· Feb 14, 2017 1m read
Portal tip: Feel at home on the Home page

Until recently I didn't pay much attention to Portal's home page:

If it's not showing when you initially launch Portal you can easily jump to it using the button / tab at the top of the left-hand column of options. And later during your session, get there via the Home link that will be visible at the top of every page.

On the Home page the "Recent" section is automatically maintained for you.

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· Feb 14, 2017 1m read
Portal tip: Use the search box

User interfaces such as Portal often give us multiple ways of doing a task. Sometimes we stick with habits and don't realize that another way might save us time.

Here's one that I learned by watching someone else using Portal.

Use the Search box to get quickly to a page that may otherwise be several layers deep in the Portal hierarchy. For example, suppose I want to check the status of the ECP networking:

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A customer wants to process D93A edifact files, orders and invoice. Does anyone have .SEF files available or know how to get them, so we can easily process them with Ensemble? Otherwise we would either have to write a parser for the two message types, or create a SEF file.

Any advice is welcome on this,


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The class %Compiler.UDL.TextServices arrived in 2015.1, bringing us methods for exporting a class in UDL format (i.e. looking just like we're used to seeing it in Studio), and importing a UDL format definition back into a namespace. Some source control tools including our Deltanji are now able to use UDL format, resulting in diffs that are easier to understand.

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I'll be doing my first xml transform soon and I'm hoping to find a good graphical mapping tool to generate the XSLT. Does anyone have any recommendations? I've tried the demo of Altova MapForce and it's exactly what I want but it's super expensive. Working for a non-profit it would be nice if I could find a free or cheap solution.

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Many mobile applications that enable users to get information about road fines and pay them, send notifications about newly added fines. This functionality can be efficiently implemented using push notifications sent to users’ devices.

Our application was not an exception. The server side is based on the Ensemble platform that offers integrated support of push notifications starting from version 2015.1.

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Hi all,

We have a big problem with spanish accent and special characters using Data Transformation (HL7 Messages).

We have some DT to transform HL7 messages to other type (OUL^R22 To OML^O21) so it copys the PID segment to the new one, but if in the PatienName field has any special character, the transformation stops and it not continues with the transformation.

This is the message

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· Jan 23, 2017
FieldTest for Ubuntu


Is there a install kit available for ubuntu. I have tried the Suse Install kit .

Got: The installer can't find a platform in this distribution supported by your system



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My group needs to be able to monitor items / tasks, and let a non-management-portal user see the monitoring. Is it possible to run DeepSee queries on Production items? I feel like I should not be recreating the production environment or the task manager just so that I can query on the items that are running, and on their states (like "successful" or "send email").

Also, I need to log custom events for each task, and I'm running into difficulties with the task manager in this regard; hence the question about using the Production instead, but querying it.

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Recently we have exercised this with a partner. It may be helpful for others as well.

The basic functionality is to connect to SAP through SAPJCo (Supporting SAPJCo 3.07+).

As a first step have a production with at least two items of the following type:

  • EnsLib.JavaGateway.Service
  • EnsLib.SAP.Operation

Configure the settings for the Java Gateway and the SAP Operation accordingly. And start the production.

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· Feb 17, 2016 3m read
Listing files in folder


How do I get a list of files residing in a certain folder/directory, according to some wildcard/filter.

For example all '*.txt' files in 'C:\Temp'.



You can use the %Library.File's FileSet class query.

Here's some sample code using it (also attached):

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Hi all (and specifically Eduard L. ;)

The Ensemble Workflow REST API provided here:

(and mentioned before in this Community, also as the basis of the Angular UI, also available in the same Git)

Has some very basic documentation as to how to work with the API (which also seems to be possibly a little out-dated as I think the /login URL is deprecated, for example).

Is there somewhere a more comprehensive documentation of this API?

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Hi All,

I have below schema structure:


Now there are few cases where source application is sending NTE segment after TQS segment

Is there any way of updating the schema to use the same NTE from OBXgrp, cause we dont want to update the code logic as its happening for few messages only.


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I want to set the value in the second field of OBX-5, or OBX-5-2. My schema is not broken down to that granular level, so I can't just click OBX-5-2 to populate it. I tried a few variations without success.




Any ideas?

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· Dec 15, 2016 1m read
Version history for the production class

Last week I was onsite with a new customer of ours, implementing Deltanji to give them control of their development and deployment cycle. One particularly satisfying part of the visit was seeing their pleasure at how their production class now records its changes over time, allowing them to quickly diff the versions and see what configuration items have been added or what settings altered. ​

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When testing a new routing rule, one frequently encountered problem is that messages that seem like they should be getting routed to a target component are not getting routed. This article aims to describe how to determine why the message didn't get routed.

1. Check the Event Log for the router to make sure there wasn't an error evaluating the rule or running any transformations referenced by the rule. If there was, debug that error first.

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