
, pDefinition(tConfigName,"PoolSize")=0:0
, tRunAsJob&&(""'=tItem.AdapterClassName())&&$parameter(tItem.AdapterClassName(),"SINGLEPOOLJOB"):-1
, 1:tRunAsJob)
#; recursively get all the items in subproductions
For i=1:1:tProduction.SubProductions.Count() {
Set tSubProduction = tProduction.SubProductions.GetAt(i)
Set tSC=..getProductionItems(tSubProduction,.pDefinition,.pAutoAdd)
} While 0
Quit tSC
Set $ZT="",tSC=$$$EnsSystemError
Goto Exit



/// Get the config value of the named setting, return 0 if not defined, 1 if defined.
Method GetSetting(pSettingName As %String, ByRef pValue As %String) As %Boolean
Kill pValue
Set tKey="" For { Set tSetting=..Settings.GetNext(.tKey) Quit:""=tKey
If tSetting.Name = pSettingName {
Set pValue = tSetting.Value
Quit ''$D(pValue)


ClassMethod GetSettingValue(pName As %String, Output pStatus As %Status) As %String [ CodeMode = expression ]
} ClassMethod GetSettingsArray(Output pSettings) As %Status [ CodeMode = expression ]


Could you help us, please?

We would need documentation or examples

Thanks for your help 👍

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