
A python script to keep your docker iris images in shape ;)

Witout changing your dockerfile or your code you can reduce the size of your image by 50% or more !


Name the builder image builder and the final image final and add this to end of your Dockerfile:

Modify your Dockerfile to use a multi-stage build:

ARG IMAGE=intersystemsdc/irishealth-community:latest
FROM $IMAGE as builder

Add this to end of your Dockerfile:

FROM $IMAGE as final


RUN --mount=type=bind,source=/,target=/builder/root,from=builder \
    cp -f /builder/root/usr/irissys/iris.cpf /usr/irissys/iris.cpf && \
    python3 /irisdev/app/ -c /usr/irissys/iris.cpf -d /builder/root/ 

Boom! You're done!

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I asked the question in email and get answers from those colleagus.


I failed to change time zone on latest iris container(Ubuntu), because:

  • I am irisowner, no root password

  • There is no sudo command

I used to use below Dockfile setting to change time zone while creating a new docker image. However, those commands doesn’t work from non-root user.

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· Feb 24, 2023 2m read
InterSystems IRIS in Containers

InterSystems has also released IRIS as containerized deployments. This post is to demonstrate how InterSystems IRIS and applications those rely on IRIS a backend can be packaged into an image and be run in other machines in containers and how simple it is to do that.

A container runs image/s which have all the necessary executables, binary code, libraries, and configuration files. And the images can be moved from one machine to another, and an images repository like Docker Hub can simplify that process.

I have used an application from Open Exchange for this demo.

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Dear community members!

A very common problem of our users is to use an external database as data source in an IRIS production. As many of you already know, we have two ways to connect directly to an external database, the first one is using an ODBC connection, the second is using JDBC.

In our example we are going to create a connection using JDBC, and we are going to build a simple Docker's project, in this way you will be able to modify the example as you wish.

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Hi, I would like to tell you how easy it is to spin up IRIS for Health docker container in compute engine(VPS) in google cloud.

I know that to run IRIS for Health in AWS is pretty simple and straightforward, but I wanted to tried if its same easy in GCP environment.

Create vm instance. 2GB RAM is more than enough.

I used Debian 11 as Linux distro.

Standart persistent disk is cheaper.

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Hello everyone, I’m a French student that just arrived in Prague for an academical exchange for my fifth year of engineering school and here is my participation in the interop contest.

I hadn’t much time to code since I was moving from France to Prague and I’m participating alone, so I decided to make a project that’s more like a template rather than an application.

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I am happy to share with you my first experience of using a docker container version of IRIS for Health to explore your interest in using or having a trial by taking the advantage of a docker container that is lightweight, and easy to deploy. This cookbook will go through the implementation steps using the GitHub repository called ENSDEMO written by Renan Lourenco.

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In this article you will have access to the curated base of articles from the InterSystems Developer Community of the most relevant topics to learning InterSystems IRIS. Find top published articles ranked by Machine Learning, Embedded Python, JSON, API and REST Applications, Manage and Configure InterSystems Environments, Docker and Cloud, VSCode, SQL, Analytics/BI, Globals, Security, DevOps, Interoperability, Native API. Learn and Enjoy!

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Hi Developers!

This is yet another short post that is intended to simplify developers' life. Now we'll talk about how to make GitHub run unit tests with every push to the repository by adding just one file to the repo. For free. On Github Cloud. Sounds great, isn't it?

It is possible and very easy to do. Credit goes to @Dmitry Maslennikov (and his repo), ZPM Package Manager, and GitHub Actions. Let's see how this all works!

Something for Nothing by Robert Sheckley - YouTube

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Hi developer folks!

Thanks to all of you who start the development with InterSystems IRIS from the basic development template!

Recently, thanks to @Dmitry Maslennikov's contributions I've updated the Dockerfile to make the development simpler, images lighter and the building process faster. And it looks more beautiful too ;)

Here is what changed:

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I have wrote an article about how to install the intersystems cache driver in a Docker container, and then deploy it using Azure Functions:

How to run a (Python) Azure Function as a Docker container & Deploy it using Bicep | Victor Sanner

This might be useful to others, especially the dockerfile which I have copied below. This builds a debian docker container and installs the Intersystems Cache driver, which python can then use :)

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Function as a service (FaaS) is a category of cloud computing services that provides a platform allowing customers to develop, run, and manage application functionalities without the complexity of building and maintaining the infrastructure typically associated with developing and launching an app. Building an application following this model is one way of achieving a "serverless" architecture, and is typically used when building microservices applications.


FaaS is an extremely popular approach to running workloads in the cloud, allowing developers to focus on writing code.

This article will show you how to deploy InterSystems IRIS methods in a FaaS way.

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Hi folks!

Sometimes we need the docker image of the InterSystems IRIS solution we build to be published on some docker registry. The cases could be:

  1. Deploy it then in Kubernetes cluster
  2. Let your pal run the image of your public repo without building it locally.

You can push the image to Docker Hub Registry or Github Registry.

In this very short article, I provide a way how to do it automatically on every push to your GitHub repository.

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· Jan 2, 2022 3m read
DB Migration using SQLgateway

Thanks to @Yuri Marx we have seen a very nice example for DB migration from Postgres to IRIS.
My personal problem is the use of DBeaver as a migration tool.
Especially as one of the strengths of IRIS ( and also Caché) before is the availability of the
SQLgateways that allow access to any external Db as long as for them an access usinig
JDBC or ODBC is available. So I extended the package to demonstrate this.

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· Dec 25, 2021 2m read

After >40 years of writing in-countable lines of code in M*/COS/ISOS (and a bunch of archaic languages)
I decided for myself to set a strong signal for the future. We have Embedded Python available
(still pre-release)! I just felt it as a sacrilege to ignore this excellent NEW opportunity and
stay with the old sermon that I had used for decades.

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Hi developers!

ZPM Package Manager is getting more and more popular and thus the library of packages is growing.

And thus some solutions or samples can be built with InterSystems IRIS and one or two packages installed.

I want to share with you iris-docker-zpm-usage-template - a template that can be used exactly for this purpose.

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I have just created a new Global Master Topic, "IRIS Cheatsheets". IRIS has introduced a lot of new functionality, especially in scripting languages, FHIR R4 support, enhanced Interoperability Tools, and IRIS Analytics. Having spent 35 years working on Windows-based PC's and Laptops, I have surprisingly little knowledge of Linux, Docker and Git. Furthermore, I have written almost every application and Interface in ObjectScript with splatterings of SQL, .Net, and Java Gateways and the most basic knowledge of WinSCP, Putty, SSH. All that changed when I received my first Raspberry Pi.

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IMPORTANT NOTE InterSystems no longer provides a separate InterSystems Reports Server container. To run containerized InterSystems Reports Server, use Logi Reports Server container and your InterSystems Reports Server license. Documentation.

InterSystems Reports is powered by Logi Report (formerly named JReport), a product of Logi Analytics. InterSystems Reports is supported by InterSystems IRIS and InterSystems IRIS for Health. It provides a robust modern reporting solution that includes:

  • Embedded operational reporting which can be customized by both report developers and end users.
  • Pixel-perfect formatting that lets you develop highly specific form grids or other special layout elements for invoices, documents, and forms.
  • Banded layouts that provide structure for aggregated and detailed data.
  • Exact positioning of headers, footers, aggregations, detailed data, images, and sub-reports.
  • A variety of page report types.
  • Large-scale dynamic report scheduling and distribution including export to PDF, XLS, HTML, XML, and other file formats, printing, and archiving for regulatory compliance.

InterSystems Reports consists of:

  • A report designer, which provides Design and Preview Tabs that enable report developers to create and preview reports with live data.
  • A report server which provides end users browser-based access to run, schedule, filter, and modify reports.

From InterSystems documentation.

This article focuses on the Server part of InterSystems Reports and provides a guide on running Report Server in containers while persisting all the data.

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· Apr 26, 2021 3m read
SSH for IRIS container

Why SSH ?

If you do not have direct access to the server that runs your IRIS Docker container
you still may require access to the container outside "iris session" or "WebTerminal".
With an SSH terminal (PuTTY, KiTTY,.. ) you get access inside Docker, and then, depending
on your needs you run "iris session iris" or display/manipulate files directly.

This is not meant to be the default access for the average application user
but the emergency backdoor for System Management, Support, and Development.

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Some changes in IRIS configuration require a restart of IRIS.
This is no big issue as long as I have access to the server command line with sufficient privileges.

In a container, this is not always given.
Stopping IRIS from the terminal/session prompt is no problem.
But the restart after is.

Note1: container start-stop is no option as it might be removed by option --rm in docker run
Note2: the target is linux (manly in docker). Windows is excluded


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· Mar 27, 2021 3m read
IRIS easy ECP workbench

Testing ECP-based applications often take quite some effort for setup and preparation.
I have created a Docker-based workbench that allows you to have it quick at hands.
And if you crash it? You just give your containers a fresh start.
The whole setup runs code-based during the start-up of your instance.
In that sense, it is also a portable coding example using ZPM and the objectscript-docker-template

see Video

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In this article, we will run an InterSystems IRIS cluster using docker and Merge CPF files - a new feature allowing you to configure servers with ease.

On UNIX® and Linux, you can modify the default iris.cpf using a declarative CPF merge file. A merge file is a partial CPF that sets the desired values for any number of parameters upon instance startup. The CPF merge operation works only once for each instance.

Our cluster architecture is very simple, it would consist of one Node1 (master node) and two Data Nodes (check all available roles). Unfortunately, docker-compose cannot deploy to several servers (although it can deploy to remote hosts), so this is useful for local development of sharding-aware data models, tests, and such. For a productive InterSystems IRIS Cluster deployment, you should use either ICM or IKO.

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· Oct 6, 2020 2m read
An overview of npm-iris

What is npm-iris?

N.P.M stands for "No Project Mess."

N.P.M. is a Project & Task Management app that uses InterSystems IRIS and Bootstrap 4.

No Project Mess is created to help developers and small business companies to reduce complexity in their daily problems, with a simple and intuitive projects and tasks management software.

It offers different views for your tasks, from a spreadsheet, kanban, calendar, or even Gantt!

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