Hi all.

I have a scenario where I am receiving NACKs and I'd like to adjust the error handing of the operation based on the content of the NACK.

For example, I could receive the following and want to move onto the next message:

MSH| ^~\&|||||20221025083135.489+0100||ACK ^A02^ACK|9271|D|2.5.1
ERR|||207 ^Application internal error ^HL70357^^^^^^Cannot transfer patient, encounter is cancelled.|E

However, I could also receive the following and want to keep retrying:

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Hi ,

Still a newbie for ensemble, I am trying to convert XML message to HL7 Message. I am using Custom schema for XML structure which includes MSH and PID segments from HL7 Message.

These are the service, process, Operation classes i am using

Business service-EnsLib.EDI.XML.Service.FileService

Business Process-EnsLib.MsgRouter.RoutingEngine

Business operation -EnsLib.HL7.Operation.FileOperation

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· Mar 1, 2022 5m read
How to become a time lord - The birth

Good men don’t need rules.

The Doctor.

It's not an easy task to be a master of dates and times, it is always a problem and sometimes confusing in any programming language, we are going to clarify and put a few tips to make this task as simple as possible.

Get on the TARDIS and I'm going to turn you into a Time lord


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Hi everyone,

I'm having trouble parsing XML containing unicode characters which I receive from an external webservice. I believe my file is saved properly with UTF-8 encoding but the SAX Parser still throws me an error.

I have 2 classmethods: 1 general one (get) to make a request to a webservice and return the date, and 1 (getSportsPerDate) to make a specific call and then parse the data.

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When using VS Code for Objectscript, is there a way to directly open % classes, like %Library.String, without needing to search for a property of that type and right clicking->"Go to Definition"?

I know it is possible to use "system=1" in the workspace uri definition to see all the % classes, but that tends to clog up the left side viewer with many extra directories. There is also the option in the settings to selectively hide some by defining files.exclude, but it seems fairly complicated to set up a filter for exactly the relevant directories.

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Hey Developers,

Meet the latest video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Configuring VS Code Workspaces for Multiple ObjectScript Connections

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Hi folks!

We have a bunch of templates on OEX that provide a handy foundation for building a particular application with IRIS. And the basic principle of each and every template is that we take vanilla IRIS images, load code, and files into the image using Dockerfile, and create a new docker image as a solution. And then we develop running this image and rebuilding it when returning to development.

Some developers ask me why we need to build the docker image to work with the code. Indeed, if at the end of the day I need to develop a ZPM package and not a docker image why don't run the vanilla image and load the code and everything in it?

The problem I have with the building image approach is that often I can wait a lot to build an image and it fails on some Objectscript problem in the source that I cannot fix as the image is not building. and

Any thoughts? How do you develop with docker?

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If you’re on the fence about learning InterSystems ObjectScript, we’re making the decision a whole lot easier.

We just updated the “Getting Started with InterSystems ObjectScript” learning path with 3 new 5-minute videos — and a capstone exercise to help you pull together everything you’ll learn.

🤝 Get an introduction to InterSystems ObjectScript

🤿 Dive deeper into commands and functions

🤔 Understand data types and variables

👨‍💻 Create a class definition

Do it all in our updated learning path, Getting Started with InterSystems ObjectScript.

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Hey Community,

Don't miss the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube channel:

Working with ObjectScript Classes in VS Code for Client Side Editing

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Let's consider these two ways of passing an obj to a function:

//var is a structured obj
(1) do ..methodX(var)
(2) do ..methodX(.var)

In c++ if we pass an obj by reference like in (2) we save a lot in computation because we are not copying the whole object, and when the object is modified within the function it is modified also for everyone.

In this case does (2) achieve any better performance than (1)? Is passing with the "." save any computation? the object is copied anyway?

Is there a simple way of passing obj to a function?

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· Sep 7, 2022 7m read
REST JSON webservices presentation

Hello Community!

This article gives an overview of the REST JSON webservices developed for TrakCare.

These webservices allow users to access TrakCare data from outside of the software, mainly through external apps.

They are developed in REST with ObjectScript, and they allow data access in four modes:

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I need to run some clean up routine in the background so loss of my terminal session won't stop the process.

I found the JOB command in the documentation.
JOB | ObjectScript Reference | InterSystems IRIS Data Platform 2022.1

When I try it, it doesn't seem to be doing much. I also expected this to become visible in the Background Tasks but that doesn't happen either.

Probably I am missing something.

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· Aug 15, 2022
Security Scans

We are looking for a 3rd party application that can scan our IRIS based Cache Object Script code for vulnerabilities or coding weaknesses. There are many, many applications/vendors out there that do code scanning but none seem to support Cache Object Script or scanning the IRIS environment. If anyone is aware of a company/product that can scan our code / IRIS environment, I would love to hear about it.

Thanks in advance for the help.


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Hi Developers!

Sometimes we need to import CSV data programmatically to InterSystems IRIS either from CSV or from URL. And we expect the class with proper datatypes to be created and the data to be imported.

I published a module csvgen on Open Exchange which does exactly that.

If you just need the CSV file be imported into IRIS you can do the following:

USER>do ##class(community.csvgen).Generate("/usr/data/titanic.csv",,"Data.Titanic")

Class name: Data.Titanic
Header: PassengerId INTEGER,Survived INTEGER,Pclass INTEGER,Name VARCHAR(250),Sex VARCHAR(250),Age INTEGER,SibSp INTEGER,Parch INTEGER,Ticket VARCHAR(250),Fare MONEY,Cabin VARCHAR(250),Embarked VARCHAR(250)
Records imported: 891

Or if you have the CSV on the internet, e.g. COVID-19 Data on Github you can get the data in the following way:

USER>d ##class(community.csvgen).GenerateFromURL("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/CSSEGISandData/COVID-19/master/csse_covid_19_data/csse_covid_19_daily_reports/05-29-2020.csv",",","Data.Covid19")

Class name: Data.Covid19
Header: FIPS INTEGER,Admin2 VARCHAR(250),Province_State VARCHAR(250),Country_Region VARCHAR(250),Last_Update DATE,Lat MONEY,Long_ DOUBLE,Confirmed INTEGER,Deaths INTEGER,Recovered INTEGER,Active INTEGER,Combined_Key VARCHAR(250),Incidence_Rate DOUBLE,Case-Fatality_Ratio DOUBLE
Records imported: 3522

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In this article you will have access to the curated base of articles from the InterSystems Developer Community of the most relevant topics to learning InterSystems IRIS. Find top published articles ranked by Machine Learning, Embedded Python, JSON, API and REST Applications, Manage and Configure InterSystems Environments, Docker and Cloud, VSCode, SQL, Analytics/BI, Globals, Security, DevOps, Interoperability, Native API. Learn and Enjoy!

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