Hi everybody,

I created my own REST service class by extending EnsLib.REST.Service.

In some particular conditions of the parameters of the request, the REST service should respond to the client with an HTTP status response code 400 "Bad request".

I read the article "RESTful Exception Handling " and I try to use the suggested:

do ..ReportHttpStatusCode(400)

But the server seems ignore it and get back to client the 500 http response code.

Any suggestions?

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· Dec 2, 2016
How to remove accentuation?

How to remove accentuation of a word?


Árvore = Arvore

você = voce

Então = entao

The words above are in brazilian portuguese, I need to get rid with the accentuation such that I can compare two sentences.

Thanks in advance.

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0 854


We recently updated Ensemble, on our Unix DEV server , from version 2013.x to 2015.2.3 (Build 855U) and when we test our SSL/TLS configuration we get the following error:

ERROR #729: Certificate /qmd/ens_chldev_1/mgr/SILCert/SILCSSSJR-CER.cer is not valid for TLS Web client authentication .

The certificate was working fine before the update in DEV and it is working fine in our PROD Unix server with Ensemble 2012.x. Any ideas why we are getting this error?

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0 2K

I currently have an Ensemble production which accepts and handles SOAP requests. I now need to support the exact same data, but instead of coming in as a SOAP request, comes in as a multipart/form-data request. The body of the message would look something like:

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1 791

I have a service named FTP_In that is of class EnsLib.HL7.Service.FTPService. It picks up files from multiple subfolders and sends them to an EnsLib.HL7.MsgRouter.RoutingEngine. What I want to do is somehow capture the subfolder as a variable for use in the routing rules. Is this possible?

Let's say I have the following files and directory structure on my FTP Server

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0 578

The select query here "select Settings from Ens_Config.Item" in the SQL Query of management portal returns this:

ValidationHost 7ActOnTransformErrorHost1 ReplyCodeActionsHostE=D AlertOnErrorHost1 9 AlertGroupsHost$LabAlertGroup,1-CriticalAlertGroup BusinessPartnerHost

How do I isolate just one of the settings e.g. ReplyCodeActions or LocalInterface

For example, i want to search for all entries that have a value for ReplyCodeActions

I realize i can open the production in studio and search for those setting values.

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0 1.5K
· May 6, 2016
Load a dll at run time

I am using java gateway imported/proxy classes and JG business service. I need to load a dll at run time.

I use System.loadLibrary/System.load when in java. I’ve tried $ZF(-3,” C:\Windows\System32\pteidlibj.dll”) and $ZF(-4,1,"C:\Windows\System32\pteidlibj.dll") but I’m getting <DYNAMIC LIBRARY LOAD> error.

How can I load a dll at run time using COS?

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0 1.2K


I have a client who is considering encryption options in order to comply with a tendering requirement.

Were they to encrypt the production database then what would be a reasonable expectation forthe impact on message throughput. Or possibly more easily answered: what would be the expected impact be on I/O rate and CPU utilization. Are there any benchmarks to which could support an estimate ?

How would this compare with plan B: to use disk encryption ?


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One aspect of source code management is how to deal with the almost inevitable need to upgrade your Caché or Ensemble platform to a newer InterSystems release.

It's long been my experience that InterSystems does a very good job of maintaining backward compatibility. Code that works correctly on, say, 2012.1 is very likely to work correctly on, say, 2015.2 without any modification.

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A file-based business service uses a local path on a Linux machine that is actually a mounted CIFS share. The mount is "soft" and is designed to not cache data, etc. There are times however when the remote system offering up the share (it's a Windows machine I believe) gets bounced or otherwise hung up the business service in the Ensemble production just hangs.

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How suitable is Docker for standalone deployment of an Ensemble version and Ensemble application together?

The context is deployment by an application partner of an integration application and the supporting Ensemble version as a single package (single file ideally), to multiple environments and to multiple customer sites.

I don't have experience with Ensemble on Docker so I'm wondering what gaps and pitfalls may exist.

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What are the pros and cons of developing a custom database driven routing engine vs. using the Ensemble standard routing engine. What I'm trying to accomplish with the custom routing engine is less manual intervention every time a new route is added. The con I can see with the custom engine is performance may lag behind the standard engine. My development vs. Intersystems essentially.

I appreciate feedback. Thanks!

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· Oct 24, 2016
Multiple Rulesets


In my routing rules I'd like to work with multiple rulesets. When running the proces, it only seems to execute the first ruleset.

Is it possible to have multiple rulesets active in the same business rule, or is there another way to not have to jam all rules in the same ruleset?

Thanks in advance,

Joost Houwen

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0 486

Ensemble 2015. Working on an a way to send NACK'd HL7 messages to a flat file for external review/troubleshooting. (Similar to the way BadMessageHandler deals with validation errors.)

I think I have the Alert piece down, but need assistance with the exact syntax to do an SQL query in the DTL (or a custom function) to pull the HL7 message Raw Content into the Alert, based on the SessionID.

(Also, anything special to write alerts to the File Operation?)

Thanks, Brian

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If your Ensemble environment is actually a HealthShare one, here's a snippet of information that I wasn't able to find in the documentation.

When a namespace is HealthShare-enabled it gets some mappings added to it in order to fetch stuff from the HSLIB database. The most obvious mapping is a package mapping that gives your namespace all the HS.* classes.

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0 427

I'll be doing my first xml transform soon and I'm hoping to find a good graphical mapping tool to generate the XSLT. Does anyone have any recommendations? I've tried the demo of Altova MapForce and it's exactly what I want but it's super expensive. Working for a non-profit it would be nice if I could find a free or cheap solution.

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0 3.2K

Hi all (and specifically Eduard L. ;)

The Ensemble Workflow REST API provided here:


(and mentioned before in this Community, also as the basis of the Angular UI, also available in the same Git)

Has some very basic documentation as to how to work with the API (which also seems to be possibly a little out-dated as I think the /login URL is deprecated, for example).

Is there somewhere a more comprehensive documentation of this API?

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0 603

Hi All,

I have below schema structure:


Now there are few cases where source application is sending NTE segment after TQS segment

Is there any way of updating the schema to use the same NTE from OBXgrp, cause we dont want to update the code logic as its happening for few messages only.


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