Hi guys,

Cache for Windows (x86-64) 2017.2.1 (Build 801U) Wed Dec 6 2017 09:07:51 EST
Windows Server 2016
We have mapped 6 Databases for Shadowing to shadow/backup server with same kind of environment and platform.
The process for shadowing is growing or keeps on running in back round, not sure whether it will die or not - refer screenshot

We want to know how many process does cache instance will take for one database shadowing

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In .NET Core you have an option to extend a session using a "sliding expiration". This means that if over half the time has passed and the user actively uses their session then the expiry timer gets reset and the user remains logged in. This can lead to the curious situation where you have an active authenticated user with an expired access token being used in data-access requests.

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· Sep 18, 2019
Export Report to Excel

Hello, I created a Zen Report and I want to export to Excel. I read I can use $MODE=xlsx but my output in Excel is not correct. All 3 elements are condensed into one cell. Class AETMON.Report Extends %ZEN.Report.reportPage { /// Class name of application this report belongs to. Parameter APPLICATION; /// Specifies the default display mode used for this report if /// the URL parameter, $MODE, is not present.

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Currently one of our applications, coded in Cache, performs web service API calls out to one of our vendors. We now need to be able to send a Client ID in the portion of the Soap envelope.

I think I have a clue of what I need to do but not 100% sure. We were thinking we could use the method %SOAP.WebClient.SetHttpHeader(field name, value) but when I have tired using this method and looked at the Soap log to see what is sent, the field is never showing. I realized I could be setting the wrong object using the method.

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We often have troubles with performance when joining tables with about 10 million rows together.

Sometimes we can't say what the cache engine is doing, it's just sucks and never finishes.

Then we have to rebuild the query and loop first on Orders and then on OrderPositions.

this is what we want:

EDITED: the join was only forgotten

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· Sep 14, 2019
Replacing character groups

What's the best way to replace character groups?

I want not to remove character groups as $zstrip does but to replace them with whitespaces.

$translate needs explicit character list.

Effectively I want to remove any characters besides letters, numbers and a small (known) subset of punctuation characters, replacing everything else with whitespaces.

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I am implementing free search text box, which can search data in all columns of tables.

I have created DisplayName column by concatinating two column data with space.

SELECT TOP ALL FirstName||' '||LastName AS DisplayName, UserType, IsActive, RoleName, DOB FROM LISDB.ExternalUsers

Now, in where condition I want to do like search in DisplayName column but it not working.

I have tried both fn CONCAT and || in like query but both are not working for me.

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Hello everyone,

I am trying to use @() and SYSTEM() from Cache Terminal. I am searching for blinking text . I have found -5 as a Screen Display Option but not aware like how to use on terminal.
Can any one please help ?


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IRIS offers Durable %SYS Directory as a highly useful feature for working with containers.

Before inventing the wheel once more I'd like to know if a similar feature also exists for Caché / Ensemble.
Official documentation is quite silent about.
Though I have some names in mind that might know more about ( @Luca Ravazzolo ? @Dmitry Maslennikov ? @Eduard Lebedyuk ? )

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· Sep 10, 2019
%OpenId Query

I am new to cache programming language . I am facing below issue . please assist.

Question: One persistent class ID column is a combination of its properties (Roll No and Marks) [ Exact: RollNo||Marks]. When i am running the query from Management portal it is displaying data in the same format and data is there. But in the code if i am making below statement, i am getting null value.

Set ExistsID=##Class(User.School).%ExistsId(RollNo_"||"_Marks)

set ID=##Class(User.School).%OpenId(RollNo_"||"_Marks)

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I had an issue when using the method Exists, I noticed that if you provide a directory for this method it returns 1.
This is really misleading, because sometimes the input could be a directory and the only way to predict this is to also test if the file is a directory.

I didn't tested using the Attributes method, but I supposed that this means could also be a solution for that issue.
But still, I expected the Exists method to return 1 for files and 0 for directories, since there's also method called DirectoryExists already.

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Hi all,

I am trying to create a method to count the number of entries in a global, including all subscripts. I am having a bit of trouble getting the code to make it to the second subscript. When I get to the position where my key is "Canada" and I add a comma and empty quotes to it, it returns USA as the new key when I do the order function. Is the $Order or the global not able to use a single string to represent multiple subscripts?

Here is my global structure:

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I want to do ordering dynamically in Query. I mean to say that order by value will not be hard coded in query, it will be passed in parameter.

I have tried to it following way, but it is not working for me. Can you please advise me how can I achieve it?

In below code, Order by :objSearch.SortingField is not working.

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i have two where-clauses:

a) ... WHERE company=1 and product=7

b) ... WHERE product=7 and company=1

with other words the position of the where fields are swapped.

now the question is:

bring the where clauses a) and b) the same performance(queryplan) or do i have to write it in a special order???

in my point of view, there is a parser/optimizer who cares about this, so i don't have to care about.

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· Sep 5, 2019
Ambiguous sort column error


I have a small SQL question.

Running an example queries in our Samples Namespace:

1. select top 5 Description,Category from Cinema.Film order by Category - runs fine no issues and returns 2 columns as expected

2. select top 5 * from Cinema.Film order by Category - runs fine no issues and returns 8 columns as expected

3. select top 5 Description,Category,* from Cinema.Film order by ID - runs fine no issues, and returns 10 columns, with my first 2 repeated

4. When I try to combine the first 2 queries:

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Hi all,

We just encountered an instance of a result set RS and while looping through the results, RS is getting overwritten when method 1 calls out to method 2 (in the same class). Method 2 creates it own result set also named RS.

This code is several years old and never had this problem. When I changed the name of the result set variable in method 1 the problem cleared up.

I though that variables were automatically 'newed' in classmethods. ???

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Hello Cache Developers! The purpose for this post is to outline a coding challenge that I have encountered when trying to use shortcuts (i.e. CTRL+G) within a ZEN application. Allow me to provide a summarized background:

Our application has a ZEN page (call it the PPL page) with a tablepane that displays a list of records. This page also has an iFrame (#1)

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Hello, has anyone tried to use Caché as a reverse proxy ?

We are trying to embed a dashboard server (Plotly Dash in this case, but it could be anything which runs on its application server) inside our application which is written in Caché.
The dashboard/report server runs locally (for example, or inside a LAN) on port 8080, and has no authentication features, so we have to implement them on a different layer, and we'd like to use Caché for it.

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Hi folks,

My fist post here and a tricky question right away!

I have a remote MySQL database table ("SomeData"; not under my control), and a Caché-class (remote.SomeDataAccess) linked to it via ODBC using the link table wizard.

The remote table has a field "id" which is the primary key and an autoincrement bigint value. This has been considered in the setup and the generated class has an

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