· Apr 22, 2021
Cache code conversion tool


I have a requirement to convert few screens having character based interface built in Cache to a web based interface in Java while still keeping Cache as the backend which means database will remain the same. Wanted to know if we have any tool in the market which can help doing that keeping in consideration that these screens in cache are using mumps code.

If we don't have any tool, would appreciate if someone shares their experience in the manual conversion as well.

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Hi All,

I am taking a look at some legacy coding as it seems to be generating an error when processing the messaging. The message being process contains a PDF which we are transforming into a stream and sending to another system.

I have noticed this issue only occurs with PDFS that are roughly 2800kbs in size or above. All other PDFS process fine.

The error that it is generating is proDOCMAN BPL Error: 5002 : Cache error: <MAXSTRING>zS2+72^pacDOCMAN.proDOCMAN.Thread1.1

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There is test folder inside my sftp server. I executed the below lines of code

s ssh = ##class(%Net.SSH.Session).%New()

d ssh.Connect("host")

d ssh.AuthenticateWithUsername(username,password)

d ssh.OpenSFTP(.sftp)

s remote="\test\sample1.txt"

s local="c:\orders\sample1.txt"

s status=sftp.Put(local,remote)

I get the below error

"MSSH Error [8010102B]: Unable to send FXP_OPEN* [8010102b] at SFTP.cpp:539,0Put,IM%e^zPut+2^%Net.SSH.SFTP.1^1e^^^0"

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During some consulting activity, I found at the client's site CACHEAUDIT database of more than 100 GB size. The reason was simple: several processes produced a great amount of %System/%System/OSCommand audit records due to frequent external calls ($zf(-100,...)). As it is well-known, those events can be easily disabled systemwide, while this can be hardly considered secure enough. Reducing the number of days before audit cleanup from default 62 to some reasonable figure (e.g. 15) seems to be a better solution, but...

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NewBie's Corner Session 22 Parameters Part III

Welcome to NewBie's Corner, a weekly or biweekly post covering basic Caché Material.


In Sessions’ 20 and 21 on Parameters we saw how to call one routine from another with parameters as well as calling one Label from another with parameters. In these examples, the data was passed through the parameters from the calling routine or label to the called routine or label.

Now suppose you wanted the called routine or label to pass data back?

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Hello guys,

Is it possible to map a package as read only?

I know it is possible to mount the source database as read only and map the package in the target namespace. But I would like to make the mapping read only so that the package would be "read only" only in the target namespace.

This would avoid someone to forget to set the database read only again if a modification in the package is needed.

Thanks in advance.

Jonas Zanon

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NodeJs(v0.10.0) to Intersystems Cache2014( using cache0100.node) network connection Not working .

This is error msg i'm getting

"{ ErrorMessage: 'Error loading Cache Library: _SYSTEMcache.dll; Error Code : 126 (The specified module could not be found.)',
ErrorCode: 1009,
ok: 0 } "

My Code ->{ip_address:"",tcp_port:57772,username: "_SYSTEM",password: "SYS",namespace: "USER"},function(err,res){

console.log("Error : ",err);console.log("Result : ",res);


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Hi everybody,

Is there any functionality I could use that triggers real time user-defined code on certain audit events? Right now I am interested in triggering such code on a routine modification event, like the one below. I do know how to access this record programmatically, via %SYS.Audit.

Thanks in advance,

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Hello to all my fellow Cache Experts. Quick question about the MONLBL output that identifies performance issues. There is a metric value output by MONLBL called "Obtain [NEW] connection to Cache". Supposedly that metric captures the time taken between the request reaching the CSP Gateway and a connection to Cache being reserved for the purpose of servicing the request. All of that being said, if that metric value is high for many requests, such as 19.x seconds, then can anyone tell me what that metric really means and how to improve (lower) the new connection to Cache time. The com

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Have enabled LDAP for our numerous , Ensemble, IRIS and cache instances with many namespaces. All is working fine and the ldap logins work.

But have noticed that the first instance that the user logs into the namespace is assigned to that user, but when that user than logs into another instance the default namespace from the first login is still there and doesn't update to the new namespace.

So this doesn't effect the ldap login but is now effecting the terminal logins where the user is now getting access denied.

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When i click on the menu to run the Data import wizard from MP, i receive following CSP error

<UNDEFINED>zOnPageHEAD+229^%cspapp.exp.utilsqleximwizardcontent.1 *schemaname : CSP Error

It is happening for all the namespaces. Looks like some permission issue. Same issue with Data Export wizard. Help to resolve this will be appreciated.

I am using

Cache for Windows (x86-64) 2017.2.2 (Build 865_0_18763U)


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· May 7, 2020

We are getting CoClass not available [80040111] when using %Net.SSH.Session. Does anyone know if there is a security setting that would disable this object?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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· Dec 2, 2019
Operation System Permission

Hi all...

I am try to execute a class method from JDBC connection. My method are simple, just create a file at $HOME like this:

set sc='$zf(-1,"touch $HOME/lixo.txt > /var/tmp/log666 2>&1")

I put a log file to this commnad because it's don't work, and in log file i get this:

touch: cannot touch ‘/root/lixo.txt’: Permission denied

after to try other commands I found that user and enviromnent variables are diferents:
I try this:

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I would like to know if an encrypted caché database can run significantly slower than a normal "unencrypted" database, in a way that is noticeable to the end user (e.g. slower response time for most pages, especially the ones that rely on read/writing to globals).

I searched in Intersystems knowledge base and couldn't find anything related. I'm looking for possible before/after benchmarks.

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Well I want to set the type of a piece in a global as a String, because when I use float numbers , the system parse them to numbers instead of use like strings and thats a little bit tricky with the sorts

Here is a code example:

ACB>s ^a("1.0012")=""// that is going to be stored as a number

ACB>s ^a("1.0011")="" // that is going to be stored as a number

ACB>s ^a("1.0010")="" // that is going to be stored as string

ACB>zw ^a




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