· Apr 24, 2017 1m read
Diagnosing the cause of <PROTECT> errors

If your application is raising <PROTECT> errors and you're finding it hard to work out why, here's a way to get additional information.

First, if auditing is not already enabled, turn it on:

Then use "Configure System Events" (highlighted above) and locate the event named %System/%Security/Protect. In the screenshot below I used the Filter field to do this (type "protect" - highlighted below - and press TAB):

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InterSystems is pleased to announce the availability of the following maintenance releases:

  • Caché and Ensemble 2016.2.2
  • HealthShare Health Connect v15.021 on two core technology releases, 2016.2.2 and 2017.1.0

Caché and Ensemble 2016.2.2 are available on the same platforms as 2016.2.1

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We are using an F5 load balancer to route public traffic to our IS server. My goal is to block public access to the Management Portal, and only allow what we want to expose, such as REST/SOAP services. At the F5, they can block URL wildcards or specific ports, so those are our options.

Since the URLs for the web services are in the same path ([host]/csp/healthshare/[namespace]/*), I can't see any URL wildcards happening. That leads me to ports; is there a way to put services on a specific port for all services, and everything else stay on a standard web port?

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· Apr 12, 2017
Message Profiling

Hi all,

I was wondering if InterSystems offers any message profiling capabilities. What I mean by "message profiling" is essentially stats or metrics gathered from a collection of data submissions of a particular type. For instance, average number of segments <XYZ> in a specific HL7 V2 message type. Or the number of sections found in a HL7 V3 CDA documents.

Curious if there is anything like this provided "out-of-box".



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We have a mixture of legacy and new systems, and are grappling with the issue of moving documents between systems.

At the moment we are mostly using file drops and encoding metadata in filenames, but a new supplier (letter transcription) is going to provide a Hl7v2 feed sending MDM^T02 messages with PDF's of letters base64 encoded in the message itself.

We are thinking of asking all our suppliers to go with MDM (or ORU) for sending documents.

I'm interested in the pros and cons of the options; and if there are options I haven't thought of.

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· Mar 2, 2017
TLS Cipher Suite selection

Our client is a test out of 2016.1 (Build 656U) Healthshare that wants to do a one way SSL connection to our Java 1.7/Tomcat 8.0 server. We have yet to come up with a secure cipher set that Healthshare and Java agree on for the handshake. So far we've had to use these ciphers identified which are not recommended (though it does do a handshake properly).

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Hello. New to the forum and was hoping I could get some expert help here. I have one data set that is using CHD Logic to combine Procedure and Diagnosis codes to define Sensitive data and flag the record for additional protected filtering. The files coming in define what is flagged and the Clinical Info Rule and Clinical Info Type are tied to the flag in the file which identifies it as a additional protected record.

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I use the HS_IHE_ATNA_Repository.Aggregation table a lot. Someone just referred me to the HS_IHE_ATNA_Repository.Document table, which has an AggregationId column.

I assume that column references the ID column in the .Aggregation table. If so, does this mean that if the same document was requested 1,000 times that there will be 1,000 entries for it in the .Document table? This seems inefficient to me. Why not have one record in the document table and have a DocumentId column in the Aggregation table?

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I have Healthshare/Ensemble version 2015.2.1.

I created Business Operation in my ENSDEMO namespace that will connect to an external REST endpoint to send data to this external REST Service.

I also created an http service in Home>Healthshare>Service Registry, under the Service Type: http. I entered the REST endpoint Name, Host, SSL Configuration, and URL.

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· Feb 14, 2017 1m read
Portal tip: The inconspicuous Menu button

Amongst the large fonts and chunky icons of Portal's pages, the Menu button in the top left corner is easily overlooked:

When clicked, it often produces the following menu:

When I remember it's there, I find the "View Console Log" option particularly handy.

I wrote "often" above because I've also noticed that the Menu contents change when I'm on a page within the Ensemble section of Portal:

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· Feb 14, 2017 1m read
Portal tip: Feel at home on the Home page

Until recently I didn't pay much attention to Portal's home page:

If it's not showing when you initially launch Portal you can easily jump to it using the button / tab at the top of the left-hand column of options. And later during your session, get there via the Home link that will be visible at the top of every page.

On the Home page the "Recent" section is automatically maintained for you.

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I have the following query which tells me how many documents were retrieved for each customer, but it only works for the "on-demand" customers:

SELECT PatientFacility, LEFT(LocalDateTime,7) as Mnth, Count(*)
FROM HS_IHE_ATNA_Repository.Aggregation
WHERE EventType IN ('RecordRequest','RecordRequestBreakGlass')
AND LocalDateTime >= '2016-01-01'
AND LocalDateTime < '2017-01-01'
GROUP BY PatientFacility, LEFT(LocalDateTime,7)
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Hello guys,

I've got this piece of code which runs the method "WebMethod", that belongs to %SOAP.WebBase.cls.

It grabs the outcome from an internal webservice we have and after that, it writes into a file.

The thing is, when I browse the file contents, I realize that in the place where a special character should be, I see a question mark.

By querying the same webservice from a special soap tool called "SoapSonar" (I've been using this for years), the outcome shows up this special character (shows it properly).

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The class %Compiler.UDL.TextServices arrived in 2015.1, bringing us methods for exporting a class in UDL format (i.e. looking just like we're used to seeing it in Studio), and importing a UDL format definition back into a namespace. Some source control tools including our Deltanji are now able to use UDL format, resulting in diffs that are easier to understand.

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