OAuth server to be deployed on the IRIS learning cloud platform. Clients - one on the other instance of the learning IRIS server, the other client locally on my computer in the container docker.

Both clients get a seemingly correct link (through ##class(%SYS.OAuth2.Authorization).GetAuthorizationCodeEndpoint()) to the login request form:

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1 770

(Originally posted by @Ben Spead on June 25, 2014)

This code snippet generates a list of Ensemble Lookup Tables and Schema documents in the user's current namespace. Run the code by running the class method "test":

Class benspead.EnsTablesSchema
    classmethod test() {
        If ##class(%Dictionary.CompiledClass).%ExistsId("Ens.Util.LookupTableDocument") {
            // only supported in Ensemble 2012.1+
            Write !,!,"Exporting Ensemble Lookup Tables..."
            Set sc = $$$OK
            Set rs = ##class(%ResultSet).%New("Ens.Util.LookupTableDocument:List")
            Do rs.Execute()
            While rs.Next() {
                Set item=rs.Data("name")
                Write "document found: "_ item,!
            Do rs.Close()
            Set rs=""
        If ##class(%Dictionary.CompiledClass).%ExistsId("EnsLib.HL7.SchemaDocument") {
            Write !,!,"Exporting Ensemble HL7 Schemas..."
            Set sc = $$$OK
            Set rs = ##class(%ResultSet).%New("EnsLib.HL7.SchemaDocument:List")
            Do rs.Execute()
            While rs.Next() {
                Set item=rs.Data("name")
                Write "document found: "_ item,!
            Do rs.Close()
            Set rs=""

Here's a link to the code on GitHub: https://github.com/intersystems-community/code-snippets/blob/master/src/...

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0 786


I was trying to create a query that can be exposed as a stored procedure (function actually) that would return a resultset with a random number of columns.

Unfortunately, it seems that unless I specify the ROWSPEC annotation on the Query method, I won't get any columns exposed. I was hoping to implement QueryNameGetInfo method and specify the names and number of columns I would be returning dynamically. But it seems that GetInfo information is simply ignored.

Here is my code:

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0 594

Hi Community!

New "Coding Talk" video is already on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Create Your First InterSystems ObjectScript Code with IRIS Community, Github, Docker and VSCode

[This is an embedded link, but you cannot view embedded content directly on the site because you have declined the cookies necessary to access it. To view embedded content, you would need to accept all cookies in your Cookies Settings]

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2 510
· Apr 12, 2019
Timing of Database look up

We use a lot of external MS SQL calls to look up numerous things when it comes to HL7. I am running into an issue where the outbound calls are queued but the message is sent onto the next process before it gets a response. How do I get it to wait till the response gets back from the MS SQL call before sending it onto the next process?

Below is a screen shot of what I am trying to explain...Select Research Study executes at 8:33 the message is sent to the next process at 8:34, but the response of the MSSQL call doesn't come till 9:31.

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0 326
· Apr 10, 2019
Base64 Encoding Errors

I am trying to base64 encode a string with non standard characters encoded in utf-8 also tried windows 1252 and I am getting error like so

ERROR <Ens>ErrException: <ILLEGAL VALUE>zEncodeStream+18^ -- logged as '-' number - @' set encString = $TRANSLATE($SYSTEM.Encryption.Base64Encode(streamString),$C(10,13))' 

any help appreciated if anyone has faced this before

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0 701

Recently I needed a classmethod that returns annotation value based on a name of a activity.

As doing it at runtime seemed inefficient, I wrote compile-time utility that iterates over all business process activities and generates relevant code.

This code could be used in a variety of situations when you need to iterate over business process activities, just add it as a secondary superclass to your BPL processes.

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1 383

This code snippet sends an XML request to a server and saves the response to a file. The class method "test" runs the code:

Class objectscript.postXML
    classmethod test() {
        Set HTTPRequest = ##class(%Net.HttpRequest).%New()
        Set HTTPRequest.ContentType = "text/xml"
        Set HTTPRequest.NoDefaultContentCharset = 1
        Set HTTPRequest.Location = "ITOMCZ"
        Set HTTPRequest.Server = "wph.foactive.com"
        Do HTTPRequest.RemoveHeader("User-Agent")  
        Do HTTPRequest.RemoveHeader("Accept-Encoding") 
        Do HTTPRequest.RemoveHeader("Connection")
        Do HTTPRequest.SetHeader("Expect","100-continue")
        Set RequestXML = ##class(%Library.File).%New("c:\test.xml")
        Do RequestXML.Open("RS")
        Do HTTPRequest.EntityBody.CopyFrom(RequestXML)
        Do RequestXML.%Close()
        Do HTTPRequest.Post(HTTPRequest.Location)
        Do $System.OBJ.Dump(HTTPRequest)
        Do $System.OBJ.Dump(HTTPRequest.HttpResponse)
        Write HTTPRequest.HttpResponse.Data.Size
        Write HTTPRequest.ContentLength
        Set ResponseStream = ##class(%Stream.FileBinary).%New()
        // Second part is typically the file extension, i.e.: application/pdf -> pdf
        Set FileType = $Piece(HTTPRequest.HttpResponse.GetHeader("CONTENT-TYPE"),"/",2)
        Set ResponseStream.Filename = "C:\test."_FileType
        Write ResponseStream.CopyFrom(HTTPRequest.HttpResponse.Data)
        Write ResponseStream.%Save()
        Do ResponseStream.%Close()

Here's a link to the code on GitHub

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0 808
· Dec 27, 2018 2m read
Use %XML.Node to walk a DOM

The following code walks a DOM using %XML.Node. It also prevents %XML.Writer to change whitespace. Run the code using the class method "test":

Class objectscript.walkDOM Extends %Persistent
    ClassMethod dfs(node As %XML.Node)
        s entrynode=node.NodeId
        do {
        //element nodes with one whitespacetyped child are the ones we want to change
        if (node.NodeType=$$$xmlELEMENTNODE){
            s snode=node.NodeId     
            if (node.MoveToFirstChild())            
                    i ('node.MoveToNextSibling()){
                        i (node.NodeType=$$$xmlWHITESPACENODE){
                            s node.NodeType=$$$xmlTEXTNODE
                            s node.NodeId=snode
            s node.NodeId=snode     
        if (node.HasChildNodes()){
            d node.MoveToFirstChild()
            d ..dfs(node)
        } while (node.NodeType'="" && node.MoveToNextSibling())
        s node.NodeId=entrynode
    ClassMethod test()
      set xml = "abcdefg"
      s reader=##class(%XML.Reader).%New()
      do reader.OpenString(xml)  
      set writer = ##class(%XML.Writer).%New()
      //do some magic
      d ..dfs(reader.Document)
      w !,"with indent=1:",!
      set writer.Indent = 1
      do writer.OutputToString()
      do writer.Document(reader.Document)
      w writer.GetXMLString()
      set writer.Indent = 0
      w !,"with indent=0:",!
      do writer.OutputToString()
      do writer.Document(reader.Document)
      w writer.GetXMLString()

Here's a link to the code on GitHub: https://github.com/intersystems-community/code-snippets/blob/master/src/...

1 0
0 317

Hi Developers!

New video from Global Summit 2018 is available now on InterSystems Developers YouTube Channel:

Unit Test Coverage in InterSystems ObjectScript

[This is an embedded link, but you cannot view embedded content directly on the site because you have declined the cookies necessary to access it. To view embedded content, you would need to accept all cookies in your Cookies Settings]

1 0
0 473

(Originally posted on Intersystems CODE by @Eduard Lebedyuk, 10/12/15) The following code snippet outputs all filenames in the file path "dir" in the Cache/IRIS terminal. The class method "test" runs the code:

Class eduardlebedyuk.filenamesInDir Extends %RegisteredObject
	classmethod test() {
		// replace dir with file path you want
		set dir = "D:\directory" 
		set dir = ##class(%File).NormalizeDirectory(dir)
		set file=$ZSEARCH(dir_"*")
		while file'="" {
			write !,file
			set file=$ZSEARCH("")

1 3
2 1.7K
· Oct 26, 2018 1m read
Send an HTML Email

This code snippet contains the class method "test" which sends an HTML email. Change the literal strings in the method to customize the email's from address, to address, subject, and body:

Class objectscript.sendEmail Extends %RegisteredObject
    classmethod test() {
        set m=##class(%Net.MailMessage).%New()
        set m.From="user@company.com"
        set m.IsHTML=1
        do m.To.Insert("user@company.com")
        set m.Subject="Sent by IRIS mail"
        set m.Charset="iso-8859-1"
        do m.TextData.Write("<HTML><HEAD><TITLE></TITLE>"_$char(13,10))
        do m.TextData.Write("<META http-equiv=Content-Type content=""text/html; charset=iso-8859-2""></HEAD>"_$char(13,10))
        do m.TextData.Write("<BODY><FONT face=Arial size=2>Test <B>Test</B></FONT></BODY></HTML>")
        set s=##class(%Net.SMTP).%New()
        set s.smtpserver="mail.company.com"
        set status=s.Send(m)

Here's a link to the code on GitHub

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1 1K

This code snippet uses %ZEN.Auxiliary.jsonSQLProvider. The namespace and string of SQL can be edited for different situations. The class method "test" runs the code:

Class eduardlebedyuk.passQuestionParams
    classmethod test(pValue = 50) {
        s ns = $Namespace
        zn "samples"
        s tSQL = "SELECT ID, Name FROM Sample.Person WHERE Id > ?"
        s tPR = ##class(%ZEN.Auxiliary.jsonSQLProvider).%New()
        s tPR.sql = tSQL
        s tPR.%Format = "tw"
        s tPR.maxRows = 100
        s tParam = ##class(%ZEN.Auxiliary.parameter).%New()
        s tParam.value = pValue
        d tPR.parameters.SetAt(tParam,1)
        d tPR.%DrawJSON() 
        //d ##class(%ZEN.Auxiliary.jsonSQLProvider).%WriteJSONFromSQL(,,,,,tPR)  //same thing
        zn ns

(Originally posted to Intersystems CODE by @Eduard Lebedyuk, 5/13/15)

Here's a link to the code on GitHub

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0 255


I am a beginner with Object Script and I hope anyone can help me solving my questions.

1. Is there a way to time a loop in Object Script?

2. My code leads to the following error, even though it executes the method.

Is there a way to ignore this specific error, so that I can repeat my code in a time loop over and over again without stopping?

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1 867
· Sep 27, 2018 2m read
Method to Create a Class

The following class method "test" contains code that can create a new class, create new properties for classes, or create new methods for classes. "test" runs all three of these processes once, and the code that performs each action is labelled by comments in the method:

ClassMethod test() As %Status
    set sc = $$$OK
    // Create a class
    set class = ##class(%ClassDefinition).%New("MyClass")
    set class.Description = "This is my test class"_$c(13,10)_"testing %ClassDefinition"
    set class.Super = "%Persistent"

    // Create a property and add it
    set property = ##class(%PropertyDefinition).%New("MyClass.MyProperty")
    set property.Type = "%String"
    set property.Description="This is a property"
    set sc1 = class.Properties.Insert(property)
    do:$$$ISERR(sc1) $system.Status.DisplayError(sc1)
    set sc = $$$ADDSC(sc, sc1)
    // Create a method and add it
    set method = ##class(%MethodDefinition).%New("MyClass.MyMethod")
    set method.ReturnType = "%Integer"
    set method.FormalSpec = "x:%Integer,y:%Integer=10"
    set method.Description = "Return product of x and y"
    set method.CodeMode = "code"
    set method.Code = " new result"_$c(13,10)_" set result=x*y"_$c(13,10)_" quit result"
    set sc2 = class.Methods.Insert(method)
    do:$$$ISERR(sc2) $system.Status.DisplayError(sc2)
    set sc = $$$ADDSC(sc, sc2)
    // Save the class definition
    set sc3 = class.%Save()
    do:$$$ISERR(sc3) $system.Status.DisplayError(sc3)
    set sc = $$$ADDSC(sc, sc3)
    return sc

Here's a link to the code on GitHub

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0 573

Hi, Community!

Have a question for general discussion.

In ObjectScript we have cls for classes and mac code, which both compile into int code.

Is there any reason when you use mac instead of cls for non-persistent classes?

For me the benefits for cls are:

1. Inheritance and other OOP features

2. Auto-documented code

For mac one visible benefit is easier call in terminal:

do method^Utils(p1,p2)


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