· Dec 31, 2019 3m read
Portlets that use data from DeepSee

In the previous part of this series, we saw how to reference a web page that will enhance our dashboard experience. Now we will look into referencing data that is already in our cubes.

In this example, we will be referencing the controller object and we will be extracting data from it. This data will then be displayed as text in our Dashboard. In Part 5, we will show how to incorporate this data into other charting libraries.

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Can anyone clarify to me about the differences between these two classes?

People in this topic stated that %SQL.Statement (I am assuming they mean to talk about %SQL.StatementResult) is newer than %Library.ResultSet. But I don't really know what are the advantages of %SQL.Statement over %Library.ResultSet as the people in the topic somehow didn't mention them.

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I am trying to use the %ListOfDataTypes functionality, but am hitting a limit of 50 characters for each entry, when being used in a Web Service. Is there a way to increase the number of characters that can be used in the %ListOfDataTypes through a web service?

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· Dec 26, 2019
Performant index on date field

Is there a way to get a good performing index on a date field? I have tried various date property indexes and the query plan is always in a pretty high range. Below are query plan result values I have observed:

StartDate > '2019-12-01' --cost = 699168
StartDate = '2019-12-21' --cost 70666
StartDate between '2019-12-21' and '2019-21-28' --cost = 492058

The query plans above were for type %TimeStamp.

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· Dec 26, 2019
File System

Hello All,

I am working on Files where I have to compare contents of two files and display result.
e.g Suppose file1 contains data in Name and Roll form and file2 contains data in name and class form, so it should compare name from file1 and file2 and display those matching data(Name,Roll,class).

I have piece of idea about file system so any help would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.


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Does anyone know of an API that will do a hostname look-up based on IP? We could of course use call-out but the format of the results vary based on OS and if there is already an ObjectScript tool which will parse this then we'd rather use what is already available.


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Hello All,

I connected the Cache from Power BI using ODBC connection. And I can able to view the tables but I could't able to view the data records. getting some error when I shoot on the table name. I couldn't trace what I'm missing. Please help me.

Error Message: "Value cannot be null. Parameter name: exceptionType"


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I am planning to build a WebApp that will have tons of data to display in tables, ability to add comments on that table rows and may be some few more small features as we move on.

1. It has to be Secure

2. It has to be fast

3. It has to be Non CSP / Non Zen

4. Will have Cache DB to pull records from but should be flexible to do that from any odbc resource

5. Version 2018 Ensemble

My first step would have been to investigate different options for technologies that would make it work and best suited with Ensemble 2018

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Hi Folks,

I would like to visulaize the tables and data on Power BI, so I try to connect the romote server to Power BI to access the tables and data of remote server. I can able to connect that remote server to our Studio also able to view class files.
But I couldn't able to connect the remote server to power BI. I'm getting the below error while click on the tables

"Expression.Error: This native database query isn't currently supported"

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I configured a SQL inbound adapter to monitor my local Cache database.

But I got "ERROR <Ens>ErrOutConnectFailed: ODBC Connect failed for 'SAMPLES' /
'' with error ERROR #6022: Gateway failed: DSN/User Connect."

Same error if the DSN setting is blank or set to my namespace.

Question is whether SQL inbound adapter is for external database server ONLY?

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In the previous part of this series, we saw how to define a basic portlet. Now we will look into making this portlet reference a web page that will enhance our dashboard experience.

In this example, we will be embedding a Developer Community article along side a couple of widgets displaying information related to the number of views on the Developer Community articles. This example is not hosted on the Community Analytics server, but if it was we could see the view counts going up as we interacted with the page.

Why use this?

In a real case, perhaps you have an embedded page from an external web site showing the current Emergency Room wait times for Hospitals in your area. This portlet can be used along side widgets from your Emergency Room showing how many people are waiting, how many doctors are active, and how many people are being treated. As other Emergency Room wait times grow, you can possibly expect your volume to increase as well. This can help you make decisions on how to allocate resources.

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· Dec 12, 2019 2m read
Creating Portlets in DeepSee

What is a portlet?

The simple answer is: a custom widget. A portlet can exist by itself on a DeepSee dashboard, it can be used along side standard DeepSee widgets, or along side other portlets. The rendering of the custom widget is completely user defined. This means you can embed a web page, create a form to perform any sort of action needed based on the data on your dashboard, use third party charting libraries, or simply display data from outside of a DeepSee cube.

How to get started

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· Dec 12, 2019
Bootstrap Tables & CSP

Hello All,

We need to develop a small csp application which shows data in simple paginated / searchable table for business users.

It is to be built on an old version of Cache and is not a big full fledged application but something temporary. We can't use Zen and using a combination of csp & Bootstrap as bootstrap makes the pages look beautiful with little effort.

I have built the table in boostrap and it works fine with pagination and search working perfectly

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Hello, InterSystems community!

Lately, you have probably heard of the new InterSystems Package Manager - ZPM. If you're familiar with it or with such package managers as NPM, Dep, pip/PyPI, etc. or just know what is it all about -- this question is for you! The question I want to arise is actually a system design question, or, in other words, "how should ZPM implement it".

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Hello guys,

Is it possible to map a package as read only?

I know it is possible to mount the source database as read only and map the package in the target namespace. But I would like to make the mapping read only so that the package would be "read only" only in the target namespace.

This would avoid someone to forget to set the database read only again if a modification in the package is needed.

Thanks in advance.

Jonas Zanon

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I have written a procedure with the help of object scripting to export data to a csv file. There is more data than the csv limit.

Can anyone please tell me how to get the row count of csv file using object scripting, so that I can write an if condition and write to a second csv file.

Please find the code writing to the csv given below.

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Our current file repository was on a linux server, but it has been having issues. For this reason, we are moving the data to SharePoint online, since we already pay for the service. It seems there is not an option to ftp/sftp files to/from the SharePoint Online server from our RedHat server (Cache for UNIX (Red Hat Enterprise Linux for x86-64) 2015.2.3 (Build 855_0_17370))

How would I send and receive From the RedHat server to the SPO Server?

I'd love full example code, but any help pointing me in the right direction would be much appreciated.

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I am generating the DDL from a modeling tool - ERStudio. But the DDL has 2 issues right now.

The Constraints is not supported but works with the statement - DROP TABLE Study_Definition.EVENT_STORE CASCADE;

Second if there is no object to drop, it throws an error, so is there a check like in sql server If_Exists that we can use in CacheDB?

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