Hi everybody,
I am trying to connect with an IRIS database where to retrieve data and import them to SQL server but the access gets denied.
I would appreciate your help,
Thank you,

I have following information:

Data Source Name --> I use it as the server name

Host(IP Address)


Namespace --> I could use it in my script

import pyodbc

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Using the FHIR DEMO, I have pieced together how to make a FHIR Request using OAuth against an External FHIR Repository. When I execute the Patient search (HS.FHIRServer.Interop.Request), I get a HS.FHIRServer.Interop.Response that has a Quick Stream ID, which I then use to convert the Quick Stream to a JSON Dynamic Object. if I do a trace on the Raw JSON Object, I am able to pull out single elements, however I want to pull the raw JSON into a defined Class Structure.

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Currently we are exploring how we can allocate additional disk space to our current environment as we have seen a significant increase in growth of our Database files. Currently we have 3 namespaces, all with 1 IRIS.dat each that contains both the Global and Routines.

Since we have started down the route of everything within a single IRIS.dat file for each namespace, is it logical as we see growth to be able to split the current IRIS.dat for each namespace into a separate IRIS.dat for global and a IRIS.dat with for routines for each namespace in a Mirror environment?

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I would like to ask whether there is some option to stop auto-formatting when I compile. The code is sometimes well formatted but the auto-formatter does not work correctly in some situations. I am talking about the compilation in the Studio editor in this image, not about Visual Studio Code.

Thank you in advance,

Alin C Soare.

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· Aug 18, 2024
Microsoft Entra and IRIS

Dear All,

I am currently part of a team that is developing an application using Microsoft PowerApps as the front end and IRIS as the backend. Effectively that frontend screens, which are house and an Azure serve, call a series of REST interfaces exposed by IRIS from a physical Microsoft server. During the development stage we have not had any security in place but now we need to secure the application using a single sign on. PowerApps relies on Microsoft Entra for its security both LDAP and OAuth. Has anyone in the community connected IRIS to Microsoft Entra?

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· Dec 2, 2024
Python installation

Hi Community,

I have installed python from https://www.python.org/downloads/

and the installed path of this application is my local C:\Users\data\AppData\Local\Programs\Python

and i am trying to run C:\InterSystems\IRIS_SANDBOX\bin>irispip install in command prompt and getting the below error

'pip' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file

is there anything else i am missing here please add

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0 150

Hello, I'm curious to see how other people deal with this: we have a text file that was created on someone's Windows machine and it was copied and pasted into a text file on someone's Mac machine. After some examination we realized that the line feeds were originally CRLF (for Windows) and when copied and pasted they were changed to LF (Mac). The diff program we used didn't pick up on this and the program we wrote to read the file was getting each line of the CRLF file and treating the whole file as one line for the LF file.

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I am trying to connect to node js on iris community version . Node js is properly installed .

I am executing the demo hello world from github .

these are the parameters :-

var ip = "localhost"

var port = 51773

var namespace = "USER"

var username = "SuperUser"

var password = "SYS"

when executing >node demo.js i get a connection error .

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0 149


I found an issue while fetching records from FHIR DB, I am getting below error thou FHIR repository have the records with the corresponding id


"resourceType": "OperationOutcome",

"issue": [


"severity": "error",

"code": "not-found",

"diagnostics": "<HSFHIRErr>ResourceNotFound",

"details": {

"text": "No resource with type 'Appointment' and id '21'"





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0 146


I have installed the latest version of IRIS (without a web server) to replace my community version with a embeded web server.
I tried to connect Visual Studio Code to my namespace, but I am unable to do so. I keep receiving the message "Not found."
Here is my configuration:

"pc-david": {
"webServer": {
"scheme": "http",
"host": "localhost",
"port": 80
"description": "pc-david",
"username": "_SYSTEM"

0 9
0 142

Hello everybody,

I've been experimenting with Embedded Python and have been following the steps outlined in this documentation: https://docs.intersystems.com/irislatest/csp/docbook/DocBook.UI.Page.cls...

I'm trying to convert a python dictionary into an objectscript array but there is an issue with the 'arrayref' function, that is not working as in the linked example.

This is a snapshoot of my IRIS terminal:

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I am trying to use postman to start the restapi classes from a json openapi2.0.0 file.

POST: https://myserver.com/api/mgmnt/v2/requestAPI. The body contains the openapi2.0.0. The application api/mgmnt has in security settings: password. JWT is not selected. I set postman authentication to basis authentication and gave username and password. I also set in headers IRISUsername and IRISPassword. I have 401 Unauthorized.

Is the only way to go through is to build an oauth token? or do I miss something?

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With my team, we're evaluating the different streams existing in order to find good pratices for our project using InterSystems IRIS. In doing so, we found that there exists different forms of the same stream with the %Stream.FileBinary and %Stream.FileBinaryGzip classes. We think that the %Stream.FileBinaryGzip takes less space to be stored, but is there other diferences between these two classes and what would you recomend to use ? Is it the same thing for %Stream.FileCharacter and %Stream.FileCharacterGzip ?

Thanks for your help,

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