Hi Developers!
Recently we published on Docker Hub images for InterSystems IRIS Community Edition and InterSystems IRIS Community for Health containers.
What is that?
There is a repository that publishes it, and in fact, it is the same container IRIS Community Edition containers you have on official InterSystems listing which have the pre-loaded ObjectScript Package Manager (ZPM) client.
So if you run this container with IRIS CE or IRIC CE for Health you can immediately start using ZPM and install packages from Community Registry or any others.
What does this mean for you?
It means, that anyone can deploy any of your InterSystems ObjectScript application in 3 commands:
- run IRIS container;
- open terminal;
- install your application as ZPM package.
It is safe, fast and cross-platform.
It's really handy if you want to test a new interesting ZPM package and not harm any of your systems.
Suppose, you have docker-desktop installed. You can run the image, which wiil pull the latest container if you don't have it locally: