· Aug 2, 2020 1m read
Application Errors Analytics

Hi Developers!

As you know the application errors live in ^ERRORS global. They appear there if you call:

d e.Log() 

in a Catch section of Try-Catch.

With @Robert Cemper's approach, you can now use SQL to examine it.

Inspired by Robert's module I introduced a simple IRIS Analytics module which shows these errors in a dashboard:

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· Apr 30 3m read
mg_web for ObjectScript Developers

A few weeks ago I posted an announcement about a JavaScript-based interface for our mg_web WebServer interfacing addon module. mg_web isn't just restricted to use by JavaScript developers though. Many readers will be ObjectScript developers who are more used to using CSP as their web gateway. Some may even have much older legacy WebLink-based applications (and be wondering how to support them given that IRIS does not support WebLink).

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Hi Developers!

Here're the technology bonuses for the FHIR programming contest that will give you extra points in the voting:

  • FHIR Server REST API usage
  • The usage of SQL Schema of FHIR Resources
  • Healthcare standards data transformation
  • Docker container usage

See the details below.

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1 245

Hi folks!

Sometimes we need the docker image of the InterSystems IRIS solution we build to be published on some docker registry. The cases could be:

  1. Deploy it then in Kubernetes cluster
  2. Let your pal run the image of your public repo without building it locally.

You can push the image to Docker Hub Registry or Github Registry.

In this very short article, I provide a way how to do it automatically on every push to your GitHub repository.

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2 288

Hi Developers,

Often we create and edit InterSystems IRIS Interoperability solutions via a set of UI tools that is provided with IRIS. But it is sometimes difficult to setup the development environment to handle changes we make in the UI to source control.

This video illustrates how git-source-control helps with source control Interoperability components while changing it in the UI.

Git Source Control for InterSystems IRIS Interoperability with Docker and VSCode
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2 517
· Jan 21 1m read
Debugging a crashing container

I have been struggling with a docker run command that kept crashing, the error message was too generic to point me to the right direction.

Since the container is shut down after the failure, I was unable to login to it in order to figure out the problem.

I had to run the container in a way that I'll be able to log into it before it crashed, so I found the adding -u false prevents the docker run command to run the iris session IRIS and the container stayed up and running. then I was able to log into it using:

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Hi Community!

Check the second Developer Community Video of the week:

Docker Containers: Essential Knowledge
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1 568
· Jan 12, 2022
New Kubernetes Exercise!

Hi All! For those of you who attended experience labs at the 2021 Virtual Summit, you may recall that one of the lab sessions was around Kubernetes. We've now converted that lab to be fully on-demand. You can launch a small cluster of VMs and follow the exercise to manage your Kubernetes cluster, deploy InterSystems IRIS containers to it, and watch its self-healing nature when destroying a pod.

It's a great introduction to Kubernetes if you are interested! See here: Achieving High Availability with InterSystems IRIS and Kubernetes

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1 219

Last time we deployed a simple IRIS application to the Google Cloud. Now we’re going to deploy the same project to Amazon Web Services using its Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS).

We assume you’ve already forked the IRIS project to your own private repository. It’s called <username>/my-objectscript-rest-docker-template in this article. <root_repo_dir> is its root directory.

Before getting started, install the AWS command-line interface and, for Kubernetes cluster creation, eksctl, a simple CLI utility. For AWS you can try to use aws2, but you’ll need to set aws2 usage in kube config file as described here.

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2 1.5K

I am happy to share with you my first experience of using a docker container version of IRIS for Health to explore your interest in using or having a trial by taking the advantage of a docker container that is lightweight, and easy to deploy. This cookbook will go through the implementation steps using the GitHub repository called ENSDEMO written by Renan Lourenco.

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1. Purpose

This is a 10-minute simple step-by-step guide on how to quickly set up various flavors of HealthShare docker containers from scratch on a Win10 laptop.

For example, we can build a couple of HealthShare "global edition vs UK Edition" demos as shown below.

There are a couple of frequently asked questions from HealthShare colleagues and partners:

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2 773

Some of you on the Developer Community have probably interacted with @Luca Ravazzolo if you are interested in cloud and container topics... If so, you'll enjoy Episode 2 of our new podcast — we chatted with Luca about Kubernetes and the InterSystems Kubernetes Operator. He does a great job of explaining the technology and its benefits here!
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I'm using Docker and I don't get how you create new folders in the container.

I'm using Docker on Windows running the iris health community.

I want to create 2 folders on the instance and be adding files to it; I must be missing something as i can't see how this gets easily managed?

May retry just downloading the main community HS edition not through docker but could how to amend the error

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0 253
· Jun 29, 2023 3m read
IRIS Api Tester

Hello Community!!

I just upload my lastest application "IRIS Api Tester" to the Open Exchange.

It's a docker project with InterSystems IRIS + Newman that will allow you to test your Postman Collections in a quick and easy way..

It's ready to work out of the box, you just have to clone the repo:

Run the docker-compose file:

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1 371

I am just recently announced my project isc-tar. But sometimes it is not less interesting what’s behind the scene: how it was built, how it works and what happens around the project. Here is the story:

  • How to develop this project
  • How to test it
  • How to release new versions for publishing
  • And finally how to automate all above
  • Continuous integration

So, I would like to tell all about it.

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2 523

Hi Everyone!

You're very welcome to watch the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube, recorded by @Evgeny Shvarov in the new format called "Coding Talks":

GitHub Flow with InterSystems IRIS: Edit with VSCode, Test with Docker, Commit, Push, Pull Request
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0 463

Hi Community,

The new video from Global Summit 2019 is already on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Basics and Benefits of Cloud Deployment
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1 252
· Jul 4, 2023 2m read
Build iris image with cpf merge

When it comes to build an iris image, we can use the cpf merge files.

Here is an cpf merge example:






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0 199

Hi Community,

As you may know, we successfully held InterSystems Developers Meetup in Boston at Global Summit 2019. And now it's time to find out which solutions development on InterSystems IRIS have been discussed!

Please welcome the Meetup video recording on InterSystems Developers YouTube Channel:

InterSystems Developers Meetup - Global Summit 2019
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0 201

Hey Community,

We're pleased to invite all the developers to the upcoming InterSystems IRIS 2020.1 Tech Talk: Speed Under Pressure on July 14 at 10:00 AM EDT!

In this InterSystems IRIS 2020.1 Tech Talk, we'll learn about the open source Ingestion Speed Test. We will explain:

  • the architecture of the ingestion speed test
  • how we are leveraging Docker containers to run it on our PCs
  • how we are leveraging InterSystems Cloud Manager to easily run it on AWS so we can compare InterSystems IRIS with other databases, such as AWS Aurora

After this Tech Talk, you'll be able to use the Ingestion Speed Test on InterSystems Open Exchange for your own testing and benchmarking.

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1 355

Hi developers!

We are starting InterSystems AI Programming Contest next week, and according to the rules, you can include some technology IRIS Features into your solutions, which will give you extra points in the voting.

Here are the technology bonuses for InterSystems AI Programming Contest!

1. IntegratedML usage - 2 expert vote points

IntegratedML is a new technology Introduced in InterSystems IRIS which you can use with InterSystems IRIS 2020.2 Advanced Analytics Preview release. IntegratedML:

  • Gives users the ability to create, train, and deploy powerful models from simple SQL syntax without requiring data scientists.
  • Wraps "best of breed" open source and proprietary "AutoML" frameworks including DataRobot.
  • Focuses on easy deployment to IRIS, so you can easily add machine learning to your applications.

Learn more in IntegratedML Resource Guide.

You can use with IntegratedML template.

2. Python Gateway usage - 1 expert vote point

Python Gateway is an addon to InterSystems IRIS which gives you the way to use Python in InterSystems IRIS environment:

  • Execute arbitrary Python code.
  • Seamlessly transfer data from InterSystems IRIS into Python.
  • Build intelligent Interoperability business processes with Python Interoperability Adapter.
  • Save, examine, modify and restore Python context from InterSystems IRIS.

Learn more about Python Gateway.

You can use the Python Gateway template, which includes IntegratedML too.

3. Docker container - 1 expert vote point

The application gets a 'Docker container' bonus if it uses InterSystems IRIS running in a docker container.

Both templates, IntegratedML template and Python Gateway template use docker so you can collect this bonus if you build your solution using these templates.

Or you can use any other Docker-based templates, published on Open Exchange.

Feel free to ask any questions about using the listed technologies.

Good luck in the competition!

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0 283


I have wrote an article about how to install the intersystems cache driver in a Docker container, and then deploy it using Azure Functions:

How to run a (Python) Azure Function as a Docker container & Deploy it using Bicep | Victor Sanner

This might be useful to others, especially the dockerfile which I have copied below. This builds a debian docker container and installs the Intersystems Cache driver, which python can then use :)

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2 507
· Apr 26, 2021 3m read
SSH for IRIS container

Why SSH ?

If you do not have direct access to the server that runs your IRIS Docker container
you still may require access to the container outside "iris session" or "WebTerminal".
With an SSH terminal (PuTTY, KiTTY,.. ) you get access inside Docker, and then, depending
on your needs you run "iris session iris" or display/manipulate files directly.

This is not meant to be the default access for the average application user
but the emergency backdoor for System Management, Support, and Development.

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