I have two pages and I am using the push and pop to go and back navigation. When I click the button forward and back in the browser, I can't navigate more between pages.

The following code:

Page 1 - onSelect Method:
var obj = {idExame: VALID, objUsu: ObjUsu};
zenPage.gotoArea ('itemexames', key, key, false);
view.pushDocument (key, obj, key, obj);

Page 2 - onSelectMethod, back:

var documentKey = "PacienteExamesinitial";
var layoutKey = "PacienteExamesinitial";
var area = "pacienteexames";

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0 380


Need some technique to solve an issue about zen page table.

- "xyz" table exists in all my namespaces.

I have a simple Zen page in "USER 1" namespace. It has a tablepane which pulls data from "xyz" table.

OnLoad of the page i want the zenpage to pull the data from "USER 2" namespace with same "xyz" table name.

Zenpage has to be in "USER 1" namespace

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I need to set the label of a custom setting in the portal instead of the name of the associated property, eg.:

Class SomeClass Extends (Ens.BusinessService, %ZEN.Portal.ContextSearch)


Property ABadPropertyNameToChange As %Boolean;

Parameter SETTINGS = "ABadPropertyNameToChange:CustomSettingsSection"

will result in this in the portal



[ ]

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1 269

We need to generate a PDF file from an HL7 message as it passes through an Ensemble production. Looking for examples, tutorials, documentation aligned to our scenario.

We are currently using Ensemble (so can't use InterSystems Reports at the moment). Thinking Zen reports...

We can get from HL7 to XML OK, following Introduction to InterSystems Health Connect - YouTube (see c.1:11:00-1:13:00)

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0 137

Hi everyone, I have and Zen Mojo application, it's all working but I have some doubts about what is recommended to use: There is some reports of employees, for example, and actually I'm using some plugins : "Excelent export" to generate Excel reports and "jspdf" to generate PDF reports in client side.

I have an REST service, that receives the request, process and returns JSON, after client side receive the response it's processed.

- This can be slow/bad in applications with large data?

- It's better/recommended to use ZenReports even with ZenMojo applications?

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0 377

You may experience errors executing Java programs that rely on the JAVA_HOME environment.

For example when Create PDF from this pivot in DeepSee or in this case, outputting a Zen Report as PDF.

You can verify the PDF generation configuration by clicking on the Verify Now button on the Management Portal System > Configuration > Zen Report Settings page:

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0 831
· Aug 25, 2017
Zen Report - ErrorNo: 5540

I'm working on an existing Zen Report that uses queryClass/queryName to retrieve data using a class that has a Stored Procedure method. Which works fine.
I have created second class with a Stored Procedure method, I modified the zen report to use this class and now I'm having the following error.

Error: SQLCODE: -99 Message: User UnknownUser is not privileged for the operation
ErrorNo: 5540



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0 429
· Oct 20, 2018
Looking for work

Hi every body

I hope it's the right place & I'm not offending any body.

I'm a veteran Mumps/Cache/Ensemble programmer . I think my only draw back is my age, although my brain is still young & bubbly.

I'm looking a long time for work without success.

I gathered a lot of knowledge & experience during those long years , developed many projects & i'm ready to do any work only to feel useful.

I'll add my resume, I hope & wish that this post will bring some change as I'm desperate to get some work.

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0 431
· Aug 25, 2016
ZEN Mojo onEvent() callback

Hi - Trapping onselect and onchange events that occur on layout objects seems to work fine, however, according to the documentation, I should also be able to use onevent, which is defined as follows:

onevent: Defines how the page behaves when another type of event occurs within a documentView (an event other than select or change).

and has the method signature:

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0 395

I have a dataListBox in ZEN which has an OnDrawItem method associated with it. The DrawItem method never seems to be called and I cannot see why. I am using IE11. Can anyone suggest a reason? The attached code runs in a namespace called CODE and can be run using view webpage on the TheLabsApp.BioAnal class. Please note that the data is in a global called ^%ANAL that resides in %SYS.

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0 255


I have a Zen Mojo application that haves a tree menu, in this menu I'm loading all records from database (about 1500) and the page is very slow, about 2 seconds to load, I don't know how to get faster.

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0 420

I would like to know how to get the key value from a dropdownmenuitem placed on a navbar.

I have tried to get from onselect and onchange events of the template class, but it didn´t work.

According to the snapshot attached I am trying to retrieve the values from 'action-1' and 'action-2'.

I have attached a ZIP file with a snapshot which value I am trying to retrieve and example classes.


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0 320

I want to limit the length of the value of a textarea in Zen. In HTML the textarea element has a 'maxlength' attribute, but the Zen component doesn't have an equivalent property. Is there any way to add a maximum length in Zen short of creating my own custom component?

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0 680

I have a tablepane in my Zen page that is tied to a class query. When the page first loads, the table is empty. A button onclick event causes the tablepane query to execute and load query results into the table. I want an onchange event from a datalistbox to clear the tablepane so that it looks empty as it was when the page first loaded. I have had no luck fiddling with javascript in the datalistbox's onchange.

0 1
0 405


I have a question about how to set the value of a radioSet. Yes, I know -- the documentation says that setValue can be used "client side", but gives no example. Plus, I'm trying to set the value of a radioSet in %onAfterCreatePage, which is a Zen method? Server side method? I'm not sure.

In my Zen page I create a radioSet like this:

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0 614
· Dec 27, 2016
Annotating PDF files

I've been asked to annotate a PDF file (in Intersystems Cache). That is, take in an existing PDF (printable form with areas for people to write in) and use Cache to update it (automatically fill the fields in).

Does Zen have the ability to set a starting/initial PDF? I see the ability to define an XML format to write in, but that's not exactly what I need, because that will generate my "answers".

I'd like to overlay my "answers" on top of an original PDF. Do you know how to do that?

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0 599

There is a finite list of date formats that users want to use to enter a date in a form. These formats include single digits for month and day and double digits for year. The field is represented by a dateText control.

How would one get to allow a dateText control to accept multiple date formats ? I see only 3 listed here, do those include using single digits for month and day ?

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0 460
· Jul 31, 2018
Use Fallback CSS mode

Hi everybody,

we have some legacy ZEN applications build upon CSS2 style definitions. We moved the application due to an upgrade to a newer version of cache (2017.2.1). Anyway I have in mind that in one of the prior relases css3 style interpretation was enforced by ZEN and you could explecitly tell the framework to use CSS2 by setting a global. Anyway I can´t found any hints in the docs on that. Does anyone of the %ZEN gurus have this in mind?

best regards,


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0 217


I'm using ZEN report to generate a PDF file out a table.

Although, I need to display data from two tables splitted into two different namespaces.

So, I created a process that fetches all the data I need and then calls the PDF class and generates the stream out of it.

My question is, once I've got my list of objects. How can I transform it into a ResultSet, in order to display in the report ?

Thanks for your answer.

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0 349

When dealing with a support issue of one of our Deltanji source control sites this week I learned that if you're using InterSystems versions earlier than 2018.1 on Unix-type platforms it's possible that a class you export in UDL format will subsequently fail to import. So I'm posting this information here in case it helps other folk.

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0 269

I am able to display my query result in the table pane, but I want to update it based on user click but it doesnt work. Can this be done? Below is what I am doing but it doesnt change my value on clicking. Would appreciate some guidance on this

I have ondblclick = zenPage.SelectItem

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