· Feb 3

Base64 decoding and storing it in a local path

Dear Community,

I am trying to convert a base64 encoded string to a pdf. I have tried a lot of possible ways, but never succeeded. I am able to decode the base64 using $System.Encryption.Base64Decode but I am not able to convert it and store this in a path.

Can anybody help me out here?



Product version: IRIS 2022.3
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With some help from the Developer community, below is a Function I wrote for our needs to take a Base64 and write it out to a PDF.

ClassMethod DecodeBase64HL7ToFileFaxing(base64 As %Stream.GlobalBinary, Ancillary As %String, FileName As %String) As %String
	set ArchDir = <directory>
	set ArchAncDir = ArchDir_Ancillary_"/"
	set FaxDateDir = ArchAncDir_$PIECE($ZDATE($HOROLOG,7)," ",1)_"-"_$PIECE($ZDATE($HOROLOG,7)," ",2)_"-1/"

	if '##class(%Library.File).DirectoryExists(ArchDir)
		do ##class(%Library.File).CreateDirectory(ArchDir)
	if '##class(%Library.File).DirectoryExists(ArchAncDir)
		do ##class(%Library.File).CreateDirectory(ArchAncDir)
	if '##class(%Library.File).DirectoryExists(FaxDateDir)
 		do ##class(%Library.File).CreateDirectory(FaxDateDir)
	set Oref = ##class(%Stream.FileBinary).%New()


	set Oref.Filename = FaxDateDir_FileName

	Do base64.Rewind()
	While 'base64.AtEnd {
		set ln = base64.ReadLine()
		set lnDecoded = $system.Encryption.Base64Decode(ln)
		do Oref.Write(lnDecoded)
	Do Oref.%Save()
	do ##class(%File).SetAttributes(Oref,33261,.return)
	set Oref = "" // Close file
	set PDFFilePath = "/Fax/PDFFiles/"_Ancillary_"/"_$PIECE($ZDATE($HOROLOG,7)," ",1)_"-"_$PIECE($ZDATE($HOROLOG,7)," ",2)_"-1/"_FileName
	return PDFFilePath

Within our DTC...

<assign value='source.GetFieldStreamRaw(.tStream,"ORCgrp(1).OBRgrp(1).OBXgrp(1).OBX:ObservationValue(1).AlternateText",.tRemainder)' property='tSC' action='set' />
<assign value='##class(osuwmc.Utils.Functions).DecodeBase64HL7ToFileFaxing(tStream,source.{MSH:SendingApplication.NamespaceID},source.{PID:PatientIdentifierList(1).IDNumber}_context.TextIDTemp_".PDF")' property='a' action='set' />