I am using a JDBC connection to MS SQL server to execute a stored procedure to select data and bring it into InterSystems as a EnsLib.SQL.Snapshot. I loop through the EnsLib.SQL.Snapshot using a while loop, but I also want to iterate through the Columns within that Row to do logic.

Is there a way to iterate through the Columns of the current Row of the EnsLib.SQL.Snapshot so I can apply logic/rules for further processing?



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0 36

I have been trying to track down an issue we are seeing in our TEST environment with Memory usage.

We have Several BP's for years now that take a HL7 message, parse it apart, and make calls to a Custom EnsLib.SQL.OutboundAdapter to have it execute Insert/Select/Update/Delete stored procedures against a MS SQL Database via JDBC connection. We are using Microsoft's JDBC 12.2 driver to do this.

What we are seeing is that IRIS.WorkQueue globals are being defined for these calls but then the IRIS.WorkQueue is not being cleaned up and taking up large amounts of Memory.

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I'm executing a query using JDBC on a PostgreSQL db:

SET statement_timeout TO 600000000; COMMIT SELECT * FROM bi_hour

The query is aborted with the following message:

FOUT #5023: Fout in Java Gateway: JDBC Gateway getClob(0,2) errorBad value for type long : active

The column 'blocked_status' contains the value 'active' is of type 'text'. I figure somewhere the SQL Gateway tries to convert the text value into a long but I can't find where, any suggestions?

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0 354

Tring to Performing following script in IRIS but do not know how to format Date. Normally, I would use TO_DATE or TO_TIMESTAMP in the actual queue statement below, but since I'm using Prepared Statements, I do not know how to format date in 'values' that is being used in the %Execute. It generates errors. I'm updating an Oracle Database via a SQL JDBC Gateway Connection. Does anyone know how to pass in Dates?

Books Table definition

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0 237

Ran into an issue this morning, that I am having a hard time trying to track down what might have caused the issue. We have a Business Rule that sends HL7 ADT to a Business Process that inserts the data into a MS SQL Server using a Custom Business Operation (SQL Outbound Adapter).

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0 173

Is it planned that LOAD DATA takes into account several DATE/DATETIME formats with, for example, a parameter indicating the format used in the source data?

example :

LOAD DATA .../...
  "from": {
    "file": {
       "dateformat": "DD/MM/YYYY"
2 3
0 205

Recently I started moving some of our JDBC Gateway configurations over to using the Microsoft JDBC Gateway driver instead of using the jTDS open source driver. I have noticed since then that those Objects that are using Microsoft JDBC Driver are throwing a lot more errors than the jTDS driver ever did, which I can understand however I am puzzled that I keep running into an issue with the Java Gateway Service within the Interoperability engine.

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0 307

Good morning!

I am developing a Java project (Spring Boot + Maven + Hibernate) but I've a big issue when I try to define the Hibernate Dialect org.hibernate.dialect.InterSystemsIRISDialect... that dialect is neither in the Hibernate library nor in the IRISDriver class com.intersystems.jdbc

How should I define the IRISDialect in my project?

Thank you in advance!

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0 789

Ran into an issue with our upgrade from HealthShare Health Connect 2018.1.3 to IRIS HealthShare Health Connect 2022.1, that I thought I would reach out about, I already have a ticket open with WRC and started a chat on Discord. We have a couple of MS SQL tables that I have setup as Linked Tables within Cache to query NPI, Patient Account Information, Visit information, etc... When we upgraded last week we found that within a day or even a half a day that we were having problems with our JDBC connections.

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0 606

We are trying to script a High Availability Shutdown/Start script in case we need to fail over to one of our other servers we can be back up within mins. Is there a way to configure the startup procedure to Automatically Stop/Start the JDBC server when shutting down or starting up cache? is there an auto setting we can change?


Scott Roth

The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center

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· Oct 13, 2022
JDBC Gateway Server Crash

I am trying to troubleshoot an issue I am having with the JDBC Gateway Server crashing at the %SYS level. I have numerous Linked Tables that are using JDBC to connect to a MS SQL database/tables to query values. I have written queries in other class files and within the class definition of the linked table to do the queries.

1. Should I be running the query in the class definition of the linked table as a class method? or is it best practice to run the query as a class method outside of the class definition of the linked table?

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0 213

I was attempting to test a Linked JDBC View to MS SQL database and noticed I could not connect. When I look at the JDBC Gateway I noticed that at the Server Level it was down. However the page keeps timing out when ever I attempt to make any changes or start it, it will not respond.

I thought I had found the Cache command to start it but it will not start. Is the following steps correct?

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0 245

Hi ,

When I use jdbc driver to query the column info ,the "REMARKS" field always show the same as the "COLUMN_NAME" field.

When I use the sql "select * from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.columns a where a.table_name='some table name ' " to query columns info,there has a "DESCRIPTION" field ,the value is some comment for the current field.

So is there anyway to return the description to the jdbc remarks field? And is there anyway to update the desciption or remarks field? Or is there some other way that I don't know to manage column comment info?

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0 371

Hi team,

I'll start with an apology as I am trying to wrap my head around the architecture of how InterSystems IRIS database management works. I am attempting to connect to the platform remotely through say a JDBC or ODBC connection in order to run queries, searches (through SQL statements) on my laptop and was trying to understand whether this would be possible? It is possible to setup an inbound client connection and wanted to better understand the architecture of how the database association works for IRIS database management. Does it use it's own internal SQL database or are we able to connect to our own database and which databases are certified to run against the platform?

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0 335


I work on deploying IRIS using Kubernetes operator and Red Hat OpenShift. I encouraged another team working on Java application to consider using IRIS as database. My team deployed IRIS cluster using two mirrored data pods for the other team. The other team asked me for the connection information.

To learn how to use Java with IRIS, I attempted to deploy two apps from Open Exchange:


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0 259
· Apr 14, 2021
Java Connection Strategy

We are planning to build a REST API with the Java Quarkus Framework.

  • There'll be a connection pool;
  • The DataSource instance will be automatically injected from the connection pool;
  • We will use JDBI to do SQL instructions and this will give us automatic Connection and Statement management;

This Caché instance already have COS applications running and consuming connections and licenses.

After doing this, we will migrate to IRIS.

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0 345

Consider a Natural Key with an Identity (Serial) field.

I cannot seem to acquire the generated value after persisting my entity. That is, the returned entity by Spring Data's "save" does not have the generated value.

The value is generated by the database, and I can query it after repository.save(entity).

I have done some testing and created a Github repo with it...

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