InterSystems Developer Community is a community of 20,132 amazing developers
We're a place where InterSystems IRIS programmers learn and share, stay up-to-date, grow together and have fun!
· Dec 7, 2015
Welcome everyone!

Welcome to the Learning Services Community. Learning Services includes product training and related material, documentation, videos and online learning. We're in the process or organizing our material to provide you with "learning paths" for topics that you might want to explore, develop new skills, or achieve certification as an expert. This will you learn about our products anywhere, anytime and at your convenience.

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Often times support and sales engineers are asked about recent benchmark results on various platforms and large scale configurations. These will be made available here in the Developer Community in the "Documentation" section, and as an example here's a link to a recent Intel E7 v2 series processor benchmark.é-and-intel-processors-0

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You may have missed the news that support for older version of Internet Explorer ends next week Tuesday, January 12th. The original blog post from Microsoft can be found here:

A patch will go live next week Tuesday, that will nag users of older IE versions to upgrade to a recent version. The patch is identified as KB3123303. You can find more information about this patch here:

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In an Ensemble message bus that has a Business Service which extends EnsLib.SOAP.Service, I have the option to support SOAP Sessions by setting the parameter SOAPSESSION=1.

The comments says this also effects license consumption.

In what way is license consumption effected ?

note this is version 2015.1, Ensemble Elite (without Web-AddOn).

thanks -


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It might be useful to have a alternate view mode that lists one line per conversation with the title, the original date, the # of comments, the date of the last comment and maybe the tags. Maybe if you hover over the topic it opens it up so you can see the text.

Currently I can see about 4 conversations and then I need to press View All to see more. Since these are sorted by date entered, not date last updated, the top 4 aren't necessarily the only ones that might be of interest.

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We have top stories on the right side of the main page.

How CP understands what to put there?

Are there most viewed posts?

Or most commented?

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I want to be able to follow, through notifications, posts to the Caché and SQL topics.

Ideally, you could simply hit a "add to my subscriptions" link from the topic page. But even the subscriptions tab of my user account does not appear to be aware of these topics, instead presenting oddly general categories like "Posts".

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Currently descriptions of community are truncated based on character count (seems like 88), truncating even by word.

That looks not good (see attached image).

There could be character limit in community description field, or we can truncate by word, not by character.

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Is there a way to select distinct keys from an field that has a collection index? I have a field defined as follows: Property data As %Library.String(COLLATION = "EXACT", MAXLEN = "", TRUNCATE = 0); Index data On data(KEYS) [ Type = bitmap ]; And I define a build value array method that parses my data outputs an array in the format array(KEYS)=VALUES. This is very useful because I can query my data using criteria such as WHERE FOR SOME %ELEMENT(data) (%KEY='param') My question is whether there is some way to select distinct key values, e.g.

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Hi All,

I am trying to disable a button on a JQM application.

I started the button as disabled according to this code: {type:'$button',caption: Button',key:'button',disabled:true}

However, I would like to enable or disable the button via JavaScript code . I have tried the following, but it don´t have the same behavior and style as the code above.

var view = zen('mainView');

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I am working on a project and I am facing a weird problem. I have created an MDX using Analyzer. This MDX executes very fast. I am trying to automate its execution with %DeepSee.ResultSet and the query never returns:

Set tSC = oMDX.%PrepareMDX(tMDX)

Set tSC = oMDX.%Execute()

What could be causing %Execute() to take so long to run while Analyzer is responding fast?

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When you are in a group looking at the postings

- search for a keyword that gets no results

- clear the search box to get back to the full list

- notice the "Create a New Post" button is gone from the upper-right

MacOS \ Chrome

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A client stated to me that they are trying to eliminate SMTP servers from their network and want all email to be sent through their Microsoft Exchange Server. Admittedly I am not very knowledgable of the workings of Exchange Server.

Are there customers sending email notifications through Exchange Server? How is this accomplished? Does Exchange Server act as a SMTP server allowing use of the Email adapter or is there some other mechanism that must be used to communicate with a Microsoft Exchange Server?

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Someone sent me a friend request, I clicked on the link in the email and was presented with a screen that said 'access denied' which was very unfriendly and unhelpful. Of course it was because I was not logged in but rather than 'access denied' why not redirect to the login page so I can login and so accept the friend request?

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If people are going to use the web interface, they need to be able to quickly find new content or material they are looking for.

Right now it appears as though the only sort is based on the last comment. But if there are threads that a user is not interested in, you have to sift through those again and again lookinf for new threads.

Please make it easier to filter and sort a forum so that information is easier for people to browse.

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· Dec 10, 2015
Welcome to the DeepSee Group

Welcome to the DeepSee Group.

The Developer Communty has a lot of DeepSee content including all the DeepSee documentation and over 50 videos.

Please use the Developer Community to asks questions, share your experience, and learn more about DeepSee.

I look forward to your participaton in the DeepSee Group of the InterSystems Developer Community.

Joe Gallant

Senior Product Manager

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· Dec 2, 2015
Formatting the post

There is any mean to use different fonts? For example "Courier New" for code text, or different colors? To work only with HTML is too hard

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I tried to rate a post (clicking on the 5th star) and it didn't seem to have any impact (there is no visual feedback and when I move the mouse away the stars are all still unlit). I am trying in Chrome - is this a general issue or just something that is not working for me?

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