· Jan 9, 2023

Purge jobs on foundation productions processing FHIR requests

Hello community,

is there anything special to consider when running a foundation production regarding purge jobs (Ens.Util.Tasks.Purge)? I am thinking specifically of the QuickStreams, which according to my information are stored in a temporary database until the system is restarted. Since a system reboot is much less frequent then the purges, I wonder what happens to the QuickStreams whose messages and headers have already been purged. Is there a way to view Quickstreams (not content, but rather metadata) e.g. via the Management Portal?

Thanks for your comments and hints,

best regards, Martin

Product version: IRIS 2021.1
$ZV: IRIS for UNIX (SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for x86-64) 2021.1 (Build 215U) Wed Jun 9 2021 09:48:27 EDT [HealthConnect:3.3.0] [HealthConnect:3.3.0]
Discussion (3)2
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Hello David,

thank you very much for your reply. How does this behave in case of using HS.FHIRServer.Interop.Request with HS.FHIRServer.InteropService? The creation of streams is done within the library classes, so it is not directly custom code. Since requests are derived from Ens.Request, they are cleaned up by the mentioned purge task. I can't find any hints in the code of the requests (something like a delete trigger does for persistent object hierarchies) that the quickstreams would be deleted as well. How is this handled in the Intersystems FHIR server?


I discovered the globals in the namespace %SYS with "system items" checked in Cachetemp.HS.Stream. In the file system, unlike other stream types, quickstreams have no representation in the form of a file besides the database. As you described, the removal has to be done manually, because the quickstreams of the already purged requests are still present. Alternatively enough memory has to be provided and I wait until the next restart solves the problem by itself. If these assumptions aren't wrong this answers my questions from above.

Regards, Martin