Hi Developers,

We have exciting news! The new InterSystems online programming contest dedicated to all things health-related will start very soon!

🏆 InterSystems FHIR and Digital Health Interoperability Contest 🏆

Duration: January 15 - February 4, 2024

Prize pool: $14,000

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Hi Community,

We have some exciting news! It's time for the next InterSystems technical article writing competition!

✍️ Technical Article Contest: InterSystems IRIS Tutorials ✍️

Write an article that can be considered a tutorial for InterSystems IRIS programmers of any level: beginner / middle / senior from February 19th to March 17th. We've extended the submission deadline till the 24th of March!

🎁 Prizes for everyone: A special prize for each author participating in the competition!

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Hello everybody! We’re happy to announce a new way to download Community Edition kits of InterSystems IRIS and IRIS for Health. The Community Edition is a no-cost developer edition that makes it easy to start developing solutions with IRIS. You can now download these kits through the Evaluation service: evaluation.intersystems.com.

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This announcement is to inform clients about changes in our 2016.2 and 2016.3 field test programs.

The 2016.2 field test has been extended in order to address important syntax changes related to JSON. Simply stated, the JSON syntax introduced in 2016.1 had several inconsistencies that we did not want to perpetuate. This is now addressed and the updated 2016.2 field test will be published today. Concurrently, the syntax changes and guidance for developers will be posted on the Developer Community shortly. JSON is critically important to our Caché roadmap.

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Hello Developers!

Want to show off your interoperability skills? Take part in our next exciting contest:

🏆 InterSystems Interoperability Contest: Building Sustainable Solutions 🏆

Duration: August 29 - September 18

More prizes: $13,500 – prize distribution has changed!

>> Submit your application here <<

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It's come to our attention that the built-in license in the InterSystems IRIS and IRIS for Health 2021.1 Community Edition release is incorrectly set to expire on October 30, 2021.

There is no impact to any production versions (the Community Edition is for development purposes), but developers will find that their instances stop running and should replace them with new ones. For cases where replacing them is an issue, we have provided an override key.

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Hey Developers!

Good news! Just in time for the holidays, Gartner Peer Insights is offering customers a $25 digital Visa Gift Card for an approved review of InterSystems IRIS or Caché this month!

We decided to support and double the stakes. So! In December '18 you can get the second $25 digital Visa Gift Card for Gartner review on Caché or InterSystems IRIS on InterSystems Global Masters Advocacy Hub!

See the rules below.

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UPDATE: Developer Preview 7 has been released.

Update 7 includes a number of stability improvements over previous updates and support for support for all of the planned 2022.1 features. If you notice any problems at all, now's the time to let us know. The docker pull commands below have been updated with the latest build numbers. Enjoy!

Developer Preview releases are now available for the 2022.1 version of InterSystems IRIS, IRIS for Health, and HealthShare Health Connect.

As this is InterSystems' first developer preview release, let's take a moment to describe what these are. The developer preview program enhances the previous IRIS preview program with approximately bi-weekly releases that add features as they are ready. This allows us to get feedback on capabilities and enhancements as they're available. You'll see below a list of enhancements that are targeted for 2022.1, which are not included in the first developer preview. Look for those over the coming weeks.

We are eager to learn from your experiences with this new release ahead of its General Availability release. Please share your feedback through the Developer Community so we can build a better product together.

InterSystems IRIS Data Platform 2022.1 is an extended maintenance (EM) release. 2022.1 includes the many important new capabilities and enhancements have been added in 2021.2, the continuous delivery (CD) release, since 2021.1, the previous EM release. Please refer to the release notes for 2021.2 for an overview of these enhancements.

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· Jul 9, 2018
Caché SQL Queries

I have finished my 4th book about Caché and MUMPS. This will probably be my last.

I am deeply grateful and humbled for all the help I have received from this group and the WW Response Center.

You all have something very special going here.

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Global Summit returns!

After two years of video conferencing and virtual meetings, we at InterSystems are thrilled to reunite with our partners at InterSystems Global Summit 2022. In our first in-person event since the pandemic started, we're welcoming industry leaders and developers to our flagship conference. Registration is now open!

➡️ InterSystems Global Summit 2022

🗓 Date: June 20-23, 2022

📍 Location: Seattle, WA, United States

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We at George James Software are pleased to announce that our acclaimed code debugger and editor Serenji is now available as a Visual Studio Code extension.

As well as supporting the latest InterSystems IRIS platform Serenji also works with earlier platforms, including versions lacking the server-side Atelier API support required by other VS Code extensions.

Serenji connects you directly to the code in your namespaces, resulting in an experience more familiar to existing Studio users. No need to export and import classes and routines.

We believe Serenji is the first extension to bring VS Code's powerful debugging features to ObjectScript developers.

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InterSystems Official
· Jan 11, 2019
Support for Windows Server 2019

InterSystems is currently verifying InterSystems IRIS 2019.1 with Windows Server 2019. This work is scheduled to complete by the end of January 2019. In the second half of this month InterSystems will add Caché/Ensemble 2018.1.2 to be verified on this platform.

As we get closer to the completion of those tasks, I will update this post with information on release dates, and which products and version will support Windows Server 2019.

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Hello IRIS Community,

InterSystems Certification is developing a certification exam for InterSystems IRIS SQL specialists, and if you match the exam candidate description given below, we would like you to beta test the exam. The exam will be available for beta testing on June 9 - 12, 2024 at InterSystems Global Summit 2024, but only for Summit registrants (visit this page to learn more about Certification at GS24). Beta testing will open for all other interested beta testers on June 24, 2024. However, interested beta testers should sign up now by emailing certification@intersystems.com (please let us know if you will be beta testing at Global Summit or in our online proctored environment). The beta testing must be completed by August 2, 2024.

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InterSystems Official
· Feb 15, 2023
InterSystems Supported Platforms Update Feb-2023

InterSystems Supported Platforms Update Feb-2023

Welcome to the very first Supported Platforms Update! We often get questions about recent and upcoming changes to the list of platforms and frameworks that are supported by the InterSystems IRIS data platform. This update aims to share recent changes as well as our best current knowledge on upcoming changes, but predicting the future is tricky business and this shouldn’t be considered a committed roadmap.

We’re planning to publish this kind of update approximately every 3 months and then re-evaluate in a year. If you find this update useful, let us know! We’d also appreciate suggestions for how to make it better.

With that said, on to the update…

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Hey Community,

We have more exciting news! The new InterSystems online programming contest dedicated to Generative AI, Vector Search and Machine Learning is starting very soon!

🏆 InterSystems Vector Search, GenAI and ML Contest 🏆

Duration: April 22 - May 19, 2024

Prize pool: $14,000

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