We return with our example of using the FHIR Adapter, in this article we are going to review how we can configure it in our IRIS instances and what the result of the installation is.

The steps taken to configure the project are the same as indicated in the official documentation, you can review them directly here. Well, let's get to work!

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InterSystems Developer Community is a community of 18,861 amazing developers
We're a place where InterSystems IRIS programmers learn and share, stay up-to-date, grow together and have fun!

Hi community.

I have an API that is deployed in my production (business service) and it calls to a business process to retrieve the information that is requested.

The problem that I have is that the calls are queued and it's creating a bottleneck

The business process is taking more time than needed.

Is possible to configure the BP to process parallely the requests?

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Hi Community

This document mainly enriches the content of the previous article and introduces the use of the application.

Perhaps you have already read the previous article, but I still want to say,
After completing the initialization operation (including model creation and training), the Fhir HepatitisC Predict application then predicts HepatitisC

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Hi, I was wondering if anyone already dealt with this issue:
"System has been suspended for over X seconds, exceeding the maximum duration specified. Allowing system activity to resume. Any ongoing backup has presumably failed. Next InterSystems IRIS backup must be a full one"

our backup system "Commvault" is automatic, how do you tell it once you get this message that the next backup should be full?



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InterSystems Official
· Nov 29, 2023
Introducing the Upgrade Impact Checklist

We are excited to announce a new part of InterSystems documentation that makes it easier to upgrade InterSystems IRIS® data platform, InterSystems IRIS® for Health™, or HealthShare® Health Connect. The Upgrade Impact Checklist at https://docs.intersystems.com/upgrade shows you all the things you need to consider – and only the things you need to consider – in an upgrade between any two versions.

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Say I have an ObjectScript object called Book. It has 2 properties title and author. It extends JSON.%Adaptor, so I can call book.%JSONExport() and get this output:

{ "title": "For Whom the Bell Tolls", "author": "Hemmingway" }

In my web service I want to have a search function that returns an array of Books along with the total number of responses, like this:

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Is it possible to authenticate an xDBC (ODBC/JDBC) connection to InterSystems IRIS via (a 3rd party) OAuth server?

For REST APIs this is possible, but could this be achieved with OAuth?

Out-of-the-box the ODBC/JDBC Drivers don't seem to have this option, but maybe some custom code could enable this? perhaps via Delegated Authentication and some OAuth classes customization, or some other way?

Has anyone done this already and can share how it was implemented, or someone with some guideline suggestions?

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Do you ever spend an age entering criteria in the message viewer page, trying to find a message just to realise you're in the wrong instance of IRIS?

Or get lost in a sea of message tabs struggling to spot that Visual Trace page your were JUST looking at?

Well, have you tried the IRIS WHIZ browser extension and its suite of tools designed to help you avoid such unpleasantness?

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· Jan 31 2m read
What is iris-hl7?

An App that converts HL7 messages to JSON objects. About a year ago I started a GitHub repo for collecting stuff related to HL7. Recently my team added an HL7 interface to our Interoperability Production and we were asked to persist HL7 messages. We created a Kafka topic to receive HL7 messages. We use Kafka Bridges to send messages to Kafka topics. Kafka messages are sent to the Kafka Bridge in JSON format.

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Hi community,

We have a developed a new version of a production, all the code is new and has changed BP. This application load information for some brands and stored in database.

The customer wants to implement the changes only for some brands because he wants to check for small brands before to implement for all brands.

My proposal is create a new namespace, with the new code, and disabled all load of brands except the brand that he wants to check.

I'm wondering what is the best way to clone the namespace.

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Django, a high-level web framework written in Python, has become a staple for developers seeking a robust, efficient, and easy-to-learn solution for building web applications. Its popularity stems from its versatility, offering developers an efficient toolkit for building web applications. Integrating Django with InterSystems IRIS introduces a dynamic synergy, providing developers with a comprehensive web development and database management solution. That's why on the Ideas Portal, @Evgeny Shvarov suggested that having Examples to work with IRIS from Django would be beneficial. In this article, we'll explore two projects created to answer the posted idea — Django-iris by @Dmitry Maslennikov and Iris-size-django by @Heloisa Paiva.

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When I first encountered FHIR, I encountered a problem with its message format. It was difficult for me to determine whether the message I created met the format, and it was also difficult to easily create an FHIR message from scratch.

So, through fhir server of IntereSystemsfhirserver API, I created this application for quickly generating/validating FHIR messages.

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How can I send a request via a SOCKS5 proxy in IRIS, using, for example, EnsLib.REST.Operation?


I need to access APIs inside my corporate network, to which I don't have direct access from my home office. I've set up a SOCKS5 proxy via SSH on my host machine like this:

ssh -D 9999 server.corporate.com

I can then make requests with curl to the APIs I need:

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אתם משתמשים כבר ב-VS Code עם שרת InterSystems או שרק עכשיו מתחילים להשתמש?

אנחנו קוראים לכל מפתחי הקהילה שלנו להצטרף לוובינר הבא (בעברית!) שבו נעסוק בכל הנושאים היותר מתקדמים בעבודה עם VS Code.

לרישום ומידע:


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· Feb 8, 2018 1m read
Atelier security quirk

When defining a server connection in Atelier we are required to enter a username and password because these are mandatory fields in the dialog. However, if the /api/atelier web application definition on that server has only the "Unauthenticated" checkbox set in the section titled "Allowed Authentication Methods", then our Atelier connection will succeed even if we supply an invalid username and/or password.

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