· Jul 23, 2024

IRIS / INTEROPERABILITY / New DTL - source / target question

I am creating a new HL7 DTL item. I put the from as HL7 and the to as XML, hence, those Ens classes were loaded into the new DTL. However, on the map screen, both the left and the right column only show 'source' and 'target', and no other fields. I pictured that when I included these classes, both columns would pull the corresponding 'schema' to show all the to/from fields, but, they did not. Is that right?

Product version: IRIS 2024.1
Discussion (2)2
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Ok, I figured out 'why'. I did not chose a source doc 'type'. I was able to add HL7 2.3.1, however, when I tried to add XML, there were no schemas to pull from-

I tried multiple XML target classes. None seemed to have a pre-defined schema. I expected that I would find 'at least' one that contained the same kind of medical data type tags as you find on the HL7 schemas. Is there an XML schema like this, and, how do I load it into my new DTL item?