InterSystems Developer Community is a community of 21,116 amazing developers
We're a place where InterSystems IRIS programmers learn and share, stay up-to-date, grow together and have fun!

When I open a BPL in Atelier and right click 'Open diagram editor' I get a Java Incompatible browser error message (see below).

I'm using Windows 8.1, Atelier 1.0.190 and IE 11.

All the M.S. updates are up to date.

I also have firefox and chrome installed.

Trying to change default browsers etc. did not work.

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0 393
· Aug 10, 2017
LogicalToDisplay Method

Hi, I am trying to understand the transformational methods.

  • LogicalToDisplay()
  • LogicalToOdbc()
  • OdbcToLogical()
  • DisplayToDisplay()

I have created a small class with the only property of List as %List, see below.

Class LastName.Demo2 Extends %Persistent
Property List As %List;


Then I entered the following commands in the Terminal

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0 717
· Aug 9, 2017

The data type %Char or %Library.Char

The description says it is a fixed length character field.

How do I set the fixed length?

Or by just setting %Char to something, does that automatically define its length?

Are the parameters MINLEN, MAXLEN involved? Or are these the way I set the fixed length?

Any help with this?

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0 320
· Aug 8, 2017 1m read
Outperforming PostgreSQL and MySQL

In a previous exercise, I was able to show the power of Caché.
A medium-designed set of interdependent tables with some GB of data.
URLs cross reference over some million pages resulting in ~3 billion records

Competition was between

  • Caché
  • PostgreSQL
  • MySQL

Criteria were Speed + Storage consumption
I composed a customized loader fed over a "raw" TCP connection
Mapping the "objects" into the final table by directly writing to Global Storage.,

17 3
0 769
· Aug 5, 2017 3m read
Winning in GIS competition

GIS stands for Geographic Information System.
and it's not a typical arena for Caché. But it's definitely an environment with high data volume.

You see 3 major areas

- Visual front end:
A mature area well covered by a bunch of commercial and open source products.
No need for Caché there.

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0 746
· Aug 5, 2017
Problem with terminal font

I don't know what a problem with my cache cube terminal, but cyrillic text is not displayed correctly.

I have some terminal program with cyrillic menus, dialogs and other text and all those items are displayed wrong (unknown symbols like on the image).

How can I solve this problem?

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0 387

A sophisticated alerting solution lets you solve problems quickly and proactively. Watch the recorded webinar: Proactive Alerting: Advanced Approaches for Alerting Solutions webinar presented by Michael Brady, InterSystems Technical Trainer, to learn how to make the most out of your alerting solution.

4 1
0 550

I'm purging a lot of management data from an Ensemble production, which is creating 100s of GBs of journals. Has anybody succeeded in disabling journaling on an Ensemble purge? The user interface doesn't have an option for this, but I'm thinking you might be able to identify the process and externally disable journaling on it.

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0 910

Hi Community!

Please find the Developer Community Video of the week:

Failover for Cloud and Wide-Area Networks
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0 324
· Aug 3, 2017
DeepSee time series - season


I have a series of data organized by time (year and month) so I can use a time dimension to drill down data. So far so good.

However, I need to display the data not by calendar years and months but rather by seasons. The season has 12 calendar months but starts in September. So I'd like to see the data from September / Year N to August / Year N+1 using the same hierarchy as normal time dimension.

Has anyone done something similar?

Obviously, the season can start by any month, not only September :)


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0 285

Hi community,

I have some constants hardcoded in my class as parameter values, and those constants are referenced in many places in my module. Now the need has arisen to provide different value for those parameters depending on some context. Is it possible to create some sort of accessor method for the parameter (like it is possible for properties), or do I need to perform a thorough refactoring?



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0 366
· Oct 24, 2016
Multiple Rulesets


In my routing rules I'd like to work with multiple rulesets. When running the proces, it only seems to execute the first ruleset.

Is it possible to have multiple rulesets active in the same business rule, or is there another way to not have to jam all rules in the same ruleset?

Thanks in advance,

Joost Houwen

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0 490

Have very little XML experience and have been able to manually create output. Have a need to take data that I store in a M global (example: ^TML("HDATA", ) and out put it in CCDA XML format.

Are there any examples of M code using the XMLWriter to accomplish this?

Or can anyone provide some guidance

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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0 682
· Jul 27, 2017
Get STACK of another process


How can I read the stack of another process?

I know about ^JOBEXAM, but I only know how to use through terminal, and I need to get a string, or at least do a method that returns me a string

For example:

I have process A and B

B monitors process A at each second.

B logs information about process A in a table

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