Hi Community!

As an AI language model, ChatGPT is capable of performing a variety of tasks like language translation, writing songs, answering research questions, and even generating computer code. With its impressive abilities, ChatGPT has quickly become a popular tool for various applications, from chatbots to content creation.
But despite its advanced capabilities, ChatGPT is not able to access your personal data. So we need to build a custom ChatGPT AI by using LangChain Framework:

Below are the steps to build a custom ChatGPT:

  • Step 1: Load the document

  • Step 2: Splitting the document into chunks

  • Step 3: Use Embedding against Chunks Data and convert to vectors

  • Step 4: Save data to the Vector database

  • Step 5: Take data (question) from the user and get the embedding

  • Step 6: Connect to VectorDB and do a semantic search

  • Step 7: Retrieve relevant responses based on user queries and send them to LLM(ChatGPT)

  • Step 8: Get an answer from LLM and send it back to the user

For more details, please Read this article

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I've been preparing to take the InterSystems HL7 Interface Specialist certificate and on the page that explains the cert it lists one in-person class and one online course. I've been through the suggested online course but when I read through the practice questions there are a lot of things that aren't covered or mentioned in that course. Naturally I could go digging through the documentation but there is no specific guidance about what things to study.

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0 85

Hi everyone!

The other day I was reflecting on the possibilities that FHIR brings us in the world of interoperability and electronic medical records and it gave me mixed feelings, let me explain, first a small introduction.


As you well know, FHIR is based on parameterizing a series of concepts that it calls resources in JSON or XML format with the intention of covering the most common cases within the healthcare environment, relying on HTTP communications to cover CRUD and query functionalities.

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Hi Community!

In the previous announcement, we asked you what are your thoughts regarding the new rubric Water Cooler Talk - basically a moderated (possibly biweekly) discussion about some programming topic not directly related to the InterSystems products. Since the majority reacted positively, we'd like to invite you to write the topics that interest you in the comments to this post and mention if you would like to lead the discussion.

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When you find yourself in need or desire of learning something new in technology and you face the challenge of embarking on a new venture, what is the appropriate starting point? How do you decide where to begin and how to gradually approach the process, especially when the challenge seems overwhelming?

Myself I read official documentation or try to start with something I know and then learn something new very related.

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Hi Community,

Please read this when you have the time and keep an open mind. Also, you are welcome to tell me it is a terrible idea.

The main reason for this post

If you look at NPM, it has 1.3 million packages. Now ask yourself, is this an achievement or a nightmare?
How many of those packages are no longer supported?
How many of those packages break compatibility on version changes?
How do you know which one to use?

11 13
2 223


Thank you for reading this question, and thank you for your time and replies.

I was wondering which ways, tools, mechanisms, or vias would you recommend to teach to kids, teens, adults, being your sons / daughters or not; your passion or likelihood for programming and computers?

I know there are some programming free games like the following ones:

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0 264


First of all thanks for reading this post and thanks for replying:

I think it could be obvious or a little bit naive but I was wondering if a software developer needs as a must or should get his/her own personal laptop or computer, appart the one from their own bussiness or company?

What laptop or computer would you recommend for personal use? For general purpose: programming, leisure, surfing the net, etc.

Thanks for your replies.


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0 235


Thanks for reading:

What hobbies would you recommend to balance being a professional software developer and have other activities to replenish yourself?

For example: what sports or physical excercise would you recommend? Swimming, gym, bycicle, walk?

What social activities: board games, hang out with other people?

What deep activities to bring yourself a "flow state moment"? Playing an instrument, learning to paint, watching series, play videogames, gardening, reading, playing sports...?

0 1
0 141


Thank you for reading this question, and thank you for your time and replies.

I was wondering which ways, tools, mechanisms, or vias would you recommend to teach to kids, teens, adults, being your sons / daughters or not; your passion or likelihood for programming and computers?

I know there are some programming free games like the following ones:


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I was wondering if there is a way, or what is your recommended way to generate, or develop some kind of deep interest or even some joy, love, or excitement towards coding, programming, software developing. Specifically for people aged between 20 and 30 years old.

I am aware of some programming games like the following ones:



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0 202
· Aug 16, 2022
[Off-Topic] Deep questions

Hello community,

First of all thanks for reading this post:

Because of you are more experienced, pragmatic, and have a lot of knowledge and good know-how; please consider to read and answer some question, if you would like:

Why did you choose to become a software engineer / developer?

How and when did you start to generate a "flow state of mind" during your career?

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