cache 2017.2 windows 10

Is there any way to change the sql Shell interface to output a <TAB> between the fields instead of outputting one or more spaces between columns

I needed to run an sql ( that took a while to run) and then cut and paste the generated output into excel, trouble was the paste into excel was not very good for columns when there's spaces used between the columns


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· Feb 21, 2018
HL7 segment query using SQL

I'm trying to get a count of specific message type with a specific entry and thought I could build the query in Message Viewer but this does not provide counts (as far as I am aware). So when I take the SQL from 'Show Query' it omits the segment criteria as the code shows below.

I have attached the criteria that has been excluded. Is this possible?

Thank you

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Hello, I am running into a little problem.

I am trying to create a Cache Trigger on a FACS table using the SQL CREATE TRIGGER command but I am getting the message [SQLCODE: <-300>:<DDL not allowed on this table definition>].

I am not creating a persistent class but using the SQL CREATE TRIGGER command.

Please advise.


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I get this error [Cache ODBC][State : HYC00][Native Code 469] and zero rows returned with the following query.

SELECT "Timestamp","Skillset" FROM "dbo"."iSkillsetStat"
WHERE (Timestamp >= '2020-06-29 00:00:00'
AND Timestamp < '2020-06-30 00:00:00')

I'm using Qlik Attunity Replicate to extract data, the query was formatted by the tool. The query will return data in excel and SSIS, but not using Replicate.

So far I've tried using two ODBC drivers


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· Jun 22, 2020
Amending timestamp

Hi, I have a timestamp of 201906192359 with a HL7 and I need to add a minute to it to get 201906200000. Is there an easy way within Healthshare to do this?

It seems easy enough within SQL but I cannot get the SQL to work within Healthshare, this is what I have for SQL which does the job in SQL Server.

SELECT REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(CONVERT(CHAR(16),DATEADD(mi,1,STUFF(STUFF(@test,11,0,':'),9,0,' ')),120),'-',''),' ',''),':','');

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0 259

Hello, In the DTL, is there a way to set a value for the HL7 data element in the code section? For example, set target.SetValueAt("PID:3(k1).1)") = mrn (mrn is the value returned from the SQL query) When I ran the test utility, I got this error message. ERROR ErrException: zTransform+27^testclass.TEST.1 *SetValueAt,EnsLib.HL7.Message -- logged as '-' number - @' set target.SetValueAt("PID:3(k1).1)") = mrn' I tried both target.SetValueAt("PID:3(k1).1)") and target.GetValueAt("PID:3(k1).1)"). That didn’t make a difference. The code still error out.

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· May 27, 2020
Read data from Excel


I work as a contractor for the Department of Veterans Affairs. I want to read data from an Excel workbook. I searched posts here and saw Apache POI suggested. I believe Apache POI is not approved for use within VA. I also believe we should be able to run SQL query against Excel. Has anybody done such a thing or are there other ways to read data from Excel workbooks?


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During runtime I build an object which is essentially a wrapper over in-memory table:

col1 ... colN
val11 ... valN1
val12 ... valN2

I want to use this object as a part of INSERT or UPDATE queries, based on a value of some column (the main use case one of the columns is an ID value)

What's the best way to expose the object to SQL?

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· Apr 22, 2020
SQL Statement Highlighting

Hey Community,

my Caché Version: 2013.1 and can't update now.

is it possible to highlight SQL Statements like in embedded SQL with all the features from SQL Statements?

Actually I use SQL Statements with a simple string like:

set myquery = "SELECT TOP 5 Name,DOB AS bdate,FavoriteColors FROM Sample.Person"

But when the queries are more complex it will be very cluttered and unstructured.

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Hey Community,

my Caché Version is 2013.1 and I can't update now.

I want to serialize a SQL Answer row into an Array filled with objects and then convert it to json.

Actually I use the following, which is very error prone when I have to do that often:

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I am experimenting with Relationships, both Parent to Child and One to Many.

I have done some SQL look-ups and have searched through the documentation, however not in a lot detail, but wonder if there are more and better ways to access both sides of Relationships through SQL?

Thank you in advance for any help provided.

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Hi ,

I have a code written in cache sql and trying to understand it, below is the code , can anyone help me understand what does that mean

ex - !! dosage_unit !!

SELECT (CASE WHEN (order_description IS NULL OR (order_description='')) THEN '' ELSE (order_description) END) !! (CASE WHEN (dosage IS NULL OR dosage_unit IS NULL OR (dosage='') OR (dosage_unit='')) THEN '' ELSE (', ' !! dosage !! ' ' !! dosage_unit !!

Thank You in advance.

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