InterSystems Developer Community is a community of 21,681 amazing developers
We're a place where InterSystems IRIS programmers learn and share, stay up-to-date, grow together and have fun!
· Jun 29, 2022
Measuring Global References ````

I had a customer the other day ask how GREFs are measured and how the relationship of the host, storage, and DB engine all influence that number measured in hundreds of thousands or millions. Is there any good documentation that explains this and/or assists with calculating a GREF count?

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It's time to announce the Winners for June! Please welcome our awesome Global Masters Heroes!

The storm of applause goes to these developers and their great contribution to DC in June:

🥇 @Danny Wijnschenk, Application Developer/Owner, Winfo, Belgium

🥈 @Lorenzo Scalese, Solution Architect, Zorgi, Belgium

🥉 @YURI MARX GOMES, Software Architect, YM Services, Brazil

🥉 @Robert Cemper, ex Senior Sales Engineer from InterSystems, Austria

Learn more about the competition and our awesome winners below.

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I've been playing with IntegratedML and have created a model and trained the model. When I try to use PREDICT or PROBABILITY statements in an SQL query, I get the following error:

[SQLCODE: <-400>:<Fatal error occurred>]

[%msg: <PREDICT execution error: ERROR #5002: ObjectScript error: <OBJECT DISPATCH>%LoadModel+31^%ML.AutoML.TrainedModel.1 *<class 'AttributeError'>: 'str' object has no attribute 'decode' - >]

Here's an example of the sequence of steps I've followed that lead to the error:

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Hey Community,

Learn how you can develop a Node.js application and connect to InterSystems IRIS data platform through the Native API:

Using Node js to connect to InterSystems IRIS
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· Aug 26, 2016 2m read
TLS v1.2 support in Caché


What version of Caché supports TLS v1.2?


Caché 2015.2 announced support for TLS v1.1 and v1.2. In this version, the SSL/TLS configuration page provides checkboxes for TLS v1.1 and v1.2, which allows the versions to be configured individually. This allows sites to, for example, require TLS v1.2 only.

Additionally, some earlier versions of Caché provide undocumented support for TLS v1.1 and v1.2, specifically Caché 2014.1.3 and above and 2015.1, on Windows, Linux and Unix.

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· Jun 21, 2022

Hello, today we had another freeze in the system. It was close to 09:55. Logs follow for analysis. Following are MSM/MUMPS logs with about 1050 active connections at the time of the freeze. Does anyone see something different?

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InterSystems Native SDK for Python is a lightweight interface to InterSystems IRIS APIs that were once available only through ObjectScript.

I'm especially interested in the ability to call ObjectScript methods, class methods, to be precise. It works, and it works great, but by default, calls only support scalar arguments: strings, booleans, integers, and floats.

But if you want to:
- Pass or return structures, such as dicts or lists
- Pass or return streams

You'll need to write some glue code or take this project (installs with pip install edpy). edpy package gives you one simple signature:

call(iris, class_name, method_name, args)

which allows you to call any ObjectScript method and get results back.

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Hi developer folks!

Thanks to all of you who start the development with InterSystems IRIS from the basic development template!

Recently, thanks to @Dmitry Maslennikov's contributions I've updated the Dockerfile to make the development simpler, images lighter and the building process faster. And it looks more beautiful too ;)

Here is what changed:

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I am in a situation where my container is on UTC time (as is the host). But I need to send a datetime to a machine in a specific time zone. Various languages have constructs for doing that, sometimes you need a library

C#: var today = TimeZoneInfo. ConvertTimeFromUtc(timeUtc, easternZone);

python has the pytz library.

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Hi Guys,

I'm using the below to export a query result to excel file and the only file type is .csv (100) but the resulting has two problems,

first the row header is including the field type and second the resulting file is a tab delimited so columns aren't properly separated (see attached below)

set st = ##class(%SQL.Statement).%New(2,"Sample")
set sql = "select ID, name from MyClass"
do st.%Prepare(.sql)
set type="csv"
set rs = st.%Execute()
do rs.%DisplayFormatted(type,"C:\Temp\report")

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Is it a good practice to set the MAXLEN value of %Library.String property type? Will it lead to wasted storage if its not really using it?

For example, I have to store a 5 characters long string into the below str field. Which of the statement is recommended?

Property str As %String;


Property str As %String(MAXLEN="5");

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UPD: check out the Greetings video here

Hi Community!

As you know, this year Global Summit is back in-person. We really want to see everyone there!

Not all of the Community members can attend (me either!), so we decided to produce a cool VIDEO with Greetings from Our Community Members 🎥
Let's join virtually this great event from all around the World!🌏

⬆️ Upload in this challenge a short (2-3 sec) VIDEO of you saying "Hi from your country🙌" to our Community Members. So, we could combine it with the other videos from our members and present it on Global Summit 2022. You can also just send me a link to a shared file in DM.

Deadline: June 18, Friday, till the end of the day!

See you there!

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Hello guys!

The Global Summit 2022 in Seattle ended just over a week ago but keynotes are already available for those who missed them while being on the premises or who couldn't attend this in-person event at all for some reason or another (or just for those who wish to refresh their memory and listen to them again).

Without further ado, the beginning of the Global Summit AKA the Greetings from the Community:
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Enjoy watching all the keynotes from all three days of Global Summit 2022 via this YouTube playlist:

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· Feb 11, 2020


I am using IRIS for Windows (x86-64) 2019.1.1

I have.

1. Created a BS with SQL Inbound Adapter which successfully connects and gets rows from DB .

2. Created a request message is populated with results of SQL query.

3 Created a BP with HL7 Router + Routing Rule + Transformation + Send to Target (BO).

4 . Created BO sending HL7 to file.

i am getting the following error.

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I just met a personal challenge translating my article to French.
Tough I had to learn it at school and could read and understand
famous literature (Sartre, Molière, Mauriac, Proust, Saint-Exupéry, Anouilh, ...)
I missed the specific terms used with ISC technology.
Thanks to @Lorenzo Scalese my errors were corrected.
But no dictionary was able to answer.

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After a short (or too long) pause from the previous part here is a short recap of the next few days of the Global Summit 2022 in Seattle!

As before, each day started with the keynotes (which you should be able to watch tomorrow wink). But unlike the keynotes on June, 21 the following day they were dedicated to Data Platform IRIS. As before, you can find the topics and the presenters in this announcement. Some of the notable speeches were delivered by Geoffrey Moore, Bestselling Author, Consultant, and Disruptive Technology Specialist

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Hey Developers,

See how you can develop a .NET application and connect to InterSystems IRIS® data platform using one or more APIs:

Using NET to Connect to InterSystems IRIS
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