Is it planned that LOAD DATA takes into account several DATE/DATETIME formats with, for example, a parameter indicating the format used in the source data?

example :

LOAD DATA .../...
  "from": {
    "file": {
       "dateformat": "DD/MM/YYYY"
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This article aims to explore how the FHIR-PEX system operates and was developed, leveraging the capabilities of InterSystems IRIS.

Streamlining the identification and processing of medical examinations in clinical diagnostic centers, our system aims to enhance the efficiency and accuracy of healthcare workflows. By integrating FHIR standards with InterSystems IRIS database Java-PEX, the system help healthcare professionals with validation and routing capabilities, ultimately contributing to improved decision-making and patient care.

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In a fast-paced digital era, effective communication is crucial. This article introduces a Java-based chat project, combining the strength of IRIS database and ChatGPT intelligence. Built on Java, it goes beyond real-time messaging, leveraging IRIS and ChatGPT for an enhanced chat experience. Also, the name of the project references the cultural classic - Star Wars.

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GmOwl is a solution that offers an organized and engaging learning platform. It was developed to cater to the increasing need, for learning tools providing a versatile quiz environment that meets users requirements.

The main objective of GmOwl is to deliver an user experience for individuals participating in quizzes while giving administrators comprehensive control, over content and user engagement.

GmOwl uses Java EE with MVC template, and the InterSystems IRIS database is used to store data. The InterSystems JDBC Driver is used to connect to the database.

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Hi There,

I am having issues trying to obtain a JDBC driver which is backwards compatible with java 6 for a solution which will call my IRIS instance, I have already logged a WRC ticket which is looking unlikely that there will be any development to create a driver for such legacy tech.

The Java 6 app is end of life, however won't be replaced until after my project goes live, hence why I ask the question.

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Recently I started moving some of our JDBC Gateway configurations over to using the Microsoft JDBC Gateway driver instead of using the jTDS open source driver. I have noticed since then that those Objects that are using Microsoft JDBC Driver are throwing a lot more errors than the jTDS driver ever did, which I can understand however I am puzzled that I keep running into an issue with the Java Gateway Service within the Interoperability engine.

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Good morning!

I am developing a Java project (Spring Boot + Maven + Hibernate) but I've a big issue when I try to define the Hibernate Dialect org.hibernate.dialect.InterSystemsIRISDialect... that dialect is neither in the Hibernate library nor in the IRISDriver class com.intersystems.jdbc

How should I define the IRISDialect in my project?

Thank you in advance!

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As a former JAVA developer it has always been a challenge to decide which database was the most suitable for the project we were going to develop, one of the main criteria I used was their performance, as well as their HA configuration capabilities ( high availability). Well, now is the time to put IRIS to the test with respect to some of the most commonly used databases, so I've decided to create a small Java project based on SpringBoot that connects via JDBC with a MySQL database, another of PostgreSQL and finally with IRIS.

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Ran into an issue with our upgrade from HealthShare Health Connect 2018.1.3 to IRIS HealthShare Health Connect 2022.1, that I thought I would reach out about, I already have a ticket open with WRC and started a chat on Discord. We have a couple of MS SQL tables that I have setup as Linked Tables within Cache to query NPI, Patient Account Information, Visit information, etc... When we upgraded last week we found that within a day or even a half a day that we were having problems with our JDBC connections.

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Several steps should be done in order to secure the connection through xDBC clients to an IRIS Server instance using TLS. Most of the information can be obtained from the documentation about TLS on IRIS here, about configuring the security layer for encrypted connections. In the next paragraphs we will cover an step-by-step guide on how to configure and test the connection using SQL Clients apps using ODBC and JDBC.

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In this article, we will establish an encrypted JDBC connection between Tableau Desktop and InterSystems IRIS database using a JDBC driver.
While documentation on configuring TLS with Java clients covers all possible topics on establishing an encrypted JDBC connection, configuring it with Tableau might be a little bit tricky, so I decided to write it down.

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Hi Community,

Watch this video to see how to connect to InterSystems Cloud Services from your Java application using the InterSystems JDBC driver:

Connecting to InterSystems Cloud Services with Java
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Hi all,

I'm trying to use LOAD DATA to insert 11k (11,377) rows of data. LOAD BULK DATA is not available for the version of IRIS I am using.

After calling LOAD DATA it says only 5,500 rows has been inserted. The LOAD DATA docs says any error rows are skipped and a count of skipped rows can be found in %SQL_Diag.Result however there are no results here. There are no errors in the xDBC error log either.

Why have over half the rows been skipped?

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WIN SQL is the normal editor used by most of the users .But we can't download large amount of data using winsql . So I have written a tutorial how to connect with a new Java based editor called Squirrel SQL which can easily download or export data in excel or any other formats. Also I included a Java JCBC connection program to connect with the IRIS database especially a mirroring/failover server.

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I have a question regarding the Intersystems Caché Database and its jdbc driver. I need to set the connection timeout for the database, but I couldn't find any documentation stating that the jdbc driver for Caché supports setting the connection timeout. However, I noticed that the jdbc driver for the Intersystems Iris Database appears to support this feature.

My question is, can I use the Iris jdbc driver to set the connection timeout for the Caché Database?

The jdbc driver I use: cache-jdbc-2.0.0.jar

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We are trying to script a High Availability Shutdown/Start script in case we need to fail over to one of our other servers we can be back up within mins. Is there a way to configure the startup procedure to Automatically Stop/Start the JDBC server when shutting down or starting up cache? is there an auto setting we can change?


Scott Roth

The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center

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Dear community members!

A very common problem of our users is to use an external database as data source in an IRIS production. As many of you already know, we have two ways to connect directly to an external database, the first one is using an ODBC connection, the second is using JDBC.

In our example we are going to create a connection using JDBC, and we are going to build a simple Docker's project, in this way you will be able to modify the example as you wish.

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The last days I've work with the great new feature: LOAD DATA With this post I would like to share my first experiences with you. The following points do not contain any order or other evaluation. These are only things that I noticed when using the LOAD DATA command. It should also be noted that these points are based on the IRIS Version 2021.2.0.617 which is a preview release. So it may be that my observations do not apply to newer IRIS versions.

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Hi Developers,

Enjoy watching the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

InterSystems IRIS Cloud SQL @ Global Summit 2022
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· Oct 13, 2022
JDBC Gateway Server Crash

I am trying to troubleshoot an issue I am having with the JDBC Gateway Server crashing at the %SYS level. I have numerous Linked Tables that are using JDBC to connect to a MS SQL database/tables to query values. I have written queries in other class files and within the class definition of the linked table to do the queries.

1. Should I be running the query in the class definition of the linked table as a class method? or is it best practice to run the query as a class method outside of the class definition of the linked table?

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I just wrote up a quick sample to help a colleague load data into IRIS from R using RJDBC, and figured it's worth sharing here for future reference.

Ultimately it was pretty simple, aside from IRIS not liking "." in column names; the workaround is to just rename the columns. Someone better at R than me could probably provide some generic approach. smiley

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