When using something like BeyondCompare when working with production class exports, the XData block "items" content very rarely if ever wind up in the same order making Beyond compare a total mess.

Is there a way of either sorting it on the export, or would I have to find (or write) some XSLT-based tool to go into the exported class and sort all the items? Does anyone know of a tool like that available?


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I have an angular UI communicating with a iris rest api. Now I need to authenticate (to federated) before accessing the UI, and for a better solution as the users are using the healthshare clinical viewer 2023, find a way to use the clinical viewer authentication / user to go to the UI.

The angular way would be to do an angular guard and have a function 'am I authenticate to federated', but I never found a function like this and how to get my username.

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0 35

In Cache End of file throws error but in IRIS no indication of End of file. I have to do an explicit $ZOF. How are you handling/detecting End of File in IRIS?

In cache this line will throw End of file error - F PREC=1:1 U FILE R REC D SOMETHING

But in IRIS this goes to forever, has anyone noticed this behaviour in IRIS?

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Hi Community,

New session recording from Global Summit 2019 is available on InterSystems Developers YouTube Channel:

Performing Analytics on FHIR Data

[This is an embedded link, but you cannot view embedded content directly on the site because you have declined the cookies necessary to access it. To view embedded content, you would need to accept all cookies in your Cookies Settings]

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Hi ,

I tried to import Custom schema with 'Z' segment. I executed "Do ##class(EnsLib.InteropTools.HL7.MessageAnalyzer).Interactive()" in IRIS Terminal.

After executed the steps, i am getting below message, So i could not able to add z segment into my customschema 'Test_2.3'
Summary Report for workspace C:\Demo\Migration\Workspace
Schema is Test_2.3
ALL: 0 matched, 1 unmatched

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· Oct 13, 2020

Is there an undocumented class method that will output the FQDN?

$SYSTEM only reports the part of the name concatenated with the namespace. Checking $SYSTEM.INetInfo doesn't provide the full DNS name, only a partial value that matches $SYSTEM.

I can do a call out to the OS to get that value which seems to be the only way I can get the value.

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I am looking to create a routing rule that will do the following:

When transaction is not an A03, and discharge date is valued, do not transform.

What I am having trouble with is with the conditional for the discharge date {PV1:45}. Not sure if I can use length here or if I can use HL7.{PV1:45}>0. I did try that, but its not working. Not sure what I am doing wrong.



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If I add the same patient data with a different unique ID then it inserts as new data using a POST request.
So, In the FHIR server How can I prevent this kind of thing by using POST requests?
Note:- I don't want to use a PUT request for the same. The main thing is I want to get a unique patient record.
Que:- Is there any way to check data duplication on each FHIR resource?

Thanks & Regards,

Harshdeep Acharya

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My client is using IRIS 2021.1 Interoperability and they want to highlight the sessions with unresolved(without resent and completed operations) errors so their maintenance team can have a list of unresolved sessions to check against.

When I'm working on it, it seems to be it is is difficult to decide whether a session have unresolved errors. For example,

enter image description here

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I have successfully created REST service classes on my local IRIS server following this book: Using the /api/mgmnt/ Service | Creating REST Services | InterSystems IRIS Data Platform 2021.2

I am now 1) trying to edit impl.cls in VS Code and 2) export it to my local repo so I can push to the remote repo.

When I click on my project in VS Code and 'Add to project' and choose the new package, spec.cls and impl.cls, I get the following error:

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I'm using CircleCI to spin up the image `store/intersystems/irishealth-community:2021.2.0.649.0`.

When building the application we are getting messages that say:

ERROR #5373: Class 'EnsLib.HL7.Message', used by 'Package.Class', does not exist
Skip class Package.Class

Other missing classes seem to include, but not limited to:


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InterSystems is pleased to announce that the extended maintenance releases of InterSystems IRIS, InterSystems IRIS for Health, and HealthShare Health Connect 2022.1.2 are now available. These releases provide a few selected features and bug fixes for the 2022.1.0 and 2022.1.1 releases.

You can find additional information about what has changed on these pages:

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· Mar 21, 2023
Read-only .cls?

Hi, could someone tell me please how can I "unlock" a .cls file which author is Intersystems? I want to make some modifications and add some trace messages there. The file resides in the HS.FHIRServer namespace and it looks like read-only

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InterSystems is pleased to announce that the extended maintenance release of InterSystems IRIS, InterSystems IRIS for Health, and HealthShare Health Connect 2022.1.3 is now available. This release provides a few selected features and bug fixes for the previous 2022.1.x releases.

You can find additional information about what has changed on these pages:

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