We have a situation where we want to save the patient photo (or any other attachment) received via FHIR to a persistent property without decoding it. When it is sent out again using FHIR is is stored in the encoded format and need not be encoded. We do not need to decode it for our application. We always use it on another system that retrieves it or saves it via FHIR and therefore it is always received or sent embedded in JSON.

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Hello, developers!

In this series, I will not show you how to use IRIS for Health, but rather how to use SUSHI, a tool for creating FHIR profiles, as an associated technology.

With the right tools, the profile information (specifications, limitations, extensions, etc.) of a FHIR project can be well organized and published.

Before we begin, what is SUSHI? I will briefly explain it.

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I have been tinkering with FHIR recently and tried to update the FHIR servers Capability Statement after I made some changes. I updated an OAuth2.Issuer Service Registry entrys URL and needed to update the metadata which the FHIR server sends to the client so they can get the updated URL for the authorization server we use.

However, when I run the Console Setup tool with

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· Jan 18, 2022
FHIR Bulk Data and ndjson

Hi all,

I am testing asynchronous Bulk Data retrieve with a large EHR vendor. When I retrieve the bulk data, they are returning ndjson (CONTENT-TYPE of "application/fhir+ndjson; charset=utf-8"). If I attempt to process that content using JSON functions - I get

ERROR #5035: General exception Name 'Parsing error' Code '3' Data ''

For example, the following generates the error

s objArray={}.%FromJSON(quickStreamOut)

The error makes sense in that ndjson is not a valid json format (I assume at least).

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We have now released a new learning path to get you started with FHIR: Building Basic FHIR Integrations with InterSystems IRIS for Health. In this path, you'll learn the basics of FHIR, how to set up FHIR endpoints in InterSystems IRIS for Health, consume data into the FHIR repository and transform FHIR data, manage FHIR APIs with InterSystems API Manager, and query for FHIR resources using a client application.

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Hey Developers,

Learn about the use and design of the InterSystems FHIR Transformation Service and the InterSystems FHIR Server, and what to expect next:

FHIR in the Cloud: Understanding New InterSystems FHIR Server

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FHIR Terminology Service specification describes a set of operations on CodeSystem, ValueSet and ConceptMap resources. Among those operations, the following four operations appear to be the most widely adopted ones:

CodeSystem ValueSet

Developing a partial implementation of the specification has been an effective way to explore the new FHIR framework introduced in IRIS for Health 2020.1. The implementation includes four operations listed above, and supports read and search interactions for CodeSystem and ValueSet resources.

It's important to note that the implementation uses plain ObjectScript persistent classes as source terminology tables.

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· Nov 16, 2021
Video: The Promise of FHIR

Hi Community,

Learn about strategic approaches being taken to leverage the potential of HL7 FHIR in InterSystems HealthShare:

The Promise of FHIR

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Hey Developers,

We invite you to take part in the European Healthcare Hackathon 2021 which will take place on November 19-21 2021. Participation is free, the deadline for applications to the ON-LINE track is prolonged until 15 NOV.

We will have an InterSystems challenge there: "Innovate with FHIR". Prize fund in InterSystems track:

🥇1st place: 1500 EUR
🥈2nd place: 1000 EUR
🥉3rd place: 500 EUR
And we prepared prizes for ALL participants of our challenge!

Read the details about our challenge under the pic :) Are you in? Let us know in the poll below!

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Hey Community,

Get an introduction to the purpose and key concepts of Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources, or FHIR:

FHIR: Healthcare Data Standard Designed for the Future

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Hey Developers,

Don't miss our new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Working with FHIR Profiles in IRIS for Health

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· Oct 8, 2021

A simple python script to copy/scrap/crawl a FHIR repository to another one.

The script is written in Python 3.

Install it from pip

python -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install git+https://github.com/grongierisc/fhir-scraper
cp .venv/bin/fhir-scraper.py .

Edit fhir-scraper.py for your needs.

Run it :

python fhir-scraper.py 

How to run it from git

First clone this repository.

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· Sep 27, 2021
Videos from HackMIT 2021

Hey Community,

Please welcome 4 new videos on InterSystems Developers YouTube from HackMIT 2021 healthcare track:

1. Meet InterSystems and Get Ready for the Challenge

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Hey Developers,

New video is already on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Becoming More Effective with HL7 Feeds

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I have attached a document that describes the product I have developed called NiPaRobotica Pharmacy. This is an interface I developed that accepts Pharmacy Dispense Requests and converts the line items on the order into dispense dialogues which it sends to pharmacy robots. I deployed the interface into 3 Hospital pharmacies two of which had 6 robots that were arranged in such a way that the dispense chutes channelled medications to desks by the pharmacists sitting in windows serving 1200 patients a day. The robots cut the average waiting time from 2 hours down to one hour.

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Hi everyone,

Learn how to build FHIR applications in the cloud using S3, Azure AD, and a FHIR service:

Build FHIR Provider & Patient-Facing Applications in the Cloud

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Hey Developers,

Learn how to search for FHIR resources with a variety of query options:

FHIR Search @ Virtual Summit 2020

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