Atelier Users:

Has anyone found an Eclipse plug-in that provides the capability to connect to a Caché server and give the user a way to write SQL queries using the tables from that server? I'm picturing something like a "WinSQL"-client built as an Eclipse plugin.

I've found and tried the following, but I couldn't get it to connect to my local Caché instance.

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Hi everyone,

I'm attempting to compile a basic Python code on a remote server, but it appears that the compiler doesn't recognize the language.

The remote server is running a virtual machine with Oracle Linux Server 7.9 (64-bit), and it has IRIS for UNIX (Red Hat Enterprise Linux for x86-64) 2021.1 (Build 215U) [HealthConnect:3.3.0] installed.

When I try to compile a script that includes a Python ClassMethod, such as this "testpy.cls":

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Is it possible to make the cache terminal available over a mirrored vip address for a healthshare mirrored environment? So that connecting to a terminal for a mirrored environment will always connect to the Live Node?

I'm looking to write a Powershell script to run against the system and need to connect to the Live Node in a mirrored setup. Is this possible or am I going to have to log onto each node to establish which is Live. Or does this even matter?

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I want do to a "simple thing". Show a dynamic log of actions in the browser as we can see on Terminal. For that, I guess to make a simple CSP Page that show a new line every WRITE command is the thing I need.

But how I refresh after each WRITE?

How I can refresh the content automatically?

I made a simple CSP Page and in method OnPage I do this test:

write "Start..",!
for i=1:1:10{
hang 1
write "Doing "_i,!
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0 433
· May 25, 2017
Problems with zlib1.dll


I'm having a problem with %SQL.Statement.

I have a ClassMethod on Cache that I'm trying to access via - this.db.invoke_classmethod.

When I get to my %Prepare I get a <DYNAMIC LIBRARY LOAD> error. Upon checking cconsole.log I find the following...

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Hi guys,

I am trying to run a command line code using $zf(-1) in cache terminal. it is returning access denied error.

I have tried to run the code in cmd itself it is also throwing Access denied error. But if opened cmd as administrator and run the same code it is working perfectly. I am using windows system.

Hence i need to know how can i run the cmd line code as administrator using our terminal or studio. Please help me out.



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· Nov 17, 2020
Terminal replacement


Has anyone found a good terminal emulator replacement for Cache Terminal?

We want one where the up arrow works to bring back the last command typed (without extraneous characters appearing at the beginning of the line) and be able to run D ^JOURNAL and have it display correctly.

I tried WebTerminal a couple of years back and but it didn't work properly with the journal. I've tried RoyalTS and that doesn't do up arrow or the journal correctly even though it's supposed to be emulating a VT400.

Any suggestions?


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I have a question about terminal, when I run a class from it that contains an error I get a report of error as I would expect, and then an apparently random three letter code is appended to the namespace name in the prompt, as shown below.

GMMHTIE>do ##class(temp.Nothing).What()

w !, tParisAnswer
<UNDEFINED>zWhat+23^temp.Nothing.1 *tParisAnswer

Then, when I try to enter a command I get an error

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I am using the free Intersystems Cache installation (CachePCkit V2017.1) on Windows 10 for my own use & personal development.
I am writing routines in Studio & running them in the Cache terminal TRM:3672 (TRYCACHE).
From a routine, how do I control print position within the terminal screen. I have tried using $X and $Y but this does not work and I cannot find what I need within the Cache terminal documentation.

Hope this question is not too simplistic for Members.
Any suggestion would be appreciated.

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I am writing a report for a client that will create a report of the current process with a format that mimicks the Management Portal process display. I am writing a cterm script file to generate the report.

In the loop that process the results I am writing the columns in a formatted manner that will result in a CSV format very similar in content and order the process page. However, it appears that the write statement is limited in size such that I can not write out all of the elements of the sys.process query. My query result processing that works correctly is of this format:

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I have set up a Docker image with IrisHealth Community Edition and created a backup of all databases with the Management Portal. Obviously, the restore requires a different way, i.e. a terminal or session needs to be started to use a "Do ^DBREST".

Due to the manual first a session (which is probably same as iristerm terminal) needs to be started:

docker exec -it iris iris session iris

If I enter "DO ^DBREST", I get the answer:


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· Aug 12, 2019
write #


Is there any way to control what control sequence is sent to a device when a "write #" is executed?

I have an application that establishes a banner at the top of the terminal window and when we do a "write #" the banner disappears. I need to be able to recreate the banner line as part of the screen clear.



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· Apr 26, 2017
Restore Database issue

Hi Everybody,

I'm trying to restore database to a 2016.2.2.853 caché version but i've some problems ...

Into my backup file, i've 6 namespaces. After use the Do ^DBREST and configure all namespace into the portal, I can only reach 2 of 6.

when I write zn "blabla" into the terminal, i've got this error message :

ZN "blabla"
<DIRECTORY> *r:\data\blabla

Of course, Database and namespace are correctly define.

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0 1.1K
· May 16, 2016
Roman Number Converter

My name is Sergio Fernandes and I'm from Brazil.
I would like to know how can i use MVBasic at Cache Terminal or .csp.
My original problem is to converter Integer Numbers to Roman Numbers and consulting cache documentation I found "Conversion Codes" at http://localhost:57772/csp/docbook/DocBook.UI.Page.cls?KEY=GVRF_basicfea...
My version is Intersystems Ensemble 2013.1.6.950.0
Thanks a lot,

Sérgio Fernandes

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