I'm trying to learn how To use SQL in CACHE, so I hope I don't bore you with "Dumb" questions....
I'm getting "ERROR #6022: Gateway failed" message following this line of code.
s sc=gc.Prepare(hstmt,pQuery)
This line of code comes from an example I found in the documentation. pQuery is the "Select" statement setting up the variables and tables I'm trying to pull information from.
There would be a webinar in two days by analysts Steve Duplessie and Mike Leone from Enterprise Strategy Group and Joe Lichtenberg, director of marketing for Data Platforms at InterSystems. They will present their recent research on operational and analytics workloads on a unified data platform and discuss the top database deployments and infrastructure challenges that organizations are struggling with, including managing data growth and database size and meeting database performance requirements. And Joe Lichtenberg will introduce attendees to the company’s latest product, InterSystems IRIS Data Platform. Join!
Can you make the "Link with Editor" option work on the Atelier Explorer view? (It works fine on the Project Explorer view.) It seems a minor fix but it would mean a lot to us developers! Thank you
I am working through trying to use ZAUTHENTICATE.mac and LDAP.mac to do Delegated sign on into Ensemble. In reading over the samples and the documentation, I am not clearly finding on how to set the Appropriate Role from the LDAP group I return. Can someone help explain this part to me? If I have a user sign on, and I return a "Group" from the Authentication, how do I get that to transform into the Role I need for Ensemble.
I would to know, I have a drop down list items in my applications. While, am clicking on the drop down bx, there are few numbers of listed items, while am doing mouse over action, I should display the entire text of selected item from that drop down list box, even am not selecting that item. I would like to know about the what is exact text it contains in Zen framework.
New Windows 10 Cache [ TRYCACHE] successfully installed - but unable to log onto the Management Portal . What "User Name" and "Password" are being asked for? No opportunity to specify the sources. Thanks.
I tried to learn DEEP SEE Analytics for our HealthShare "SAMPLES" Name Space. I followed our documentation and tried it. But my management portal analyzer and visual reporting fields are hidden. So Please help me for how do I use the deep see concepts and provide some examples or demo.
Has anybody used /epic/prd/bin/runlevel with different options to bring up or shutdown the cache db. I cannot see any information about it in the manual.
Hi, I am trying to execute a store procedure within an ensemble operation to connect to aMsSQL database and I am having problem to pass the input arguments... I have tried several things but only one seems to work and it is not the ideal solution.
https://www.youtube.com/embed/q9Vbx8WDww0 [This is an embedded link, but you cannot view embedded content directly on the site because you have declined the cookies necessary to access it. To view embedded content, you would need to accept all cookies in your Cookies Settings]
I am trying to determine the write-access to a windows-directory, using the method %File.Writeable(). But, this method always returns the boolean "true", even when I have revoked the write-access of Healthshare-user in this directory.
1) When the same ensemble-service tries to write a file in this directory (which it says is "writeable"), it fails.
2) The method %File.Writeable(...) works perfectly in the case of files.
When using Atelier on COS ctrl-left and ctrl-right considers a word to start on each capital letter in variable names. So if you are on the word:
The cursor will stop on the capital U, S, and N. Same thing in javascript files, but NOT in css files. In Studio it didn't use to stop on capital letters in variable names etc. Personally I consider this very annoying and requires a lot more key presses to jump across code to the right spot.
Is this behavior changeable to NOT stop on capital letters?
I would need to build a Complex Record Map and then transform that into xml. But not the whole batch to one xml file - instead every repetition in that Complex Record Map would become one xml file.
For Simple Record Maps this is easy to do because there are different types of Business Services that handle every record either individually or all of them as one batch but there doesn't seem to be similar options for Complex Record Maps? Instead, there is only batchtype business services.
Is there an API that would list classes within a given package? I can't find any. I do have a workaround that uses class index, but this query lists all classes available in the namespace and I have to filter those I want. But this is just unnecessary overhead.
If anyone has spotted such API, please let me know.
There is an option in Studio (Environment-Advanced) to "Automatically reload documents when it has changed on the server and it has not been edited in Studio". I want this flag on but every time the re-load happens it adds a blank line at the bottom of the routine. Is there any way to stop that from happening?