
We are in the age of the multiplatform economy and APIs are the "glue" in this digital scenario. Since they are so important, they are seen by developers as a service or product to be consumed. Therefore, usage experience is a crucial factor for its success.

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Python has become the most used programming language in the world (source: and SQL continues to lead the way as a database language. Wouldn't it be great for Python and SQL to work together to deliver new functionality that SQL alone cannot? After all, Python has more than 380,000 published libraries (source: with very interesting capabilities to extend your SQL queries within Python.

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Loading your IRIS Data to your Google Cloud Big Query Data Warehouse and keeping it current can be a hassle with bulky Commercial Third Party Off The Shelf ETL platforms, but made dead simple using the iris2bq utility.

Let's say IRIS is contributing to workload for a Hospital system, routing DICOM images, ingesting HL7 messages, posting FHIR resources, or pushing CCDA's to next provider in a transition of care. Natively, IRIS persists these objects in various stages of the pipeline via the nature of the business processes and anything you included along the way. Lets send that up to Google Big Query to augment and compliment the rest of our Data Warehouse data and ETL (Extract Transform Load) or ELT (Extract Load Transform) to our hearts desire.

A reference architecture diagram may be worth a thousand words, but 3 bullet points may work out a little bit better:

  • It exports the data from IRIS into DataFrames
  • It saves them into GCS as .avro to keep the schema along the data: this will avoid to specify/create the BigQuery table schema beforehands.
  • It starts BigQuery jobs to import those .avro into the respective BigQuery tables you specify.

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Good Afternoon My InterSystems IRIS Peers,

I have the following issue that I need help with, I tried all possibilities that I know of, therefore I am reaching out to the community for some insight.

I have a SFTP service that pulling 2.5.1 DFT HL7 messages from our SFTP file server. The issue is that IRIS is transforming patients names and addresses that contain special chars UTF-8 to ANSI.


è = è
é = é
í = í- .......etc

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· Aug 22, 2020 2m read
My experience working with FHIR

Hi Community,

I want to share my experience creating the iris-fhir-portal with FHIR.

I decided to take a step forward and join the IRIS for Health FHIR contest, but I had never worked with FHIR before.

After the FHIR Contest Kick-Off Webinar, where we got an overview of how the IRIS for Health works with FHIR, I started to looking at the FHIR documentation to create my Patient Chart project.

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· Aug 26, 2020 3m read
Updating Patient Resource using fhir.js

Hi Community,

I shared my experience working with FHIR for the first time in this article.

In that article, I wrote how I explored the FHIR Resources and talked about the information that I found useful in FHIR documentation.

The first version of my app only shows the information that FHIR Resource provides.

I wanted to make the user able to update the patient details, so I to search for an example of how to do it.

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Hi all.

I'm currently looking at a use case where I need to take a Stream, and then encode the contents as a Base64 Stream. This is currently achieved with a snippet of code that has previously been placed in multiple classes within this particular environment, and relied on the dotnet gateway (which suffers with a bug in 2022.1, corrected 2022.1.1).

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Hi Community,

This article is a continuation of my article about Getting to know Python Flask Web Framework

In this article, we will cover the basics of topics listed below:

1. Routing in Flask Framework
2. Folder structure for a Flask app (Static and Template)
3. Getting and displaying data in the Flask application from IRIS.

So, let's begin.

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When you first start working with InterSystems IRIS, it’s a common practice to install a system with only a minimum level of security. You have to enter passwords fewer times and this makes it easier to work with development services and web applications when you're first getting acquainted. And, sometimes, minimal security is more convenient for deploying a developed project or solution.
And yet there comes a moment when you need to move your project out of development, into an Internet environment that’s very likely hostile, and it needs to be tested with the maximum security settings (that is, completely locked down) before being deployed to production. And that’s what we’ll discuss in this article.
For more complete coverage of DBMS security issues in InterSystems Caché, Ensemble, and IRIS, you may want to read my other article, Recommendations on installing the InterSystems Caché DBMS for a production environment.
The security system in InterSystems IRIS is based on the concept of applying different security settings for different categories: users, roles, services, resources, privileges, and applications.

Users can be assigned roles. Users and roles can have privileges on resources — databases, services, and applications — with varying read, write, and use rights. Users and roles can also have SQL privileges on the SQL tables located in databases.

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How do I run a CSP page from within VS Code.

Secondly I have installed an extension called "Live Server" which will run .html pages within VS Code. Have any of you made use of this extension and if so can you specify that .csp pages are html pages?

If I press F5 in VS Code (just as you would in Cache Studio) in order to view a csp page when I press F5 in vs code it tries to open


without the csp page name

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InterSystems and Intel recently conducted a series of benchmarks combining InterSystems IRIS with 2nd Generation Intel® Xeon® Scalable Processors, also known as “Cascade Lake”, and Intel® Optane™ DC Persistent Memory (DCPMM). The goals of these benchmarks are to demonstrate the performance and scalability capabilities of InterSystems IRIS with Intel’s latest server technologies in various workload settings and server configurations. Along with various benchmark results, three different use-cases of Intel DCPMM with InterSystems IRIS are provided in this report.

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Hi Developers!

We are going to establish a series of InterSystems IRIS Online Programming contests this year.

In March we started with ObjectScript CLI and here is the schedule of topics for the next few months:

  • April - InterSystems IRIS with REST API
  • May - InterSystems IRIS Native API application: use Python, JS, .NET, Java native APIs in your application to use IRIS
  • June-July - InterSystems IRIS AI/ML solutions. IntegratedML as a bonus
  • August - InterSystems IRIS for Health FHIR application
  • September - InterSystems IRIS Full-stack application: IRIS as a server and UI on any framework and any form: and web, desktop, mobile UI
  • October - Interoperability solutions for InterSystems IRIS and InterSystems IRIS for Health
  • November - Analytics Solution using InterSystems IRIS
  • December - Multi-model solution using InterSystems IRIS

All applications should be runnable with InterSystems IRIS in a docker container.

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· Oct 11, 2022 2m read
ZPM Simple Implementation Cookbook

ZPM is designed to work with applications and modules for InterSystems IRIS Data Platform. It consists of two components, the ZPN Client which is a CLI to manage modules, and The Registry which is a database of modules and meta-information. We can use ZPM to search, install, upgrade, remove and publish modules. With ZPM you can install ObjectScript classes, Frontend applications, Interoperability productions, IRIS BI solutions, IRIS Datasets or any files such as Embedded Python wheels.

Today this cookbook will go through 3 sections:

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· Jul 3, 2023
HL7 test message generator

I am looking for an appropriate solution to generate HL7 test messages to test my production. IRIS for Health already contains many HL7 specific functions like the schema structures. Furthermore one can use transformations to build custom messages.

What I am interested in is if anyone has already created a tool or script that can be used to create any HL7 messages that meet the minimum requirements and populate all the required fields with test values. I would then like to send these test messages via TCP to a business service.

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· Nov 30, 2022 14m read
Creating FHIR questionnaires

Intersystems IRIS for Health has excellent support for the FHIR industry standard. The main features are:
1. FHIR Server
2. FHIR Database
3. REST and ObjectScript API for CRUD operations on FHIR resources (patient, questionnaire, vaccines, etc.)

This article demonstrates how to use each of these features, as well as presenting an angular frontend for creating and viewing Quiz-like FHIR resources.

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