· Jan 6

Using the Intersystems ObjectScript plugin, how can I automatically import to the server when I delete the code file locally on my client machine?

I have installed three plugins on VS Code: Intersystems Language Server: v2.3.6, Intersystems ObjectScript: v2.10.5, and Intersystems Server Manager: v3.6.2. I connected to the Caché database and connected a workspace to the InterSystems server. Then I edited the code locally on my client machine. However, only modifying the code and adding new code files allow for automatic updates on the server after executing "import without compilation." Deleting code files does not achieve this; I need to return to Explorer to delete them, and then the code files can only be truly deleted on the server side through Studios.

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If possible, you should use VS Code on a developer laptop that can be kept up to date instead of the server that IRIS/Cache is running on. The extension versions you are using are well over a year old and you'll be missing out on major new features, like the one you requested in this post. VS Code can connect to servers that are on a different machine.