· May 13, 2020
How could we install zpm?


We have read the installation guide to get started with zpm package manager:

We wonder what means the second step:

"Import the zpm.xml into IRIS and compile via any desired way (Management Portal, Studio or Terminal)"

We have thought that it means to place the zpm-0.2.2.xml file inside "C:\InterSystems\HealthShare_2\opt\contenedor"

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Hi Community,

I have created SOAP service and WSDL generated. While accessing WSDL URLs, it is redirecting to login page and giving access with production credentials.

I have tried to invoke form webservice clinet (soapui /postman), endup with authentication failed error.

Same service I am able to access from Terminal.

Could you please help me to access Production exposed SOAP service with out authentication.

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The MONITOR process (also called the Caché Monitor) scans the messages in your cconsole.log file and sends you emails based on the severity of those messages. The MONITOR is configured using the ^MONMGR utility in terminal.

The MONITOR should not be confused with the similarly named System Monitor, which checks a variety of system health and performance metrics and can log messages regarding them to the cconsole.log, where they can then be scanned by the MONITOR.

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· Feb 3, 2022

Could be enabled a service as "%service_telnet" from cmd? I need to open a cache terminal from cmd but without this service enabled it is not possible, I mean avoiding the use of manage portal of course.

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Hi Folks,

I created a persistent class as below

Class myclass.DataBase Extends %Persistent

Property ID As %String;

Property Skill As list Of myclass.SerialTablelist;

and Created another Serial class as

Class myclass.SerialTablelist Extends %SerialObject

Property PSkill As %String;

Property OSkill As %String;

Now I will save the id as below

do rs.Prepare("Insert into myclass.DataBase(ID)VALUES(?)")
do rs.Execute(ID)
0 12
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I'm using cache win10-x64 version 2017.2.1.801

I want to uniquely identify the installation of cache, and from that create a meaningful unique folder names to store files.

so to generate \192-168-1-100\KEVDEV\testfolder \ and \192-168-1-5\LIVE\testfolder\

so in this case, I could- use the IPaddress and thesecond part of $SYSTEM (cache instance name) - at least this way, I can instantly see where it came from with little risk of overwriting between cache instance.

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0 1.3K
· Jan 31, 2022
Globals documentation

I have a client with cache instance that is growing by 10-30G/day. In order to determine what is consuming space I ran "DO ^%GSIZE" to generate a report. From the report the bulk of the space consumption is from a couple of globals which appear to be built in globals not user defined. I would like to find documentation that details the function of these globals to help me understand how and why space is being consumed at such a rapid pace.

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Hi Community,

New video is already on InterSystems Developers YouTube! Learn about the easy process of migrating to InterSystems IRIS:

Join Us on a Journey from Caché/Ensemble to InterSystems IRIS
[This is an embedded link, but you cannot view embedded content directly on the site because you have declined the cookies necessary to access it. To view embedded content, you would need to accept all cookies in your Cookies Settings]

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Dear experts,
Can you give tips to solve this issue?

When I try start cache is recording this error message in cconsole.log:

01/31/22-14:11:28:143 (4516) 3 Error: <DIRECTORY>SYSTEM+4^%ZSTART running %ZSTART - Logins are disabled

I try acess terminal and management portal, but are disable because that error.
I dont know how can I enable the logins.

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· Jan 26, 2022
usage of the ^STMONITS global

I am working with a client database that is growing exceptionally fast ( about 15G/day). As I understand it, the usage of the global ^STMONITS to gather statistics can consume a large amount of database space. This client in question is using this global. I would like to determine of the 1.7T size of the database, how much is being consumed with statistics data by the usage of the ^STMONITS global. Is there a method to get this value whether a size or percentage of the database overall size.

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I have been tinkering with FHIR recently and tried to update the FHIR servers Capability Statement after I made some changes. I updated an OAuth2.Issuer Service Registry entrys URL and needed to update the metadata which the FHIR server sends to the client so they can get the updated URL for the authorization server we use.

However, when I run the Console Setup tool with

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I have a PDF ZEN report module that I'm using XslFoXslt to highlight the table cell.

What I need is for a particular value to add a background image to the <item> that is calling the XSLFoXslt

The code I have is the following but all that happens is the color.

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0 1.5K

Hi Developers,

I need to construct a string as xml which consists of "" in it. As example below

set teststr ="<book id="bk105"><author type="old">Corets, Eva</author><title>The Sundered Grail</title><genre>Fantasy</genre></book>"

giving error in the area where " in middle of the string (highlighted in bold)

Could anybody suggest to me, how to construct a static string in object scripts with " in it?

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Astronomers’ tools

5 years ago, on December 19, 2013, the ESA launched an orbital telescope called Gaia. Learn more about the Gaia mission on the official website of the European Space Agency or in the article by Vitaly Egorov (Billion pixels for a billion stars).

However, few people know what technology the agency chose for storing and processing the data collected by Gaia. Two years before the launch, in 2011, the developers were considering a number of candidates (see “Astrostatistics and Data Mining” by Luis Manuel Sarro, Laurent Eyer, William O’Mullane, Joris De Ridder, pp. 111-112):

Comparing the technologies side-by-side produced the following results (source):

Technology Time
DB2 13min55s
PostgreSQL 8 14min50s
PostgreSQL 9 6min50s
Hadoop 3min37s
Cassandra 3min37s
Caché 2min25s

The first four will probably sound familiar even to schoolchildren. But what is Caché XEP?

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I would like to create a toolbar button in Cache Studio. After clicking on it, it would run a custom command (eg: to execute a routine that will clean a global).

I took a look at dialog that is shown after right clicking on a toolbar in Studio, then choosing "Customize" but AFAIK there is nothing there that allow such a thing.

I know it's possible to customize menu items by extending %Studio.SourceControl.Base class, is there something similar for toolbars ?

Here is some base code example (based on Danny Wijnschenk answer) :

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Does anyone know of a relatively quick and straightforward way of converting code written in the old dot scoping syntax with argumentless do (see here for reference: to the modern parentheses scoping syntax? It's not too bad to do it by hand, but it's also easy to make a mistake and leave a "quit" in an if statement by accident for example.


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I am trying to emulate a behavior we used to have on an older Cache' system, namely the ability to call "csession cache" from inside of .bash_profile.

On the older system, passwordless users were allowed, now password is required.

The desired behavior is to have user log into linux and go directly into our cache application, which is character-based.

I have tried this technique, without success:

csession cache < myfile.txt. where myfile.txt contains two lines, username on first line, password on second line.

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I am looking for experience of people running Veeam with Caché databases.

Tips/Tricks/General questions like; what Veeam features are you using, what your backup cycle looks like, where does your data end up, what recovery/integrity checks you do, what sort of compression/dedupe you get.

Also what questions _you_ have and what problems you might be trying to solve.

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