AWS has officially released their second-generation Arm-based Graviton2 processors and associated Amazon EC2 M6g instance type, which boasts up to 40% better price performance over current generation Intel Xeon based M5 instances.

A few months ago, InterSystems participated in the M6g preview program, and we ran a few benchmarks with InterSystems IRIS that showed compelling results. This led us to support ARM64 architectures for the first time.

Now you can try InterSystems IRIS and InterSystems IRIS for Health on Graviton2-based Amazon EC2 M6g instances for yourselves through the AWS Marketplace!

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ObjectScript Kernel Logo
Jupyter Notebook is an interactive environment consisting of cells that allow executing code in a great number of different markup and programming languages.

To do this Jupyter has to connect to an appropriate kernel. There was no ObjectScript Kernel, that is why I decided to create one.

You can try it out here.

Here's a sneak peek of the results:

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3 792
· Nov 18, 2019
Cache vs IRIS install

Has the Cache install been replaced with IRIS? Sorry if this is a silly question. I remember downloading Cache before and using Cache studio. I can't seem to find a download for that anymore, just IRIS? I did grab that and I'm able to connect Studio to what I need.

If there is still a Cache download, where can I find it?


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At the George James Software booth at Global Summit last year we took the wraps off the work we've been doing to make our popular editing and debugging tool Serenji available on the Visual Studio Code platform.

Rather than requiring you to pull code from your namespaces into local files, then push the changes back to the namespace to run it, you work directly in the namespace. In other words, the editing experience is like Studio rather than like Atelier.

As well as editing code you can also debug it directly from VSCode.

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· May 20, 2022 8m read
Geocoding with IRIS and Google Maps API

One of the crucial business dimensions is the dimension “Where”. It is necessary to know where a customer was born or where he lives. Where will the order be delivered? Where have there been more sales, and where can we sell more? Where are our stores located? From Where is the customer accessing our e-commerce? These and other principal questions use the “Where” dimension. Today the best service to provide geographic accuracy and quality for these data is Google Maps.

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Doing a new project with %JSON.Adaptor, unexpectedly realized that %JSON.Adaptor does not support export to native JSON. %JSONExport just outputs directly to the current device, and there are two more methods %JSONExportToString, and %JSONExportToStream.

In conjunction with generating REST from swagger specification, where any generated method accepts as a result %DynamicObject, which is good.

I have multiple places in my REST where I have to return JSON for an object, but I have to modify the result a bit, just extend it with some other way.

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Following this GitHub we will see how the FIX protocol can be implemented easily using IRIS and Python.

If you don't have much time focus on the Send a Quote before the Order part near the end, as it will, in a matter of minute, tell you how to send a Quote Request followed by an Order Request and show you the result from the server, and that in no more than five clicks.

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0 784

OAuth server to be deployed on the IRIS learning cloud platform. Clients - one on the other instance of the learning IRIS server, the other client locally on my computer in the container docker.

Both clients get a seemingly correct link (through ##class(%SYS.OAuth2.Authorization).GetAuthorizationCodeEndpoint()) to the login request form:

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1 784

InterSystems API Management (IAM) - a new feature of the InterSystems IRIS Data Platform, enables you to monitor, control and govern traffic to and from web-based APIs within your IT infrastructure. In case you missed it, here is the link to the announcement. And here's an article explaining how to start working with IAM.

In this article, we would use InterSystems API Management to Load Balance an API.

In our case, we have 2 InterSystems IRIS instances with /api/atelier REST API that we want to publish for our clients.

There are many different reasons why we might want to do that, such as:

  • Load balancing to spread the workload across servers
  • Blue-green deployment: we have two servers, one "prod", other "dev" and we might want to switch between them
  • Canary deployment: we might publish the new version only on one server and move 1% of clients there
  • High availability configuration
  • etc.
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Preview releases are now available for the first version (v1.0) of InterSystems System Alerting and Monitoring (InterSystems SAM for short).

InterSystems SAM v1.0 provides a modern monitoring solution for InterSystems IRIS-based products. It allows high-level views of clusters and single-node drilled down metrics-visualization together with alerts notifications. This first version provides visualization for more than one hundred InterSystems IRIS kernel metrics, and users can extend the default-supplied Grafana template to their liking.

V1.0 is meant to be a simple and intuitive baseline. Please help us make it great by trying it and sending us feedback!

SAM can display information from InterSystems-based instance starting with version 2019.4

SAM is only available in container format. You will need the SAM Manager container plus a small set of additional open-source components (Prometheus and Grafana) that are added automatically by the composition file.

SAM components and the SAM Manager Community Edition are available from

If you are traveling or prefer a voice-based Q&A description on what SAM is, here is a podcast we have prepared for you:
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2 781

When I tried to migrate one of ZEN applications to IRIS from 2018.1 I'm faced with the issue with Login Page, in this case used some ZEN page, completely customized. But when a user tries to get access, he gets the error like below.

The requested URL /csp/user/User.Login.cls was not found on this server.

I tried to test it with a fresh just created login page class

Class User.Login Extends %CSP.Page

ClassMethod OnPage() As %Status
  Quit $$$OK


Set it to /csp/user application as Login page, and

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1 779

Hi Developers!

Recently we released the updated version 0.1.3 of ObjectScript Package Manager (ZPM) which comes with the support of simplified ObjectScript sources folder structure.

What 'simplified' does mean?

Before 0.1.3 ZPM expected the following structure:


---/cls  - for ObjectScript classes



---/mac - or Mac ObjectScript routines



---/inc - for ObjectScript macro include files.


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1 778
· Aug 16, 2023 11m read
Http request response time monitoring

Hi developers!

Today I would like to address a subject that has given me a hard time. I am sure this must have been the case for quite a number of you already (so-called “the bottleneck”). Since this is a broad topic, this article will only focus on identifying incoming HTTP requests that could be causing slowness issues. I will also provide you with a small tool I have developed to help identify them.

Our software is becoming more and more complex, processing a large number of requests from different sources, be it front-end or third-party back-end applications. To ensure optimal performance, it is essential to have a logging system capable of taking a few key measurements, such as the response time, the number of global references and the number of lines of code executed for each HTTP response. As part of my work, I get involved in the development of EMR software as well as incident analysis. Since user load comes mostly from HTTP requests (REST API or CSP application), the need to have this type of measurement when generalized slowness issues occur has become obvious.

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Let's imagine if you would like to write some real web application, for instance, some simple clone of Such sort of application can be written using any different language on the backend side, or with any framework on the frontend side. So many ways to do the same application, and you can look at this project. Which offers a bunch of frontends and backends realizations for exactly the same application. And you can easily mix them, any chosen frontend should work with any backend.

Let me introduce the same application realization for InterSystems IRIS on a backend side.

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1 777

There's a new and exciting enhancement to QEWD that has just been released - it's an additional layer of abstraction known as QEWD-Up. QEWD-Up hides away all the mechanics of QEWD itself, allowing you to focus on just your REST APIs and the code that implements them.

Additionally, and importantly, QEWD-Up simplifies the maintenance of your REST APIs, allowing you (and others) to quickly and easily understand their life-cycle and implementation.

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4 777

In my Data Transformation, the Target class needs to create a new List of objects (ListOfObj), depending on some conditions of Source class (Source/Target are completely distinct/different classes).

I experimented with Lists of 'primitive' data types (ListOfDT), and I could add new %String items (as an example) to a List of %String property, with "append" action in DT.

Does anyone have an example, or guidance, how to create new Lists of Objects in data transformation?

For example, if I have a 'container' class like this, it works:

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· Mar 15, 2019 2m read
Tar compress tool in ObjectScript

I'm sure most of you have already familiar with the possibility of using GZIP in InterSystems products. But, the problem is that GZIP working only with one file or stream, and it does not support folders. When you work in Unix systems, there is a possibility how to solve it, using tar compress tool which goes with every Linux system from out of the box. But what to do if you have work on Windows as well, which does not have it.

I am pleased to offer you my new project isc-tar, which will help you do not care about operating system, and deal with tar files anywhere.

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Keywords: IRIS, IntegratedML, Machine Learning, Covid-19, Kaggle


Recently I noticed a Kaggle dataset for the prediction of whether a Covid-19 patient will be admitted to ICU. It is a spreadsheet of 1925 encounter records of 231 columns of vital signs and observations, with the last column of "ICU" being 1 for Yes or 0 for No. The task is to predict whether a patient will be admitted to ICU based on known data.

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