· Mar 24, 2017
Firefox V52

I have a 100% ZEN application combined with 100% ZENReports and am also using IFind which is part of the solution.

Our application is a cloud hosted solution where we lease a server which does not have a website, only Cache configured under IIS. Connectivity to our site is premised on a URL string such as

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InterSystems Developer Community is a community of 21,824 amazing developers
We're a place where InterSystems IRIS programmers learn and share, stay up-to-date, grow together and have fun!

GT1|1|1|Test^Test||123 Building^123 Building^Brooklyn^NY^11220^United States^^^Kings|^PRN^PH^^^^^^^^^(111) 111-1111~^PRN^CP^^^^^^^^^(222) 222-2222|||""|IN|DGH^Daughter

I'm trying to clear the phone number completely.

Remove target.{GT1(1):GuarantorPhNumHome()} still gives me _~_

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· Nov 7, 2016
CLS location from INT code

Given location in INT code, as Cache usually reports on error (zWriteReport+25^SomeFile.1), is there any programmatic way to determine corresponding place in original source code?


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  • Take an HL7 message, parse some data from it
  • Call a web service to get an authorization key, comes back as a simple string
  • Create a request object with data from the HL7 message and send it to the Web Service

The main web method call requires that key I received as a Soap Header element. All I can pass to the SOAP Operation business class is the request object with the data I plucked from the HL7 payload. Nothing in that particular request message has anything in it that tells anything to send the header, too.

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Let's say I have two classes: A and B. They share no common parent except %SystemBase. But these classes have some properties with the same name (type may be the same or not):

Class A {

Property data As C;

Property data2;

Class B {

Property data As D;

Property data3;


I need to automatically convert object of class A into object of class B. I'm planing to write a class generator that generates a separate class that converts A to B. It would work like this:

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Currently, we have an application running in one namespace ("Database B") that has globals and routines mapped to another database ("Database A"). After enforcing clean up on Database A, we found that 90% of the disk is free. We would like to compact Database A and release the unused space. However, we are running OpenVMS, which seems to be the issue.

For databases consisting of only globals, we are able to use ^GBLOCKCOPY; however, we need to ensure that the routines and mappings are also copied.

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Is there some setting I'm missing with Atelier when it comes to auto indentation or something not supported yet? I noticed that it won't set the correct indentation when it comes to closing curly braces, as well as no auto indentation when I go to the next line after a beginning curly brace. If it's not something currently supported, is there any ETA on this?

IE This is what Atelier does:

Method blah(param1) as %Status {
Try {
Catch Exception {
// blah


This is what Cache studio does:

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· Mar 22, 2017

Hi All, In Cache Table i have stored the data value as horlog format ,by query how to retrive the data when i give the data field as date format.

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I have been asked to assist in the planning of the a new server for our database, which we will be changing operating systems from OpenVMS to Linux (RedHat distribution). However, its difficult to find material regarding what would be recommended, which is likely due to the database being proprietary.

In looking at the information provided below and hoping to decrease processing time, would anyone be able to recommend type of configuration we should have for the new Linux server? Please feel free to ask any clarifying questions.

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We are using Cache in our application. We are using default username/password for connecting to the Cache Database through Cache Manege Provider. Can we limit the permission of the user _SYSTEM to access only limited database/namespace.

Can we create new user for ODBC connection? Is there any API provided for creating user with limited access so that the user creation process can be automated.

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· Mar 21, 2017
Journal file I/O error

One of my journal spaces has status "IOER" in MSM MUMPS.

I think this is happend during system freeze.

I never seeing a journal file status like that. I did not find anything about it in the intersystems documentation.

I can simply delete the damaged file, but I'd like to know how to prevent this from happening.

Anyone have some idea about it?

My MSM-UNIX Version is 4.4.0.


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I have an XML I am sending to an operation from a BPL. This is a query for Patient information from Epic using a web service. I created the operation using the add-in in Studio. I setup the BPL to do a Call and send whatever data I receive from the client. I get a response back from Epic with a list of matching Patients. In the BPL I am trying to use the Response Builder to pass the response ID, name, DOB, etc. to matching context items to then pass to the client as a response. I get the following error within the call:

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I am trying to return the maximum of the value of 2 fields: LastViewed and LastDownloaded AS a local variable -LastAccessed for each row, using a SQL query . These values are stored as $ H format. Is there an existing SQL command that compares two column values ? I could not find one, so I tried using a $Select statement . I got an error that said A term expected beginning with either of: identifier, constant, aggregate, $$,(,:,+....)

Here is the SQL Query I am trying to run:-

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I have a Enslib.REST.operation which I want to use to send a JSON message. In Ensemble I am using the request message to the Business operation as an input for ObjectToJsonStream function so I can send it out (this is the way to go right?). However, I am now running into the fact that one of the attributes (template_name) contains an underscore and that I am not allowed to use the underscore to define the property in my ensemble RequestMessage:

Property template_name As %String;

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I am relatively new to ensemble, but I am trying to build a REST operation using the enslib.Rest.Operation but I can't seem to get it to work at all. I am completely at loss here because the errors I am receiving are very unclear. I have tried a few different variants using PostURL and SendFormDataArray but I got errors on all variants. Suggestions are welcome.

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· Mar 16, 2017
Telnet in a ZEN page

I need to find a solution for a client that has ZEN based application. Certain parts of this application remained Terminal based for which a unsigned Java applet was used to embedded this within the application. The control is old and requires an old version of Java which IT folks are not happy about.

I am looking for a replacement that will allow a terminal, either telnet or directly use cTerm, window to be embedded within a web application, specifically ZEN, based on Cache. Any suggestions or success stories would be welcome.

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· Jun 9, 2016
REST Services Cataloging

I've been building up a REST services API, consisting of a dozen or so classes referenced from a Dispatch class, which has route mappings for the first piece of the URI. I'd like to have the Dispatch class be able to output all of the available Services, with some documentation. Is there something like a %Library resource that I could use to pull this information from each of the classes?



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· Mar 16, 2017
HL7 Service - design question

noob here..(moving from JCAPS to Ensemble)

We are wondering where is the best place to tie the schema category for an incoming HL7 message? Should we do this within the service (via the message schema category setting) or receive everything and validate in the process (DTL) level?

We want to capture everything that will be sent to that HL7 listener service and then decide what to do with bad messages at the process layer.

Does anyone have any recommendation regarding this? Appreciate your input and decision thought process.

Thank You,

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