Hi all, it's finally time for the next release of VSCode ObjectScript extension. So what's new in this release.

  • Debugging support, for classes, routines and attach to a running process
  • Files in Server Explorer now can be edited

  • Added more details about connection errors

  • Improvements in Server Explorer build tree

  • Fixed memory leak when exporting large amount of files
  • Server view can be opened in explorer as virtual file system with schema `isfs://`
  • Option to suppress popup information message about successful compile, ("objectscript.suppressCompileMessages": true)
  • Export, addCategory setting have more flexibility in naming category for exported items
  • Formatting for commands and functions, as Word, UPPER or lower
  • Some improvements in syntax highlighting
  • Some other small fixes

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Many factors affect a person's quality of life, and one of the most important is sleep. The quality of our sleep determines our ability to function during the day and affects our mental and physical health. Good quality sleep is critical to our overall health and well-being. Therefore, by analyzing indicators preceding sleep, we can determine the quality of our sleep. This is precisely the functionality of the Sheep's Galaxy application.

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· May 14, 2022 2m read
M:N in Contest #1

M:N Relationship is a recurring object of my interest for a long time.
So the subject turns up with me repeatedly.
For this article, I found a nice example with TWO separate M:N relationships. Some M:N².

It is not pure fiction but taken from a closer view of OEX Contests that we run on a regular base.

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1 329
· May 28, 2021 1m read
Fetch Upstream in GitHub

Hi colleagues!

Often when we collaborate to someone's repo in GitHub we do the following cycle:

Fork-Clone-Change-Commit-Push-Pull-Request-Merge to the original repo.

This is all great and works fine!

And if we want to make a second collaboration right after the merge you need to perform "Fetch upstream" to your forked repo first to "ingest" your own Pull-request in the original repo.

Geeky git-professionals do it with ease but this was always a headache for me so I usually simply deleted the fork and created a new one.

And today I figured that Github added a new UI feature that I can easily fetch-upstream for my fork with the original one and make it up to date and capable for pull-requests.

Here is where the button is:

This is a relief! )

Wanted to share this relief and productivity tip with you!

Bring more collaborations to Github repos!

And speaking of PR - I just made a PR with docker to Google Cloud Run deployment for the FHIRaaS demo made by @Anton Umnikov for the current FHIR Contest! Looking for more of your contributions!

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· Jul 19, 2020 1m read
Organize ZLANG

The guide “Extending Languages with %ZLANG Routines”
Tells you all details you need to know to extend your programming language.
EXCEPT: How to do it in a clean way.

This example of a %ZLANGC00.mac may show a possible approach
to get an easy to overview and to manage setup.
With less than 50 lines of code you might not be affected.
But if your Studio shows close to 1000 rows or more you may get in troubles.

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Hi all, I have released the latest version of VSCode extension for ObjectScript already a month ago, and finally a time for the info about this new release.

So, what's new in the release:

What's new in this version

  • added export setting "objectscript.export.addCategory" if enabled uses the previous behaviour, adds category folder to export folder, disabled by default
  • added Server actions menu, by clicking on server info from status bar. Open Management portal, Class Reference and toggle connection.
  • Class Suggestion in ##class, Extends, As, CompileAfter, DependsOn, PropertyClass
  • $SYSTEM suggestion by Classes from %SYSTEM
  • Import and compile folder or file by context menu in File Explorer
  • Server Explorer, now possible to open any other namespace
  • Macros suggestion

For details how it works now, look further.

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· Mar 2, 2023 5m read
Tutorial - Working with %Query #1

The title of the contest subject is not quite precise but addresses the %Library.classes involved.
What is meant is officially named Class Query and is dating back to the early days of Caché.
CLASS is used because it is embedded in a COS class.
Though there is a precise description in the official documentation it remains rather abstract.
My tutorial should guide you step-by-step through a simple example in COS to make it tangible to you

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· Mar 2, 2023 5m read
Tutorial - Working with %Query #2

My previous article introduced you to SQL based Basic Class Query
where a clever wizard created all the required code for you and your essential
contribution was an SQL statement.

Now we enter the real Custom Class Query that provides more freedom but
requires a deeper understanding of the mechanic behind the scene.
The full code example is again on GitHub

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0 251
· Jul 28, 2022 1m read
Approach to InterSystems IRIS

Hi Folks,

Before I begin my writing journey here I wish to introduce myself briefly, so that everyone who reads and follows me will get a clear picture.

To start with I did my Bachelors in Physical Sciences, Mathematics and Computer Science were my core subjects. I have 4+ years of experience in HealthCare Revenue Cycle operations including Medical Coding, Billing, AR Collections, Denial Management and Fincial Reconciliation. Also, 2+ years of experience in Data Operations and Analytics, specifically in Python, PowerBI, SQL and MsExcel.

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0 301
· Sep 11, 2021 2m read
Successful Troubleshooting

During the last weeks, I was working on various issues and problems related to SW development.
I found that quite often problem analysis was mostly chasing issues just on the surface
but not really attacking the deeper reasons of the problem and follow the consequences.
It's like the doc that stops your leg bleeding but doesn't see that it is broken.

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0 438
· Jul 4, 2020 2m read
Terminal Multi-Line Command Editor

The Command extension enables the execution of Multi-Line Commands from Terminal prompt.

Terminal Multi-Line Input with Edit, Insert, Delete, Print extension for IRIS and Caché
IRIS and Caché have just single command lines in terminal available
This Multi-Line Commands Editor also will execute the Multi-line Commands.
In addition, it is independent of access to %SYS and can be installed in any namespace

Special thanks to @Jeffrey Drumm who inspired me to this and supported me as beta-tester.

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0 1.2K

Hello all.

I think the forum experience is great as whole, but it could improve even more if we had somewhere to share our ideas. So that's why I'm creating a thread dedicated for that purpose. Maybe this way someone from InterSystems could catch something good?

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· Mar 25 7m read
Introduction to Kubernetes

In this article, we will cover below topics:

  • What is Kubernetes?
  • Main Kubernetes (K8s) Components

What is Kubernetes?

Kubernetes is an open-source container orchestration framework developed by Google. In essence, it controls container speed and helps you manage applications consisting of multiple containers. Additionally, it allows you to operate them in different environments, e.g., physical machines, virtual machines, Cloud environments, or even hybrid deployment environments.

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2 168
· Dec 30, 2022
Happy New Year

Dear community!

It was an amazing 2022 with all of you. Great questions and articles around the whole year and this brings us the most valuable gifts -- wisdom and knowledge.
I want to thank you all for a great year full of fun and pleasure.

This community rocks.

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As you can see in my profile I teach at a university and I wanted to share my take on teaching IRIS (or Caché before it).

It’s been some time but I remember seeing a series of articles by @Yuri Marx earlier this year about the course “Developing with InterSystems Objects and SQL”. He actually gave a brief description of what’s done on Day 1, Day 2, and Day 3 with comments from instructor @Joel Solon. And I thought to myself, it may be interesting to share my experience.

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· Aug 3, 2020 3m read
Global Scanning & Slicing

In most cases, a global used by default storage has just 1 subscript level that represents the IDKEY.
For an index-globals we may see 2 or more subscript levels.
Arrays, or parent-child relationships or persistent classes extending a base data class
are examples where we see more levels. Though all these globals are quite uniform.

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2 373
· Sep 12, 2019
Features of *ENSTEMP

ENSTEMP was addressed already some time ago;
Article: Preventing Globals From Getting Journaled (Continued from How do I Minimize My Journals)

and is also in public documentation
Where InterSystems IRIS Stores Temporary Production Data

Though I'd like to understand if this is just naming a non-journaled DB
or are there also typical features of CACHETEMP / IRISTEMP related to it:

  • automatic clean-up at system startup
  • keeping Global Buffers in memory as long as possible
  • late writing to the storage file

In other words is it a 2nd, 3rd, .. fully feature blown IRISTEMP ?

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0 299
· Feb 14, 2023
Community Roundtable: AI / ML

Hi Community,

We are gathering again for the next Community Roundtable. Many of you asked for a roundtable about AL / ML, and we are delighted to bring such a roundtable to you!

Our invited expert from InterSystems: @Thomas Dyar Product Specialist - Machine Learning.

Join our 60-min discussion, prepare your questions, and use cases! There will be a short demo as well.

UPDATE: the recording is available here.

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0 294
· Jan 23, 2023 2m read

In general Global Streams are data objects embedded in Classes / Tables.
Using and viewing them with SQL is normally a part of the access to the containing tables.


During debugging or searching for strange or unexpected behavior there could be the need to
get closer to the stored stream. No big problem with direct access to Globals with SMP or Terminal.
But with SQL you are lost.
So my tool provides dynamic access to Global Streams wherever you may need this
Special thanks to @Oliver Wilms for the inspiration for this tool.

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Hi! Today I would like to talk about one of the most important architectural patterns in Angular.

The pattern itself is not related to Angular directly, but as Angular is component-driven framework, this pattern is one of the most essential for building modern Angular applications.

Container-Presentation pattern

It is believed that good components should be small, focused, independent, testable and most important - reusable.

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· Feb 27, 2018 2m read
Dataset Lightweight M:N

This data set demonstrates a basic M:N relationship between 2 tables
The dataset is targeted to show a slim implementation of M:N
It's no question that other implementations exist. But at significantly more storage consumption.

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