I want to make the LOCATION for a %Stream.FileCharacterGzip property we have in a class parameterisable (as in stored in a global), so it can be different for different customers. Is that possible? I've tried doing it a few different ways:
Creating a parameter
Parameter STREAMLOC = {^websystem("auditstream-location")};
then I tried to reference that in the

Property HTMLZIPDoc As %Stream.FileCharacterGzip(LOCATION = ..#STREAMLOC);

but the compiler doesn't like that.

0 4
0 203
· Dec 9, 2021 2m read

Millions of professionals use a wonderful tool, spreadsheets, for engineering calculations and financial analysis. It attracts a user-friendly interface and clear data organization. Cell formulas provide rich opportunities for automating calculations. No programming is required.

5 2
0 485

Hi everyone

I see that a new Apache bug has been discovered, and since various InterSystems products use an Apache webserver, have Intersystems released any news or updates on this? I'm not seeing any updates, press releases from them. Anyone know anything?


0 7
0 824

Hi members,

I have these data :

and need to exploit the first character of cot field (Library CDU classification) like this :

I get this result... it's approximatively what I want... but I need it in just one line !

With mySQL I get it with just GROUP BY rcddate

0 3
0 330

I've been accessing Cache tables from a developer/reporting side, but am now involved in a project to create a data warehouse for our application. I'm trying to find a query I can use to return the sizes of all the tables in the database, so we can identify the largest tables and handle those individually. Can someone give me a query I can run against our Cache database to return the sizes of all the tables from largest to smallest?

Thanks for the help

0 8
0 769

When i use &sql(SELECT ......) in Cache I can watch the generated code
In the generated .int code and see what is happening.
Just with my normal rights

Now in IRIS I have just 4 line calling some class %sqlcq.***
With enough rights i find there is no such class but the generated .int routine
That holds the code that i had in my .int on Cache

Can i switch this back somehow ?

0 7
0 513
· Dec 1, 2021
web development

Hello everybody

I'm in need of a lot of help from you.
I work in a company with all system cached script, using global.

I need to develop web applications accessing the cache database, and global.

Could you help me indicate the best language option to develop web applications, and easier to access cache, and if possible send me some examples of applications accessing globals.

I thank you all.


0 3
0 383
· Dec 3, 2021


How to clean cachetemp/CACHE.DAT, without cache restart?

I have the procedure to clean cachetemp/CACHE.DAT in my scritp stop/start cache, but, in some cases, I need to clean this base without restart.

It's possible?

0 2
0 452

Created by Daniel Kutac, Sales Engineer, InterSystems

Warning: if you get confused by URLs used: the original series used screens from machine called dk-gs2016. The new screenshots are taken from a different machine. You can safely treat url WIN-U9J96QBJSAG as if it was dk-gs2016.

Part 2. Authorization server, OpenID Connect server

9 12
3 5.3K
· Apr 4, 2019
ODBC Drivers

Hi All,

I would like to download odbc drivers for Cache database to be able to install it on our SQL server.

I am trying to create a linked server to Cache database.

I couldn't find a link for the drivers, there was one post with FTP reference to download but it doesn't seem to work.

I will be grateful for any help.

Thank you


0 8
0 17.8K

I programmed some server command by my own. That server commands worked fine for a long time.

Suddonly I received

Studio Action "Attempted Edit" not supported on[CTAE01]

by using one of my server commands.

There is an explanation:

Error running command vscode-objectscript.serverCommands.contextOther: Running the contributed command: 'vscode-objectscript.serverCommands.contextOther' failed.. This is likely caused by the extension that contributes vscode-objectscript.serverCommands.contextOther.

0 2
0 304

Pouring The Coffee: Creating and scheduling a task

Don't you wish a fresh, hot cup of coffee could be waiting for you right when you get into the office? Let's automate that!

Cache and IRIS come with a built-in Task Manager, which should have a familiar feel to those used to using the Windows task scheduler or using cron on Linux. Your user account will need access to the %Admin_Task resource to use it, and you can access it in the management portal under System Operation -> Task Manager. When first installed, there are roughly 20 types of task that you can schedule.

10 7
5 1.4K