· May 17, 2020

How to quickly obtain the number of records in a persistent class?


Is there a method in a persistent class that can return the current number of records/persistent objects in it?

Discussion (15)2
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Not to my knowledge.  While there is a global node in the storage map that is used to get the next available Id this would only work on tables/objects based on a single integer id.  At the same time, this is the next available Id and does not account for physical deletes that may have occurred, ie the next Id might be = 101 but you may have fewer than 100 rows/objects as some may have been deleted.  The simplest way to accomplish this would then to perform a SELECT COUNT(*) FROM TableName.  If the table implements this bitmap indices this should be ms.  If you don't get the performance you want you might consider adding %PARALLEL to the FROM clause and let the optimizer decide if it makes sense to split the job.

If records are never deleted and you're okay with a few misses, use ExtentSizeFast, if you need the fastest precise runtime implementation use ExtentSize, in you need better compile speed and don't care about runtime speed use GetExtentSize.

/// w ##class(Utils.Persistent).GetGlobal("Utils.Persistent")
ClassMethod GetDataGlobal(Class As %Dictionary.CacheClassname) As %String
    Quit:'$$$comClassDefined(Class) ""
    Set Strategy = $$$comClassKeyGet(Class, $$$cCLASSstoragestrategy)
    Quit $$$defMemberKeyGet(Class, $$$cCLASSstorage, Strategy, $$$cSDEFdatalocation)

/// w ##class(Utils.Persistent).ExtentSizeFast("Utils.Persistent")
ClassMethod ExtentSizeFast(Class As %Dictionary.CacheClassname) As %String [ CodeMode = expression ]
$Get(@..GetDataGlobal(Class), 0)

/// w ##class(Utils.Persistent).GetExtentSize("Utils.Persistent")
ClassMethod GetExtentSize(Class As %String) As %Integer
    Set Global = ..GetDataGlobal(Class)
    Quit:Global="" 0
    Set Id = $Order(@Global@(""))
    Set Count = 0
    While Id '= "" {
        Set Id = $Order(@Global@(Id))
        Set Count = Count + 1
    Quit Count

ClassMethod ExtentSize() As %Integer [ CodeMode = objectgenerator ]
    set Strategy = $$$comClassKeyGet(%classname, $$$cCLASSstoragestrategy)
    set Global = $$$defMemberKeyGet(%classname, $$$cCLASSstorage, Strategy, $$$cSDEFdatalocation)
    Do %code.WriteLine(" Set Id = $Order(" _ Global _ "(""""))")
    Do %code.WriteLine(" Set Count = 0")
    Do %code.WriteLine(" While Id '= """" {")
    Do %code.WriteLine("     Set Id = $Order(" _ Global _ "(Id))")
    Do %code.WriteLine("     Set Count = Count + 1")
    Do %code.WriteLine(" }")
    Do %code.WriteLine(" Quit Count")
    Quit $$$OK

In principle I'd share te suggestion of @Stephen Canzano;

with 2 minor additions: SELECT Count(ID) from <youtable>  will you always lead to the
explicit or implicit Extent Index.  (bitmap or standard)

set cls=##class(%Dictionary.CompiledClass).%OpenId("classname")
set table=clsSqlTableName

This is important as there are a bunch of classes that have explicit defined table names.

In addition, it works also for table linked over SQL gateway

So, assuming @Vitaliy.Serdtsev and @Robert Cemper answers we have:

Index ext [type = bitmap; Extent];

Is the must for every Persistent class, with standard ID, if we want to have fast answer on "How many records"

And the easiest and fastest "How many records" in this case is:

ClassMethod HowManyRecords(ByRef recordsCount as %Integer) As %Status

&sql(SELECT Count(1) INTO :recordsCount FROM schema_package.table)

