· Sep 20, 2022
Read Only Service Registry

I'm trying to create a read-only role for most pages on the Management Portal. However, I cannot figure out resource permissions for the HealthShare tab or how to assign custom resource permissions, if any, to the registries. I would like for the role to include read-only access to the registries (service, consent, otherwise). How do I go about doing this?

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0 186

Hello Community,

The Certification Team of InterSystems Learning Services is excited to announce the release of our new InterSystems HL7® Interface Specialist exam. This is an updated and rebranded version of our previous HL7 exam, formerly know as HealthShare Health Connect HL7® Interface Specialist. It is now available for purchase and scheduling in InterSystems exam catalog. Potential candidates can review the exam topics and the practice questions to help orient them to exam question approaches and content. Candidates who successfully pass the exam will receive a digital certification badge that can be shared on social media accounts like LinkedIn.

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As we said yesterday... our EMPI can receive data from multiple sources, REST, HL7 messaging, etc. But it is possible that the standard fields are not enough and we want to expand the patient information to help discriminate and uniquely identify them. How could we customize patient data? Modifying the standard classes to our liking? NOOOOO!!!! Well, a little yes, but not like crazy, because if we modify standard classes carelessly we may find that in a future update we lose all these modifications.

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InterSystems FAQ rubric

There is no need to recompile the routines after the version upgrade, but since the version update overwrites %SYS, user-created INT and OBJ format routines (*.INT,*.OBJ) in %SYS will be deleted. Therefore, you need to be careful.

MAC, INT and OBJ routines with the following names are not deleted.

%Z*.INT, %z*.INT, Z*.INT,z*.INT
%Z*.OBJ, %z*.OBJ, Z*.OBJ,z*.OBJ

Please note that classes/CSPs need to be compiled after upgrading.

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Information Sharing Enables Health Plans to Leverage Data and Analytical Assets to Deliver Sustained Value

Executive Summary

The shared-risk payment models that are central to health reform all require tight coordination among payers, providers, and patients if they are to succeed. As payers and providers enter into more and more such agreements, they need to enhance success by communicating and collaborating more effectively with their partners and actively engaging, supporting, and empowering their members.

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· Oct 6, 2022
MDX Syntax Help

we have this container code where we want to create more CalcMember properties

<sharedCalcMember FullName="HSAAPATIENT||DEMOGRAPHICS||CITIZENSHIP.NATIONAL.sharedCalcMember" Dimension="Demographics" Name="Citizenship.National" Expression="[Demographics].[H10].[Citizenship].&amp;[USA]" SolveOrder="0" CubeName="HSAAPATIENT" UpperCaseDimension="DEMOGRAPHICS" UpperCaseName="CITIZENSHIP.NATIONAL"></sharedCalcMember>

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0 184

Hey Community,

Enjoy watching the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Why Use Multiple Namespaces in Health Connect
[This is an embedded link, but you cannot view embedded content directly on the site because you have declined the cookies necessary to access it. To view embedded content, you would need to accept all cookies in your Cookies Settings]

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InterSystems has corrected a defect that may cause Windows Telnet processes that are secured using SSL/TLS to hang indefinitely; this may then cause an instance to become unresponsive. This defect is present only on Windows platforms.

This defect affects:

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Dear All CCR Users

Please note that All Perforce Systems will be unavailable from 6:00 p.m. EST on Friday, April 9th, 2021 to 3:00 p.m. EST on Sunday, April 11th, 2021.
During this time users will be impacted when trying to perform Perforce Activities when using the CCR Application.

CCR actions you can do while the InterSystems Perforce Server is unavailable:

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0 183

Hello there,

Someone know which impact would have my database changing the locale and its collationTable? I understand it should works fine, without any drawback.

Could someone else confirm my assumption or tell me what could happen? Has anyone changed something like that? (Not to russian, japanese, chinese, etc..)

About queries.. is there any side effect?


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0 182

Any suggestions on a way to indicate when a patient encounter is in an ‘Observation’ status** in Clinical Viewer? Clients would like to be able to distinguish between true ‘Inpatient’ or ‘Emergency’ status and ‘Observation,’ especially given that encounters often cycle between various statuses.

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· Sep 6, 2019
Biometric data for Identity

Hi -

I'm wondering if there is any sort of experience with trying to leverage things like fingerprint readers into any identity management interface. I'm wondering if the "output" of some fingerprint scanner (or face scanner, or eyeball scanner for that matter) is something that HealthShare Patient Index might be able to use?

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1 179

We receive a JSON message containing an element which is larger than the system long string size. We are using Ensemble HealthShare v2017 which prevents us from using the %GET method as it doesn’t allow us to define the output as a Stream. We are instead trying to the read the contents of the JSON message using Readline function, and store the value into an instance of the %Stream.GlobalCharachter class, and then read from the instance of that class and write the contents of that element into a HL7 Message.

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0 176

Hey Developers,

In the next video from #VSummit21 we'll show you recent changes to InterSystems HealthShare Health Connect and what is coming next:

InterSystems HealthShare Health Connect: New & Next
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Comprehensive patient view, communication and data sharing, and population health management are key components

Federal agencies have been incenting healthcare providers to leverage their electronic health records (EHRs) to get patients involved in the management of their care. Most organizations, however, haven’t moved beyond patient engagement as an item to be checked off in order to receive meaningful use incentive funding.

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Hey Community,

We are really looking for your feedback on a new offering - InterSystems FHIR Transformation Service.
It went live on AWS Marketplace where you can try it for free!

We launched a related challenge on GM where you can get points for giving it a try and a "thank you" prize to everyone who leaves feedback in comments to this post.

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0 174

I have a cube that lists services, processes, and operations information and wanted to make the names of the items more user-friendly to end users and to use a flag to determine which components would be displayed in the dashboard.

We created another table/cube that has a status flag (1/0) to determine whether we would look at the item, the existing name, and the human-readable name.

What is the best way to reference the data in the new cube from the original cube to use the human-readable name?

Thank you, LG

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