· Jun 8, 2017
SQL Connect

How to simply going to get the value of the system language from ^%z? Because I got a problem, U2 context isn't setup while connecting the SQL Connect.

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I am facing issue with cache database it is part of schneider PES software..the issue started with below:

and after some reinstallation i became not able even to install it.

receiving always message:

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I am in the planning stages of making things more uniform in our routines and I would like to know what the easiest way would be to include an .inc at the beginning of each .mac routine. Has anyone written something that would open all routines and place something into the first row while leaving the rest of the routine unchanged? Thanks for any guidance you all may provide.

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I have downloaded an evaluation copy of Cache and installed on a Windows 2016 R2 machine. I wanted to Configure different locations for DAT, WIJ, and Journal files but the installation process didn't give me such a "custom" option. I do see that the installation guide mentions the presence of such an option so I am wondering if this is a limitation of evaluation copies. Can someone please confirm?

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· Mar 11, 2021

Is there any reason that property method DisplayToLogical() is not calling before object saving?

I have such situation and do not know how it is possible

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NewBie's Corner Session: 5 Operator Precedence

Welcome to NewBie's Corner, a weekly or biweekly post covering basic Caché Material.

Click on the Caché Cube in your system tray and select Terminal to try out the commands.

Order Precedence means the order in which mathematical operators are executed. In a Mathematical expression, you may have Multiplication, Addition, Subtraction, and Division. Which of these are executed first, second, third, etc.?

The basic Operator Precedence of mathematics is:

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Hello Global masters,

I have some question about How can I connect C# to Cache Object without VisM?

I am always using VisM when I want to connect C# to Cache Object becouse I learn it from my co-worker .

but When I asked something in here about Cache Object and someone worte "don't use VisM because it is old thing" like that.

So I want to know about that

Thank you


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Advent of Code is a series of programming challenges for beginners and experienced Caché programmers.

For an introduction : look at article

In this challenge, you need to find a password using instructions to move on a keypad.
Instructions can be U(p), D(own), L(eft) and R(ight).

You start at button 5 on a keypad like

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I am struggling to print out the actual property values of the Security.System class.

I was hoping to be able to print the Authentication Enabled properties of a system from the command line using the Get or GetProperties class method. Currently, however, I am only able to get a return 1 or Invalid Oref error.

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Hello all!

As we ObjectScript developers have been experiencing, preparing an environment to run CI related tasks can be quite the chore.
This is why I have been thinking about how we could improve this workflow and the result of that effort is IRIS-CI.

See how it works here.


1.Download the image from the Docker Hub registry:

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· Sep 21, 2017
Searching Refactoring tool

Hello everybody,
we would like to be able to analyze a rather complex software application, which has been programmed in “M” for a number of years by different developers, by means of a tool.
Our goal is to find a starting point for a code refactoring process. In the long run we would like to gradually eliminate the code growth points.
Does anyone know of a tool that can help us to do this?
So far, we have only found "RE / m" etc. by George James Software, but we do not yet know if these tools will help.

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· Jun 24, 2016 1m read
2016.2 Field Test Kit 2016.2.0.677.0

I am pleased to announce the next 2016.2 field test kit, 2016.2.0.677.0.

I haven’t sent an update to this thread in a while and it should come as no surprise that there has been quite a lot of development going on since I wrote about build 632. In fact, there have been almost 300 changes covering most areas of the product.

The accumulated list of fixes to problems found in the field since build 632 includes the following changes:

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· Mar 15, 2016 1m read
Code metrics over time

Among the outputs of our Yuzinji tool are two code metrics that it can be interesting to track over time as a development project proceeds. These are Size and XS. The first is fairly straightforward. As you write more code the size of your codebase increases. The XS metric (pronounced "excess") aims to quantify excessive structural complexity.

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Dear community

I'm using HealthShare on Cache 2017.2. I'm trying to find out how I can get a list of all the custom classes, routines and globals in %SYS namespace (if it's even possible).

We're about to perform an upgrade, and in the docs it mentions needing to check for anything custom in %SYS to avoid important stuff being overwritten. Some of our solutions have been developed by an external consultancy and we want to make sure that none of their code or data will be affected by the upgrade.

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Initially when setting up a cache instance one creates or imports the user/ resources roles etc .

After the Mirror has been activated you can add users, resources etc. But when trying to add new SQL Table privileges to a namespace where the databases are mirrored it seems that you are not able to , Getting error:

ERROR #5002: Cache error: <DIRECTORY>SQLUserPrivsExecute+13^%SYS.SQLSEC

SOURCE ELEMENT: %CSP.UI.Component.SQLTables (SQLTables)

How do you maintain these privileges?

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I want to create a CSP page that returns a pdf.
The pdf is identified by a pdftoken parameter.

My goal is to validate the token and return the pdf (ContentType=”application/pdf”) if the token
is good and return a text error message "Bad Token" (ContentType=”text/plain”) if the token is missing or bad.

My issue seems to be associated with ContentType. I can define one ContentType that works for the pdf or the error message.
I am unable to change the ContentType.

Any assistance is appreciated.

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Today in docs I found this example using NULL:



zzdump $LB(NULL)

and NULL can be case-insensitive:

zzdump $LB(null)

seems the same as just:

zzdump $LB()

But if null variable is defined then list would contain value from variable. Case sensitive in that situation.

Does anyone have any Idea what is this? Is NULL used anywhere besides as a list element?

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