i got 2 server with iris instances on them:

irisinstance1 port 51773/52773
irisinstance2 port 51774/52774

irisinstance3 port 51773/52773
irisinstance4 port 51774/52774

Both of them have apps published on an external apache on port 443 and i would like to publish irisinstance1 and irisinstance2 on port 443 of srv2.

Something like https://srv2/mgmt1/csp/sys/UtilHome.csp and similar to mgmt2.

I've tried with proxypass without luck.

How can i do that? Is there a guide?


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I have succesfully installed IRIS client on MacOS (see bottom half of this post). What's next? How do I access the menu to launch IRIS Client, access Studio, and connect to remote server etc??




$$> sudo sh /Users/xxx/Downloads/HealthConnect-2023.1.3.517.0-macx64/irisinstall_client


Your system type is 'Mac OS X/x86/64-bit'.

Enter a destination directory for client components.

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We are seeing performance issues in purging objects/tables that have parent-child relationships defined. Due to the number of child objects we're seeing very long duration to purge a single parent and all child tables. Is there a better way to do this and get a more performant purge task? I was thinking to purge the child tables individually first and then delete the parent is one way. Is there any other approach?


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I am trying to work out if there are any methods available to be able import a result set returned by SQL query into a persistent class.

I have to connect to some legacy SQL databases through SQL Gateway and run some queries. I need to inster the rows returned into a class to then be able to do a %JSONExport to produce a JSON object. I know I can iterate through the resultset and insert one row at a time into the class but was wondering if there is any other/direct way of importing the resultset rows into a class.



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Had an issue after upgrading to 2021.1 where search bar for interoability will bring up "INVALID ACTION".

On upgrading to 2022.1 this still occurs.

It did not occur on another environement that was upgraded from 2017.2 straight to 2022.1

Is there any solution? Loads up SYS in url rather than customnamespacename

Issue is the url for instance brings through ip/csp/sys/EnsPortal.DTLEditor.zen?$NAMESPACE=X

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· Apr 18
Question about IAM

I was not able to get IAM working on my Development Server because of issues with creating volumes as a Non root user, so I opted to run it within Docker on my WSL Ubuntu locally. I was able to get it running, however the Workspaces is empty, and the Dev Portal is not enabled.

At this point do I need to sign up for the free Kong Konnect? or what are the next steps?



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We are looking again into DB size. Looking at our Ens.MessageHeaderI GSIZE is 3767107

Looking at the global i'm not sure if we have had an issue in the past so much of the data looks the same, we only have 3 values in the $zwc and although some of the data in the $c between 1 and 18630 it looks very similar as if there was an issue in the past. But if anyone has any examples of their index param this would help to know if our global is abnormal.

Data below

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I want to test the transformation of an XML message to HL7 message.

What class should I use to create the service in my production? I tried using EnsLib.XML.Object.Service.FTPService but the message did not get picked up. Maybe I didn't set it up correctly or I may be using a bad message?

My test service would pick up the file from the directory /healthshare/messages/test

I am also attaching lean version of the sample message that I will be using to test.

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We have a situation where we want to save the patient photo (or any other attachment) received via FHIR to a persistent property without decoding it. When it is sent out again using FHIR is is stored in the encoded format and need not be encoded. We do not need to decode it for our application. We always use it on another system that retrieves it or saves it via FHIR and therefore it is always received or sent embedded in JSON.

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I am trying to figure out if we can extend a business process in IRIS. My Use Case is that I am developing RESTful Interfaces and my each REST Interface needs to go through certain processes before getting to the actual action.

e.g. I have 2 REST Interfaces, GetPatient and GetEncounter. Both of these need to invoke "GetToken" Business Operation to go to the Authentication server to get an authentication token before they go ahead and hit the Business Operation to Get the data i.e. Patient or Encounter.

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I have a EnsLib.HL7.Operation.FTPOperation that uses SFTP protocol and public/private key to connect to an external vendor moveitcloud.

Issue: The vendor is planning to enable Multi Factor Authentication for this file transfer account.

Question: Have you configured a SFTP operation to use Multi factor Authentication? If not, is there another way?

Thank you,

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