· Mar 14, 2016

How to code datalistbox onchange to clear a Zen tablepane?

I have a tablepane in my Zen page that is tied to a class query.  When the page first loads, the table is empty.  A button onclick event causes the tablepane query to execute and load query results into the table.  I want an onchange event from a datalistbox to clear the tablepane so that it looks empty as it was when the page first loaded.  I have had no luck fiddling with javascript in the datalistbox's onchange.

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This should accomplish what you want:

var tablePane = zen('yourTablePaneId');

// Don't actually execute the query the next time the table is rendered.

// Clear the snapshot (cached results of the query, used for quick pagination) before re-rendering.
// This is irrelevant if the tablePane isn't using snapshots.

// Regenerate HTML for the tablePane - it'll be empty.

Or, a bit more simply:

var tablePane = zen('yourTablePaneId');

// Don't actually execute the query the next time the table is rendered.

// Re-execute the query (this also clears the snapshot if snapshots are in use)

If refreshContents() / executeQuery() is called again, query results will be shown, because initialExecute is set to true each time the tablePane is drawn.