· Mar 17, 2016
Atelier Debugging

I am trying to debug a class on Atelier and it is not stopping at the defined breakpoint.

Atelier IDE Version: 1.0.107 - Cloud Connection

I have already taken a look at the Community´s Atelier Debugging Video and followed the steps without success.

Can anybody help me on that?


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Using our cool new debugging extension for Visual Studio Code I'm trying to debug a CreateProjection method of a class, but when I compile it the work apparently gets done in one of the worker jobs, so my breakpoint never triggers.

Is there a compiler flag or qualifier to force the compilation to be done in-process rather than getting handed off to a worker job?

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Hi all,

For custormer support reasons we would like to know if its possible to activate some kind of flag or see/redirect wich is the code (lines) being executed when some misterious problems appear.

Is there any way to view the stack of execution code on a deployed code environment? Is there any other equivalent way to track the execution stack for a certain period of time?

Best regards

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OAuth server to be deployed on the IRIS learning cloud platform. Clients - one on the other instance of the learning IRIS server, the other client locally on my computer in the container docker.

Both clients get a seemingly correct link (through ##class(%SYS.OAuth2.Authorization).GetAuthorizationCodeEndpoint()) to the login request form:

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We have a large number of processes and operations being applied to outbound HL7 messages from our PAS.

If I select a message, and open its visual trace, I see the service, as well as all processes, and operations.

My debugging is often about a new operation, and I don't need to see all the other operations that are in functioning as desired.

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I'm getting thousands of errors like the ones below:

2021-05-03 14:11:44 [SQLCODE: <-400>:<Ocorreu um erro fatal>] [Cache Error: <<READ>Dispatch+14^%SYS.BINDSRV>] [Location: <ServerLoop>] [Client info: <Username: KIORAS, Node Name: 3IK0VLS5UU, IP Address:, Executable Name: EXTRService.exe, Internal Function: B0>] [%protocol: <52>] $Id: //ce/2018.1.2/kernel/common/src/aclass.c#1 $ 23468 104

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We have a custom business service that is triggered by a scheduled task. The service queries a table, iterates over the result set and sends a message on to a business process for each result. Happy path functionality is all fine.

However, when there is an error detected in the business service code, neither throwing an exception nor returning an error %Status behaves as we'd expect.

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Hi everyone,

I've encountered this annoying issue so many times before, if any one also encounter this issue, please share here if you have any solution.

So, I've been working on a web service project using HealthShare 2015. Sometimes I have to set a debug target to a csp file to debug it. If I pause the debug process about 3 minutes above or so (to examine an object, variable, etc..) the studio will hang.

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If I open a terminal and type the following commands, sc is an error:

set validator = "sc = ##class(%Library.Numeric).IsValid(""BLAH"")"
set @validator
write sc

At the end, when I write sc I get:


However, if I call the following class method using the arguments "%Library.Numeric" and "BLAH", sc is undefined

0 12
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Exported contents of a namespace on one server (classes, include files and lookup tables). Importing that code into a newly created namespace on another server. Both servers Ensemble 2018.1, same build. Export was via InterSystems Studio. Export is around 18Mb in total (XML file sizes).

When importing and compiling on the new server, getting errors as below - with #6301: SAX XML Parser error prominent - on a number of the imported files, all containing data transformations or business processes.

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Hi guys,

I need to check my HTTPS POST REQUEST, in order to do this I try to catch it by using wireshark.

I can't see anything because of the encryption.

I try unsuccefully to use the SSLKEYLOGFILE key (windows 11), but the generated file did not increase when I trigger my code OR postman, it grows only by the action of the web browser.

My question is so simple :

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I am reading in an X12 document into my production that needs to be processed and returned as a CSV file. I have created a record map to support the fields I want to extract with a batch class to store headers. I have a DTL mapping the data to the appropriate fields in the record map and am sending the record map to a EnsLib.RecordMap.Operation.BatchFileOperation.

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I don't know if the title is accurate enough. I have a legacy code that I need to optimize. It's a routine written in objectscript. It accepts 4 parameters and runs 6 nested FOR...$ORDER reading a big global.

The thing is when I run the routine the first time it takes around 60 seconds to run. If I run it again it takes 5 seconds. If I wait around 6 to 10 minutes to run it again, it takes 60 seconds again, but if I run it every 1, 2, 3... minutes it still takes only 5 seconds to run.

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