I am receiving the following error in my buisness operation:

ERROR <Ens>ErrException: <UNDEFINED>zGo2+181^mb.MbMainOperation.1 *tSC -- - registered as '-' number - @' set pResponse = ##class(mb.MbMessageResponse).%New()'

From what I understand, the problem occurs in the generated int file mb.MbMainOperation.1 in the method zGo2, with the offset of 181 lines, and the variable in question is a local variable tSC.

However, the line where the error occurs does not refer to tSC in any way

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InterSystems Developer Community is a community of 19,653 amazing developers
We're a place where InterSystems IRIS programmers learn and share, stay up-to-date, grow together and have fun!

I need to execute multiple DELETE statements in a single query like this


However It does not work when there're more than 2 statements and gives me an error


Using IN is not an option.

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Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center — the world’s oldest and largest private cancer center — has devoted more than 135 years to exceptional patient care, innovative research, and outstanding educational programs. Today, we are one of 51 National Cancer Institute–designated Comprehensive Cancer Centers, with state-of-the-art science flourishing side by side with clinical studies and treatment.

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We're hosting our Deltanji and Serenji user group session tomorrow - there's still time to register, if you haven't already.

We'll be showcasing some advanced features of Deltanji and Serenji in VS Code with time for a discussion - so feel free to bring along any problems you need help solving or share your feedback on our tools. We'd love to hear your thoughts. If you're interested in our tools this is a great chance to hear what others have to say, as well as asking your own questions.

Date: Wednesday, November 3rd

Time: 11-12pm EDT / 3-4pm GMT.

Let us know you'll be attending on Eventbrite.

We hope to see you tomorrow, but if you're unable to make it you can email me at laurelj@georgejames.com and I can share a recording of the session.

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· Nov 1, 2021
Globals export exclusion

Hello everyone,
I'd like to export Ensemble globals, but without Ensemble messages, this way:

^^database>s list("Ens*.gbl,'Ens.Message*.gbl")=""
^^database>write $SYSTEM.OBJ.Export(.list, "/tmp/globals.xml")

Documentation says that it could be done by adding an apostrophe, but it doesn't work for me - all Ens* globals are still exported.
What I'm doing wrong? Thanks!

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I am relatively new to Intersystems cache database management. As I understand it, a database is set with a maximum size or unlimited and the size of each space allocation for the database is defined. My understanding is that the cache database will then manage the allotment of space to the database as the current space allocation is consumed. Though I do not know why one would want to do this, I have been told that the space allocation to a database can be set to be handled manually. This is something, if true, I was not aware of.

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· Oct 26, 2021
Parse ACK msgs sample

Hello - basic question. Looking for sample code to parse inbound ACK messages. Messages are coming in a SOAP envelope. The ACKs will have MSH/MSA/ERR segments (other segments for QBP messages down the road). Looking at common, established way(s) to parse the messages HS would be a great help to get started on this. Thanks in advance.

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In specifying a "WHEN" condition statement, I don't seem to be able call a function directly from this declaration, as the generator seems to get confused

In the graphical editor:



In the DTL directly:

<when condition="(%request.GetValue(&quot;MRN&quot;))=123453)">

<when condition="(%request.GetValue&#40;&quot;MRN&quot;&#41;)=123453)">

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InterSystems is very pleased to announce the 2021.1 release of InterSystems IRIS Data Platform, InterSystems IRIS for Health and HealthShare Health Connect, which are now Generally Available to our customers and partners.

The enhancements in this release offer developers more freedom to build fast and robust applications in their language of choice, both server-side and client-side. This release also enables users to consume large amounts of information more effectively through new and faster analytics capabilities.

6 28
1 1.6K

I have a workstation with a CACHE instance up and running.

On that same workstation there is also an instance of IRIS (fresh install). I would like to migrate manually the CACHE database to IRIS (ideally, all globals, routines and classes).

What I tried is to copy C:\InterSystems\Cache\mgr\CACHE.DAT to C:\InterSystems\IRIS\mgr\IRIS.DAT (after shutting down both instances) but it does not work.

I got the following message : (112) The service for the IRIS instance did not start.

0 6
2 1.1K
· Oct 29, 2021
Use Rule to call WS 1 to n

Hi all.

I'm trying to create a route rule that can call to a web service according to a parameter of a message.

My first attempt is the following:

I have a common class with all information, BuscarHuecoRequest, and check what is the value of property "CodigoProveedor".

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