Receiving HL7 messages from our EMR, and processing to send out to downstream system. These are SIU_S12 messages, with a custom ZOR segment added by the EMR to include order information. The purpose of including this segment is to allow us to only send messages to the vendor that contain a procedure ID that is included on the list of procedures desired by the vendor. These values are in a LUT with the procedure ID in the key field, and a value of 1.

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I created %ZSTART, having just learned about it. I included some minimal code to test it, as follows:

Now Terminal still works as normal, and sure enough I get "LOGIN" displayed, but when I start Studio I get an error message such as the following. I wonder what Caché ODBC has to do with it.

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Hi, I was working with %sStream.FileBynary and following the doc when I find an info that I'm not sure of.
In the part of the doc where it talks about saving streams, it does not precise where it is saved.
I tried to fill my stream, then rewind, then set the file and finally saved.
And it puts in my default directory with the temporary name.
If I do a zwrite of my stream, I get these properties about the file and directory.
(StoreFile) = ""
(NormalizedDirectory) = "C:\InterSystems\Community\mgr\user\stream\"

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In Cache End of file throws error but in IRIS no indication of End of file. I have to do an explicit $ZOF. How are you handling/detecting End of File in IRIS?

In cache this line will throw End of file error - F PREC=1:1 U FILE R REC D SOMETHING

But in IRIS this goes to forever, has anyone noticed this behaviour in IRIS?

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0 76

Hello Community,

I have below issue -

I have an ID with 123456.(ID as a dynamic value coming from request message)

I wanted it to be displayed as "123456" in Json Stream.

Code Example:

set object = ##class(%ZEN.proxyObject).%New()

set object.ID = ID

set x = ##class(%ZEN.Auxiliary.jsonArrayProvider).%WriteJSONStreamFromObject(.json,object)

ID : 123456

Will output:


"ID": 123456


but I need :


"ID": "123456"


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0 68

I don't have a current project where I am needing to create a new operation that uses SOAP at the moment but as someone who still has some SOAP connections in her Production, I was curious if VSCode had an equivalent to the SOAP Wizard that helped create all of the SOAP classes needed based on the provided WSDL? Does anyone know? Or has this become a manual process?

Thanks in advance for help curbing my curiosity!

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I have just started working on cache and I am trying to push code from a tfs repo to a cache server namespace. I know that from you vscode you just can compile and that would reach the namespace. But I want this process to be automated , like a ci/cd pipeline that gets triggered only from a kube container. Is there any documentation which I can follow. We are still using cache not IRIS

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0 45

Question for folks who have connected to an External FHIR repository outside of IRIS. Within the HS.FHIRServer.Interop.HTTPOperation there is not an option to include TLS or an OAuth authentication when connecting to an external Repository. So then how is that piece done if you need to Authenticate against an OAuth Server before you are able to access the data or call the Web Services/REST calls?

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0 49

Hello everyone,
After upgrade to InterSystems ObjectScriptv2.12.3 extension an annoying "bulb" occured in the beggining of code line. If point upon it, there are some actions being offered. In my case, an action "Wrap in try/catch" is always among them, even if the code line is already within try/catch block. Another action which appears sometimes is "Extract to method". If accept, new method is inserted into the class with only one line body inside. IMHO, not too clever "AI solution" as well.

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I'm new to IS and the HL7 transformations using the DTL. I need some clarification on the foreach action.

I want to iterate over IN1 segments, and output only segments that contain certain allergy types in IN1-2 with foreach. Inside the foreach block, I check for allergy type "FA" in IN1-2 and, if found, send the segment with only the required fields (fields #1, #2, #3, and #5 to be exact). Please see the foreach block below:

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I am trying to locate a method that would allow me to differentiate between InterSystems preinstalled/system namespaces and "our own" namespaces. I am interested both in Cache and Iris answers if they are different. Yes, I can list what to disregard, like if not HSLIB or if not DOCBOOK but hoping for a more universal and elegant answer.

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in the InterSystems management portal, I am in the lookup table viewer (interoperability>lookup Tables, I would like to use import function to convert our existing table from other system to intersystems lookup table.

so I converted our existing one like below and saved it as xxx.xml file locally. when I try to import, it says it is not a valid export file.

my question is " what's the valid format for a file to be valid to use to import for lookup table?"

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· May 2
Compact & Truncate

Hi Guys,

I never ran a Compact & truncate process before and we do have a 4.6TB database with 1.9TB free space available that I would like to recover

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Hi Guys,

My Cache.dat has a expanded a lot and some globals occupy a lot of disc space with just junk data so I would like to kill some globals and shrink the cache.dat file because I'm running out of disk space?
So is there a way to do that without having to do it through the Truncate & Compact databases?


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I have the JSON message below. I am struggling with parsing the data in the OtherProcedures section. That section can be null, or have from one to many other procedures. Any help is greatly appreciated. I have tried using/setting an iterator to go thru the data but not having any success with that.

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Is there a way to exclude specific members from a class when exporting to an XML or UDL file? Bonus question: is there a way to import from that file without overwriting those members that were excluded?

The use case is to export an interoperability production class without the ProductionDefinition XDATA. We plan to source control the production items through the Ensemble Deployment Manager, but we still need to export any custom code in the class definition itself.

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